200+ group(week4)

Hey everyone today is the weigh in!!!!! I will post mine later today but I'm not so sure i did the best :grumble: !!! I hope everyone does good today!!


  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks Heather for starting the thread and changing it weekly. We appreciate you :flowerforyou:

    I did well with working out at least 45 min everyday by taking a 3-mile power walk or doing low impact aerobics. 3 days I added an additional 30 min of C25K training. My proudest moment of the week was completing one of the C25K miles in 13 min 08 sec :bigsmile:

    Food this week was not so good. Hint to everyone - if you have company - cook don't eat out. I did well the first day of company when we ate out. By the 3rd day - the healthy options went by the wayside and the old habits came back :grumble: I tried to do better after everyone left but that left over pizza got to me and I ate 2 pieces Tuesday night :angry: I finally pitched it Wed morning - to avoid further temptations. So I only ate well 2 of 7 days.

    Needless to say - I am happy to have just maintained this week. To make things even worse - that TOM started yesterday afternoon...

    SW 225 (Thanksgiving challenge)
    CW 221 (no change this week :smile: it could have been a plus number)
    GW 215 (Thanksgiving day)

    I plan to eat well 7 of 7 days this week and to workout just as often (at least 45 min everyday).
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I am too am worried about Thanksgiving food (especially after last weekend.) As our challenge for the week - why don't we each try to find a healthy recipe or two and post them this week.

    I saw this thread a few days ago. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/70853-a-few-turkey-day-tips-very-helpful
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Last week: 251.6
    Current: 248.8

    I was hoping my Zumba class last night would help me reach 247 but maybe it'll take till Saturday or Sunday to show up....(I weighed myself after Zumba last night and was 248.4, so there's hope!)

    It was my first Zumba class and the first time I used my heart rate monitor. I burned 1150 calories!!! I desperately needed that though cause I bought lunch from the cafe across the hall and ended up having over 1000 calories for lunch yesterday!
  • annscott
    Am just returning to work from having foot surgery which has prevented me from excercising since I can't walk or ride my bike. Trying to keep on track, but 7 weeks of bed/home rest have left me feeling blozy - any suggestions other thankeeping on track with food? thanks
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Hi! I know that you are all on week 4 of your group/challenge, but I have been having trouble finding a group that can help me stay motivated (and allow me to help in return). Being over 200 myself, it definitely is a mental thing that lets me sabotage myself repeatedly.

    Can I join your group if I promise to work with you... and maybe crack a joke now and then?? :bigsmile:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Welcome Malibooti!! I am sure that everyone will agree that you are more than welcome here!!!

    This week was a good week for me. Had a bit of a sinus infection, but made up the missed workout on Wednesday. Stuck to my guns and ate really well...no eating after dinner. Worked out for 40 minutes each day( except the make up day). And I am down 4 pounds!! (which I know isn't completely healthy, but I'll take it after losing only a pound for the past few weeks.

    SW: 230
    CW: 215.5
    GW (thanksgiving): 210
    overall GW: 150
    What's this weeks goal?
    So far we, drink our water for each day....work out 30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week (as far as I know...).
    I second pinto's suggestion for the goal!
    Thanks for doing the group Heater! very appreciated:flowerforyou:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for starting the thread Heather!

    Not surprisingly, not a good week.

    Today: 225.6 (+1 from last week (224.6))

    SW: 230
    CW: 225.6
    GW: 220 (thanksgiving)

    Yeah, definitely not going to make the Thanksgiving day goal, but that's okay. It's more important for me to get into a healthy lifestyle and let the weight come off as it wants to. Of course, I would love to lose it quickly. After the 4 pound lost last week, I can't totally hate on this week, but still depressing. I didn't exercise every day, had a bad weekend of eating... so it's not surprising, but disheartening none the less.

    My goal for this week is to get back on track with exercising. Some cardio every day (at least 20 min). And not let the weekend completely sabotage me like it did this past week.

    As for you all, cds2327, fantastic job! 4 pounds! Weight loss certainly isn't always consistent... I bet it feels good after the last couple of weeks.

    Blombie, that's a crap ton of of calories to lose in the Zumba class! Fantastic! Congrats on the weight loss this week.

    Pinbot, I know how you feel about this week. Not a good eating week for me, and I feel lucky that I only was a +1. Next week will be good... I have a feeling!

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Am just returning to work from having foot surgery which has prevented me from excercising since I can't walk or ride my bike. Trying to keep on track, but 7 weeks of bed/home rest have left me feeling blozy - any suggestions other thankeeping on track with food? thanks

    you can still do arm exercises. Its not much but at least its something...
  • zombiebullet
    Good morning all!
    Heather keep up the great job!
    I stood at 277 I may need to change my exercise routine but as long as my clothes still feels lose and not tight it's all good!
    Have a great weekend and keep all the good work!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Well, no change to report here, I'm still at 220.

    Last week was my tom, so I went over my calorie limit pretty well on a couple of days, but didn't feel like walking. Threw my back out early in the week, and did something screwy to my neck a couple night ago so I feel like I can't move.

    Back on track calorie-wise but waiting for my blinkin' neck & back to calm down.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Malibootie! Welcome to the journey to onederland!!!
  • dldodson75
    Howdy everyone!!! :drinker: Ewww Friday the 13th!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful week and has a even better weekend :happy:

    SW- 248 (10-22-09)
    CW-237 (11-13-09)
    GW-232 (By Thanksgiving)
    Final Goal 170 (no time frame hopefully by May of 10)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sounds like quite a few of us stayed right about the same this week.... as long as we keep on going, I won't be surprised if next week is a good week for a lot of us. I remember when I did weight watchers a few years back, my weight loss would fluctuate from a few pounds lost to nothing or gaining a bit the next week. Just as long as the overall trend is down!

    When I put my jeans on this morning just out of the dryer, they felt looser than normal. Yes! Even since Monday when I last washed them. I took my measurements at the beginning of the month. I'll need to remeasure right around our short-term Thanksgiving goal and see where I am.

    I hope you all have a good weekend! Any big plans? Nothing much going on here. I need to start thinking about what to eat, so I don't sabotage like I did last weekend. Also, do some form of cardio each day.

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    If we were on The Biggest Loser, this would be called Temptation Week!

    My boss is catering Olive Garden for my department next Thursday as a reward for meeting a goal.

    I just added all that food to my food log for next thursday and I will probably be having over 1500 calories for that one meal!! :noway: :brokenheart: (last time they brought in lasagna, spaghetti, salad and breaksticks)

    ok, wouldn't I save a lot of calories by getting my dressing on the side and just lightly dipping my salad in it? and I am willing to give up the croutons (although those are my favorite part of the salad) I am also going to try to stick to just one breadstick (or maybe NO breadsticks....normally I would eat 2...3....maybe 4 of them)

    planning ahead definitely helps....what should I do??? I know I won't be able to turn away free food....much less FREE OLIVE GARDEN!

    oh yeah....and we are supposed to bring in desserts and someone already asked me to bring in my banana pudding (I make a KILLER banana pudding)....so I know I will probably be eating some of that too.

    on the plus side, Zumba class is on Thursdays, so that'll help me burn an extra 1000 calories.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    eeep! Olive Garden can be deadly! I'm sure dressing on the side will help. Not that I really ever do this (haha), but i hear instead of dipping your salad in the dressing, dip your fork in it, then stab some lettuce and repeat! I would try and fill up on the salad to try and pass up some of the more caloric stuff. I think having a breadstick is fine, as long as you know you can keep yourself to just one. Maybe forgo the croutons for the breadstick, or forget the breadsticks and have croutons? I know I have a hard time just stopping. Don't know if there are different size plates, sometimes taking a smaller one can help. The big thing is just watching the portion sizes of the caloric stuff. It's SO TOUGH!

    Your Zumba class sounds great. And holy calorie burning Batman! I'll have to investigate if they have classes in my town. I'm sure they do... it's just the ability to join. So, the HRM arrived safe and sound and is already getting use, eh? I might need to invest in one.

    It's helpful that you know already about how many calories your class will burn and you can anticipate somewhat how many calories the lunch will be. Try and offset some of the calories at other meals of the day. Plus, you can go over... just try and be extra healthy the rest of the week! That's how I view my Monday night pub trivia night. Pub food one night is okay... have to be good the rest of the week!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Welcome welcome everyone!!!:flowerforyou:

    sad to say i am very disappointed with my self. I was happy when i got down to 220.8 and thought oh a little here and there wont do anything well it did:brokenheart: current weight 223 approx.
    how many oz are there when counting pounds??:huh:

    sorry guys i know i dont give the best motivation!

    everyone is welcome here. we start a new thread on thursdays and post or current weights on friday!

    yeah it does seem like a stand still for most but not all....we just gotta keep our heads up and know that we can do it, no excuses!!:drinker:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    sorry guys i know i dont give the best motivation!

    some days we are good at giving motivation.....some days we need to receive motivation.

    thats why theres a big group of us!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So one way to get away from temptation this weekend was to step up my cardio and get out of the apartment. I've been on the look out for a gym in town. Either they looked nasty or were uber expensive, but I think I found the one! It's the county rec center, and is in great condition, not very expensive, a fair amount of machines, indoor track (a must for the michigan winters), classes (zumba! thought of you Blombie!), and a swimming pool (another must). Went for my first time today (you can drop in for just 6 bucks), and did 45 min on the elliptical and another 30 on the bikes. My bum will probably hurt tomorrow... but I plan on going back anyways! It's also on my way to work, so no excuse to either go before work or after on the way home. I bought a membership today, and think it'll be a good investment.

    Eating so far has been on point this weekend as well. Just need to keep it up. Good luck gals! This group has really helped me with motivation!

  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    new day new week!! I plan to make this week better than last!!!:bigsmile: Hope everything works good for everyone this week
  • GreenDayChick820
    my weight as of friday is 219lbs