Atkins Diet



  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I would highly highly advise against the atkins diet. I did it for almost a year and lost 52 lbs. However, when I was done, my blood pressure, cholesterol and vitamin d were all at very bad levels. I also found out (thanks co-workers) that I had occasional bad breath. It's near impossible to keep the weight off. You cannot go your whole life without carbs, and as soon as you re-introduce them, its like a slide, you just go right down and eat all that weight back.

    It really is an awful diet, nice quick fix, yeah meat and cheese is fun to eat, but health wise, and long term, bad idea.

    Just my 2 cents.

    I agree!!!! I did it and lost 60 lbs quick but it was not a permanent solution. I also swear that a lot of the weight shows in my rear end now! Either way, cutting out a vital nutrional item cannot be healthy. Yes we should keep the carbs on the low side and focus on good carbs but removing them is not healthy! Speaking from experience you will feel terrible (sickly), and it will all come back anyways. Don't do it!!!!!
  • sarahbedsaul
    sarahbedsaul Posts: 3 Member
    Any diet that allows you to eat a package of bacon dipped in a jar of mayo is not the best diet in the world. There aren't many nutritionists who would advise anyone to go on this diet, and if they did they would be sure to tell you that when introducing carbs again to do so very slowly, very carefully. As per usual, the best diet is going to be the hardest one. Managing your calories, carbs, fats and protiens as well as interval training between cardio and weight training. Be active, be aware of what goes in your body and unless there's an actual medical reason, your body will respond. It generally won't be 50 pounds in 3 months, but it'll be lasting and you'll feel so much better for it.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Forgive me, but did not Robert Atkins die fat a few years after suffering a heart attack?
    Is this the one we want as fitness guru?
    Be careful taking advice from those who were unable to manifest the fruit of their philosophy.

    actually he slipped on icy pavement and suffered head trama! research before you assume.

    He was overweight, and not far from obese when he slipped on the ice. He was about 6 feet tall and weighed about 200 lbs when he went into the hospital. That puts his BMI at the high end of overweight.
    Right on, but does this matter to those here to defend their guru?
    Once people bow to idols, facts no longer matter.
    Is bacon dipped in mayo that important?
    Well, good Luck!
    I hope you folks do better with this "diet" than its founder.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    OP - Do what works for you and ignore all the Atkins haters. You will gain weight back from any "diet" if you don't stay with it. The people who bash the lifestyle don't really understand it. The people who say it isn't sustainable don't want to give up their processed foods, breads, etc. There are millions of yo-yo dieters in the world who have regained all they have lost from every type of eating plan imaginable. It seems it is just low carb eaters who get slammed for "regaining". Just try it and if it works for you, stick with it. :)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It really needs to be a lifestyle, not a diet. There's nothing wrong with eating low-carb, but the common thread that low carb "dieters" have (with respect to people who assume a low-carb lifestyle) is that they do gain the weight back when they go back to their previous eating habits. I mean, that's true of any diet... You will gain weight back if you don't make a permanent change. But I do see a tremendous number of people who have done Atkins for a while and gained the weight back once they stopped the diet.

    If you can't do this for life, don't do it temporarily. This is why diets don't work.

    You also don't have to pick and choose a diet from a list. Healthy eating isn't an idea that one person has patented and sells books on. Research the food you eat and see where you should be making changes.Eat mostly plants and animals. Grains are high calorie but relatively low in nutrition, if you eat mostly grains then you're likely consuming a lot of empty calories that could be spent on food that's both more beneficial, and more filling. That doesn't mean cutting all grain forever is a lifestyle change that you need to subscribe to.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    This diet was not the best. You can lose the weight real fast, but the minute you stop the diet, the pounds will come back.

    Edit to add: The weight will come back at an unusually high rate at that. Many of my friends, including myself do not think this diet is worth it.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    I did this, lost 14 lbs in the blink of an eye, and was miserable the whole time. I felt the worst I've ever felt -- drained, constant headaches, exhausted, ill. I got down to the same exact weight I am now and QUIT, gaining that 14 lbs back plus quite a few more. A healthy balanced diet and exercise brought me back down to my Atkins low, and I tried on the shorts I bought to celebrate 235lbs back on Atkins... when I was this same exact weight on Atkins, they were tight and uncomfortable to sit down in. Now, those shorts are loose and nearly falling off.
  • Ktuckermk
    Ktuckermk Posts: 4 Member
    I did Atkins last year, lost a lot of weight very quickly, then had to have my gallbladder removed due to the diet. Apparently your body does need some carbs. I got gallstones from not having enough carbs. Then, after stopping the diet (feeling sorry for myself having had surgery and all), my body craved carbs. I guess from not having any, my body decided it had to get all that it missed. I gained every pound back plus 15. I will never do that again.

    I do, however know people that are successful on Atkins - but it has to be a lifestyle choice. You have to be able to do it forever. I think it depends how you feel about carbs. Good luck!
  • The atkins lifestyle is not for everyone, Nor am I looking to do it the rest of my life. I do plan on using it to lose a decent amount of weight were my joints stop hurting making it easier for me to move. then I will complete the phases to slowly introduce carbs back in my system. Once i have completed the phases i should be able to maintain as long as I continue watching what I eat, counting calories and getting the majority of my nutrients from fresh fruits and veggies as well as lean meats. With a big portion of the weight off it will be easier to stay active and maintain it. The diet has changed alot over the last 13 yrs since i've done it before. they now are telling you to keep your calories lower and get 12-15 of your daily carbs from fresh greens and the others from meat and cheese. If done correctly, health shouldnt be an issue. I can have hardboiled eggs for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and grilled fish or chicken with a side of veggies for dinner and still be keeping the "atkins way of life". Theres no need to dip "bacon in mayo" as most believe, many just choose to use their carbs that way because they still want to eat the foods that got them to where they are in the first place. I didnt mean to cause any debates on this forum, was simply asking if any others were using the plan. Again it is not for everyone. Good luck to all, whichever path they choose to reach their goal.