T.H.E. Team (Trying Hard Everyday) Week 39 ~ Newbies Welcome



  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    So, I was already really excited about my garage gym and the equipment I have now - and then today, I walk outside this morning and my neighbor a couple doors down is having a garage sale and guess what I see?? A Gazelle and a recumbant bike!! For a GREAT price!! So, I bought them both! I now have such a great gym! Today I burned 320 calories on the Gazelle then did a thirty minute circuit with the weights. I have absolutel NO EXCUSE for not working out on a very regular basis!

    And then, to top off a really great day, I was pulling winter clothes out of the upstairs closet and found some of my old jeans size 14s and 12s - tried them on and the 14s fit great! and the 12s - well, I can get them on but I can't breathe and I can't button them, but HEY! I am thrilled about the size 14s!

    Crazybee - Soooo happy to see you! Get back on track girl - you can do this! Hugs to you for being there for your friend ~ that's what life is all about. Now, take care of YOU so that you can be healthy to keep taking care of others!:drinker:

    JLB - You definately have a lot going on - Good for you! And mmmmmmm, Mexican - my personal favorite! I have faith in you that you can make good choices and keep physically active even with everything you have going on. Afterall, this is life, right? Just further evidence this isn't a "diet", its a lifestyle change:bigsmile:

    Pawprint - Way to call 'em out girl!!! Love it! And I know you can get that 10 pounds off by Christmas - and definately by New Years! I know what you mean about it being a bit depressing when you come on the thread and no one has posted. But please don't get discouraged ~ when I come on and no ones around, I cruise the other threads looking for info that can help in my journey - I think it's easy to skip posting when we aren't doing that well - but the point of THE Team is to encourage and support and hold each other accountable! All of which you are great at doing! I, for one, am sooo glad you are here!

    CC - Congratulations on meeting that mini goal early!!! Way to go!!! I guess we'll stick with this thread for another week since we're only on page four - there hasn't been much activitiy the last week or two. I guess we are actually now on week 41!

    K, I'm off to shower and get on my jammies:yawn: Long day and I am ready to relax~
    later gaters,
  • cc_campbell81
    So, I was already really excited about my garage gym and the equipment I have now - and then today, I walk outside this morning and my neighbor a couple doors down is having a garage sale and guess what I see?? A Gazelle and a recumbant bike!! For a GREAT price!! So, I bought them both! I now have such a great gym! Today I burned 320 calories on the Gazelle then did a thirty minute circuit with the weights. I have absolutel NO EXCUSE for not working out on a very regular basis!

    I am so jealous! Congrats on finding a great deal. I wish I could have a home gym but I live in an apartment. It's wierd I always have the urge to work out at like 8 or 9 pm!

    CC - Congratulations on meeting that mini goal early!!! Way to go!!! I guess we'll stick with this thread for another week since we're only on page four - there hasn't been much activitiy the last week or two. I guess we are actually now on week 41!

    Thanks. Just wanted to make sure I was still posting in the right place.
  • pawprint061
    Way to go Lulu.. that's awesome. Fitting into smaller jeans is a plus no matter what size they are. And way to go on adding to your gym even more. Now your right, there's no excuse lol.

    CC-I always want to work out at night too... it's strange. But if I work out that late then I'm up even later because I'm full of energy after a work out.

    I guess we'll stay on this thread for another week. If no one makes a new thread next friday I will make one.

    I have a mini challenge. I would like to see who can do it including myself. We all have that one food that gets us... mine for example isn't a food but it's pop. I wasted away 440 calories today on it. Tsk tsk me I know.. but I asking for one week let's all give it up. Just that one item that gets us... I want to see if I can do it. I did it for awhile but I started getting horrible headaches due to something else and the caffeine helped me survive lol. Anyone up for it? If you can't give it up completely at least cut back on it... let's really put our ability to control our weakness's to the test...
    Good luck and I hope you'll try it.
  • pawprint061

    Jlb - Plateaus come and go, it's true, but UGGHHH how I hate them!:grumble: . Have you recalculated your BMR and calorie requirements since you've lost quite a bit of weight now? I didn't know to do that until someone pointed it out to me ~ so just thought I'd mention it. AND with as much as you are exercising, are you sure you're getting enough cals?? A couple of things to think about~

    Yep, I've recalculated, thanks for looking out for me though! And yep, I've thought about the not getting enough calories thing. I actually decided if I don't lose anything next week I'm going to try eating more. I know my net calories are *really* low some days but I was going with the school of thought that folks with a body fat percentage as high as mine don't really go into "starvation mode" like folks with less weight to lose. I'm definitely keeping it in mind, though.

    :embarassed: I peed my life away yesterday and last night when I weighed it looked like I was going to be down to 242 or so this morning. But then my bf talked me into Mexican food so I'm suffering from water retention today thanks to sodium overload instead of seeing that weight loss. I'm keeping my sodium very low today & trying to drink a lot of water to get it out of my system. But... my friend's band is having a reunion show at a bar tonight (they haven't played together in years) so I've also budgeted today's calories for beers. Then my best friend just surprised me to say she is visiting me tomorrow (she lives 2 states & 450 miles away yet she always manages to do the "I'm in your state so I'm dropping in on you tomorrow" thing!). So, it looks like the odds are stacked against me this weekend, but I'm going to stay on track!

    Mmmm.... Mexican does sound good. It's a good sign when you start budgeting calories for later use. You are really paying attention to what your putting down, good job.

    Stay on track... you can do it. Good luck and I hope you have fun with your friend.
  • pawprint061
    So after reading what jlb did I thought I should too... I recalculated and it only bumped my calories up by 90. I've lost 18 pounds and I thought maybe I should take a look. I readjusted things to where I should lose a pound now a week and before it had me at less than a pound a week which I didn't know... hm. lets see how this works now.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yeah, I hate readjusting my settings because every time I do, my calorie allotment gets smaller! :laugh: I've gone from 1390 when I first started to 1290 now. But I know that's because I weigh less so my BMR is lower so I have to eat less in order to continue the 2#/week plan, but it's still a little depressing. :laugh:

    My weight was down to 243 this morning even with all the beer I drank last night (:embarassed: ). I think alcohol is a diuretic so it probably actually helped flush away some of that water retention due to sodium. :tongue:

    I'm off to scrub my dirty house before my friend arrives! :laugh:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    CC - I definately prefer working out at night, usually around 8:00 or 8:30, and unlike Pawprint, it doesn't make me stay up later - I think it actually relaxes me and I rest even better. I usually don't go to be 'til 10:30 or 11:00 though, so I still have wind-down time after the workout. When I first started exercising in January, I bought a second hand treadmill and parked it right in the middle of my living room in front of the TV - and it stayed there for six months while I made myself get in the habit of using it! I like it out in the garage now cuz I open the garage door and it's like exercising outside :)

    Pawprint - Good challenge for the week :) Let's seeeee. I've been bad about eating ice cream lately - so for this week, no ice cream for me!:tongue: Thanks for the throw-down! Good luck on giving up the pop. I gave up drinking my calories (except for an occassional coctail, wine or beer:wink: ) about 10 months ago. Now they seem soooo sweet to me - I don't even like them, thank goodness!

    Jlb - I hate when my calorie requirements go down too! I usually ease in to it - a couple days on the new cal requirement then a day or two on the higher number - surprise my body a bit and at the same time, give myself time to adjust. I'm at 1230 cals now and I eat my exercise cals too. I gotta say that on the days I don't exercise, I don't sweat it if I go over on cals by 100-200. But I'm not trying to fast track my weight loss either - I'm okay with taking a couple of years to reach my goal. Have fun cleaning house today - and have a great time with your friend:bigsmile:
  • cc_campbell81
    I have a mini challenge. I would like to see who can do it including myself. We all have that one food that gets us... mine for example isn't a food but it's pop. I wasted away 440 calories today on it. Tsk tsk me I know.. but I asking for one week let's all give it up. Just that one item that gets us... I want to see if I can do it. I did it for awhile but I started getting horrible headaches due to something else and the caffeine helped me survive lol. Anyone up for it? If you can't give it up completely at least cut back on it... let's really put our ability to control our weakness's to the test...
    Good luck and I hope you'll try it.

    So I don't really have one weak food but the last couple of weeks I have been having one extra snack through out the day that usually blows 200-300 calories. I realize I am not that hungry it usually happens when I get stressed at work and grab something to eat to relax. So my challenge for myself is two part. First I am going to stop grabbing a snack when I am stressed. Instead I am going to take a short walk. The second part is I am going to be more careful about sticking to my calories.
  • losingweightforme
    Hi Girls,
    Sorry it has been a couple days since I have posted. I came and read and slipped away. Tom arrived early Thursday morning and this time zapped my energy But left my emotions and nerves alone. HURRAY - been struggling for a few months with real bad times at this time of month. Hopily have things regulated and on the mend. I can deal with a couple days no energy but can't stand to be down right nervous and cry for three to four days for nothing. Plus had a baby shower for my soon to arrive local grandson on Saturday.

    OOPS - going through post to find my last post - it has been awhile.

    jlb123 - Plateaus are not fun but keep plugging and you will get through it. Are you noticing any non scale victories - clothes or jewelry fitting different? Those victories are rewarding too to me.

    Lulu - I have slacked on my exercise challenge a little - running 310 calories behind where I should be. I have decided if I can't get it caught up by this next weekend I will start all over again. Today was day 10 and if TOM hadn't struck I probably would have been ok. But IN 30 days I am going for 15,000 calories burned at least - we will see. Good for you on adding the equipment to the garage gym. We have been having nice enough weather to walk outside up here so I have been taking advantage. WAY TO GO ON THE 14'S! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Crazybee - Hi - How are you? Been drinking your water?

    Pawprint - Girl stick with us no matter who post on what day. I used to feel and do the same as you and was ready to give up when I realized I was doing this for me and not everyone else. If no one post please post you might say something in that post to perk someone's day or make them get up and exercise. It is always worth the time if we motivate someone regardless who post.

    CC = Congratulations on the mini goal = keep it up girl.

    As far as giving up something for a week I am reducing my pop quite a bit but not totally given it up. I think I will have to think on this one tonight and let you know.
    Gotta run girls = Good night to all - work is calling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The mini-challenge this week will be hard for me. I really dont have 1 item that I cheat with. I have been very good for 6 of 7 weeks sticking to my calorie limit and eating healthier foods. After last weekend - I realize company is my downfall. I tend to forget the concept of eating better when others are around. I have my bookclub meeting Wed night and then will have 12 people here all next weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving. We are going out Friday night, eating the big meal Sat and then will have to contend with left overs on Sunday.... My challenge will be to stick to my calorie limits despite company... (I may have to add extra exercise :blushing: ) The good news is - this is family and my mother has been telling people how hard we've been working and to bring healthier dishes and only 2 pies (normally my aunt makes 4 and my mother-in-law makes 1)... I am in charge of the Turkey and Stuffing - so I know they will be healthier than past years... I hope to cook less food and send left overs home with people. I want to go back to my normal routine by Monday. Thanksgiving day itself will be easy with only 4 of us - we just make hamburgs on the grill - maybe I'll try turkey burgers this year.
  • manda1111
    Hey ladies,

    The yoga retreat was fabulous!!! I have never been so relaxed and worked out at the same time. The teacher was amazing, but more than that it was really important for me to validate the things that work for me. Not to try and do what works for other people. I only have one body and I need to listen to it. Any how last week marked an important goal for me...I'm half way!!! I the beginning I never thought I would get here and now I'm so proud of myself and really encouraged to keep going no matter what.

    Have a great week, see you on Friday ;p
  • healthymom2009
    Well team, I have some exciting news...I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!! :blushing:

    So....my weight loss journey will be put on hold for a while. I plan on returning after the baby is born to lose the baby weight and the last 15 lbs to reach my goal weight. It has been a wonderful year and I have many of you to thank for my successful journey.

    I have a 3.5 yr old daughter. I had a wonderful pregnancy but was obese and she came 5 weeks early. Now I am 46 lbs lighter and MUCH healthier. I hope this baby waits a little longer to come out!

    Take care everyone! May you reach all your goals...not just weight loss but in a new healthy life.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    healthymom - WOW! Congrats! How wonderful! Yes, eat for that baby!

    Hello everyone, I'm back, didn't have internet for a few weeks. Ugh.
  • pawprint061
    Yay Healthymom that's awesome. I'm so happy for you. I hope things go a bit smoother for this time around.

    I just got home and got things to do but I wanted to hop on here for a sec... I'll be back to read and get caught up..

    I hope everyone is having a good start to the week.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Hey friends, I've not checked in a few days, sorry. Hubby's truck broke down Fri night and so I've had the boys all weekend without much time to check my computer. Haven't been logging or drinking my water. Got a cappucino/expresso maker for my bday and have been drinking coffee instead. Umm... don't think that's on the positive side from drinking pop! LOL But I'm lovin' it. It's a cheapie from WalMart but works good enough for me! At least I'm getting my dairy in that way, since I'm mostly drinking lattes or cappucinos which are half or 2/3 milk.

    I'm on TOM so I am NOT going to weigh until it's over, even though I'm really just trying to stop going UP right now. Have to have to have to get to that gym. It really sucks to not have a workout partner when you don't feel like going.
  • losingweightforme
    Adopt4 - welcome back. - TOM just left this house. The reason I exercise now is it changes my mood and makes me feel better.

    Healthymom - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good - Luck on your pregnancy. Keep in touch.

    pawprint - hope you are having a good start to the week too.

    Lulu - I am checking in with my challenge girl - day eleven I burn 602 calories and 208 behind where I should be for the challenge. I gotta get moving.

    manda1111 - glad you enjyed the retreat.

    pinbotchick - good luck with the challenge of the company.

    Well I guess my challenge would have to be my diet pop. To be all truthful, probably won't give it up completely but phased it way down. I have had less than 20 ounces since Saturday morning. We will see - I do good on weekends but my work days hurt.
    Well gotta go to work - though we have to clean for two hours before we leave - Vice President of company coming in the morning

    Good Night ALL
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Loving ALL the chatter! So great to see you all here!

    Healthymom - SOOOO happy for you! Congratulations ~ and hope you'll keep us posted on the pregnancy!

    Manda - Yay for a great retreat! Sounds like you've had some sound revelations! Good for you:drinker:

    LW4M - You are doing great on your challenge! That's awesome - you made up over 100 cals today girl - way to go!

    Adopt - it's so great to see you here! You've kinda been through the ringer - broke truck, no internet, stuck at home - Shake it off girl and get that body moving! You don't have to go to the gym to burn those calories (taps slipper against my palm). Run in place, take a walk, put in an exercise tape, chase those boys up and down stairs! Oh, and btw - hope your birthday was fabulous!!!! ((((hugs)))))

    Pawprint - No ice cream for me! How'd you do on your pop today?

    I got in 35 minutes on my new Gazelle tonight and 15 minutes yoga and 10 minutes on arm weights. Ate well today - and with no ice cream today, I had enough cals to eat a burger tonight:blushing:

    Talk to you tomorrow, peeps ~ have a great Tuesday ~ Try hard!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning everyone - I hope you had a great start to the week. I did. Today feels like Saturday - I only have 1 client :bigsmile: I scheduled it that way for a day to catch up on paperwork and deep clean the house for company. My C25K partner canceled this morning but I plan to go out on my own this afternoon - when the frost has melted. My mother will stop by this evening when she is off work for 30 to 45 min of a walking DVD.

    Lulu - I am jealous of your garage sale finds. Congrats. I cant wait until the spring - I hope to find some more equipment.

    adopt4 - I dont have children so I cant imagine trying to workout while they are around - it must be hard. Does your family watch much TV? You could try jogging in place, side stepping, knee lifts, heel lifts, kicks, etc during 1 show. If you DVR a show it takes about 40 min to watch a 60 min show. Or just do the ex during the show and clean house during the commercials. Good luck. I log this as low impact aerobics when I do it. Remember any exercise is better than no exercise.

    Healthymom - Congratulations on the baby. When is the baby due? We hope you will keep us posted on your progress with the baby.

    Manda - the retreats sound fun. Where do you find them?

    LW4M - good luck on the exercise challenge. We know you can do it. I hope you are able to make even more calories up today.
  • pawprint061
    Loving ALL the chatter! So great to see you all here!

    Healthymom - SOOOO happy for you! Congratulations ~ and hope you'll keep us posted on the pregnancy!

    Manda - Yay for a great retreat! Sounds like you've had some sound revelations! Good for you:drinker:

    LW4M - You are doing great on your challenge! That's awesome - you made up over 100 cals today girl - way to go!

    Adopt - it's so great to see you here! You've kinda been through the ringer - broke truck, no internet, stuck at home - Shake it off girl and get that body moving! You don't have to go to the gym to burn those calories (taps slipper against my palm). Run in place, take a walk, put in an exercise tape, chase those boys up and down stairs! Oh, and btw - hope your birthday was fabulous!!!! ((((hugs)))))

    Pawprint - No ice cream for me! How'd you do on your pop today?

    I got in 35 minutes on my new Gazelle tonight and 15 minutes yoga and 10 minutes on arm weights. Ate well today - and with no ice cream today, I had enough cals to eat a burger tonight:blushing:

    Talk to you tomorrow, peeps ~ have a great Tuesday ~ Try hard!

    Way to go Lulu... I didn't cut my pop out cold turkey. But I did cut it in half yesterday. I only had one and it was for work. I can't cut it out all the way because I get horrible migraines more often... the caffeine really helps even though they're caused by something unrelated... strange I know. But I cut it half which is pretty good... I wish I could cut it out all together... I tried that for a while but it just didn't work, I couldn't stand the headaches.

    Pinbotchick---what is a walking dvd??? just curious but how do you walk to a dvd?
    Good luck sticking with your calorie limit. you can do it.

    cc-I know what's like to have those extra snacks here and there... then after you eat them and you see how many calories you just wasted that snack doesn't seem so good any more lol at least not to me.

    losingweightforme--we're both doing the same thing for the challenge... good luck. I need to reduce mine quite a bit but I don't really want to give it up all the way.. not yet lol. Oh and I'm not going anywhere... I'll just keep hounding everyone lol...

    manda1111--I'm so glad that you had fun on the retreat. sounds like some good lessons you've learned. way to go.

    adopt4--sounds like we both had some troubles... my radiator blew in my car this past week. but it's all good now and it's up and running. glad to have you back.

    Well I gotta go log my food and get some stuff done... have a great day guys.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Pinbotchick---what is a walking dvd??? just curious but how do you walk to a dvd?

    In the old days (my youth) it would be low impact aerobics. Now all of the famous DVD exercise stars call them walking DVDs - Leslie Sansone, Denise Austin, Shapely Girl, etc. It involves lots of side stepping, kicks, jogging in place, heel lifts, knee raises, etc. When it is to dark and cold to get out and walk outside - we do this to just keep moving. My mom's in her 60s and cant take too much stress to her knees.