Morning Runners - HOW Do You Do It??

I'm a nighttime runner. After I get my daughter to bed I go out for a run and I really enjoy it. I read recently that it's better to do your workouts in the morning because you're burning fat instead of what's in your stomach. So this morning I set my alarm for 6am, put on my shoes and ran.

It was the WORST run I've ever done. Where I could normally run a certain distance, I had to stop to walk THREE times, one of which was for several minutes because I just couldn't take it. Also my time was (obviously) unbelievably slow. What happened? It feels like such a huge setback because of how far I feel like I've come in the past few months. I seriously feel like crying.

*edited for typo


  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    when I do cardio in the mornings usually before 5am I drink coffee with with no sugar, caffeine is a natural fat burner and will reduce your bodies ability to recognize fatigue as well as give you energy for me it is a pre-workout for running. also you might just be hitting a mental block or your body has become very reliant on carbs as an energy source for running whereas in the morning your body is very low on them.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I also drink coffee before a morning run (doesn't happen very often)
  • theshow4jsu
    theshow4jsu Posts: 380 Member
    It becomes a habit after a while. When I first started morning workouts, I hated it, but the more consistent I was at it, the better I got. Now I don't feel fully awake for hours if I don't exercise first thing in the morning. I do it early because I know that I would make excuses for not running if I didn't. Also, I take a caffeine pill about 30 minutes before I go, seems to help. To all the boobirds who will say not to, I've read up on taking a caffeine supplement and it is perfectly safe to take ONE pill. Its not like I'm Jessie Spano or something..."I'm so excited, I'm so, I'm sooooo, scared!!!"
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    At least one cup of coffee will do wonders. But, I agree with you, any exercise in the morning, is not as good as it is later in the day. Later in the day, I am stronger and more into it. I used to get up at 5am every morning and workout, and noticed my intensity was way higher in the afternoon.

    Edited to add: Don't listen to "experts" or anyone saying that something is better than something else. Who cares? For years I've heard that people that exercise in the morning are more likely to continue longer. It becomes part of their routine and they don't have interuptions. If you workout in the afternoon, it's too easy to get distracted with work or family responsibilities, or just be too tired, and blow it off.

    But, that never happens to me. It's just a mindset. I just know that the second I get home, I'm working out. Not doing it is not really an option. Everyone that knows me knows that.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    If you're truly more comfortable and happier running at night you should just stick with that. Morning, night.. all that matters is that you move. Any difference in time of day is probably negligible. Do what makes you happy that you can stick with. That's more important.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    It becomes a habit after a while. When I first started morning workouts, I hated it, but the more consistent I was at it, the better I got. Now I don't feel fully awake for hours if I don't exercise first thing in the morning. I do it early because I know that I would make excuses for not running if I didn't. Also, I take a caffeine pill about 30 minutes before I go, seems to help. To all the boobirds who will say not to, I've read up on taking a caffeine supplement and it is perfectly safe to take ONE pill. Its not like I'm Jessie Spano or something..."I'm so excited, I'm so, I'm sooooo, scared!!!"

    Nice reference !!!
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I read recently that it's better to do your workouts in the morning because you're burning fat instead of what's in your stomach.

    I don;t think this is true.

    I'd say if evening runs work for you stick with that, it's more important that you enjoy your running that any perceived benefit (IF there is one) associated with running at another time.

    Best wishes/
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    workout whenever you feel like it! If you're not motivated you won't do it and then whats the point? If you love your evening runs keep at it.
  • chubbster17
    I love running in the morning :) though not as early as 6am, I'm a student, I never see 6am! :P but I like running at about 9-10am. I usually have breakfast first and wait a bit though :) x
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    It's just one run. Your body isn't used to running in the morning. Do it a few times and it will become easier. You don't "need" caffeine... but a cup of coffee won't hurt either. LOL
  • MrsShillingford
    MrsShillingford Posts: 7 Member
    You should run whichever way works best for you. I've started running in the mornings simply because I work until late and find it difficult to get out in the evenings. I imagine your run this morning was difficult because like anything new, it was unfamiliar. I'm sure if you started running consistently at 6am, you'd get used to it.
    But I think, especially while exercising, just do what works best for you and keep up with it. If that means waiting for your daughter to go to bed and then getting out the door, you're making it work!
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    If you prefer running at night, I would say keep doing it. :) Do what feels good for you! I for one am a morning runner most of the time, mainly because I run as soon as I get off work. I'm not actually waking myself up because I've already been up all night. Plus, to be honest, I'm a bit scared of the dark, so I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable running at night, but if you are, I say go for it!!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I'm a nighttime runner. After I get my daughter to bed I go out for a run and I really enjoy it. I read recently that it's better to do your workouts in the morning because you're burning fat instead of what's in your stomach. So this morning I set my alarm for 6am, put on my shoes and ran.

    It was the WORST run I've ever done. Where I could normally run a certain distance, I had to stop to walk THREE times, one of which was for several minutes because I just couldn't take it. Also my time was (obviously) unbelievably slow. What happened? It feels like such a huge setback because of how far I feel like I've come in the past few months. I seriously feel like crying.

    *edited for typo

    Pah, personally, if I were you, I would immediately forget any morning running and go back to what you have been doing and doing well at.

    Go back to your nighttime running and you will, once again, run as you were doing. Some people are not morning runners, perhaps you are one of those. Regarding burning fat during the morning run, it is not much good for you if you find you are actually taking backwards steps when your nighttime run would do just a good a job, if not better AND you enjoy it into the bargain.

    Hell, exercise should be enjoyed, it should not be a torturous ordeal lol. You will be doing yourself many more favours going back to your night running.
  • mnowens
    mnowens Posts: 71
    Thanks guys!

    I think part of the reason I'm so worried about actually being able to run in the morning is that I have a 5k on Sunday morning. I feel like if I'm doing this badly running in the a.m. when it's so close to the run that I'm going to do very poorly.

    I'll certainly try the coffee and I'll probably resume my nighttime runs after Sunday. You're probably right that it's more important that I enjoy my run.
  • chocaholic38
    I'm a real night owl and I much prefer to go for a walk in the evening or hop on the treadmil when I get home from work or even at night when everyone is in bed. I've tried to exercise first thing in the morning and although I feel great afterwards, just getting out of bed that much earlier let alone jogging is a struggle - I'd say go with what you like - it can be hard keeping motivated to do exercise so why make it any harder for yourself, you're still burning calories and getting fit
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I read recently that it's better to do your workouts in the morning because you're burning fat instead of what's in your stomach.

    I don;t think this is true.

    I'd say if evening runs work for you stick with that, it's more important that you enjoy your running that any perceived benefit (IF there is one) associated with running at another time.

    Best wishes/

    It's not true. You burn calories and it doesn't matter what time you burn them.

    I run in the evening too, do what works best for you =]
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    I've always been a morning person. I've been getting up since 5 A.M. or earlier since i was 9 years old. I just make it part of my morning routine. I would say running in the evening would be tough. In the AM my kids are all sleep and i don't have to worry about distractions. I find that I'm always busy in the PM. I believe it's just personal preference. If PM is best for you, then do that.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    You hit the nail on the head yourself when you were describing why morning exercise is better for losing weight than doing it in the evening: You're burning fat instead of what's in your stomach.

    Your body is currently adapted to working on glucose alone (Carbs) that you take in during the day. After sleeping all night, all of the carbs that would be available in the evening have been digested and stored as glucose in your muscles or as fat. Therefore, the only "quick" energy your body as available is the glucose in your muscles, which doesn't last long if you're up in the aerobic zone. You feeling bad and needing to take "walking" breaks is your body running out of glucose, and thus running out of energy to burn (no pun intended).

    Since you've been working out in the evening for such a long period of time, your body has become adapted to working with energy to spare, by using up all the carbs available from what you've eaten during the day. By suddenly working out without all those carbs readily available, you're making your body work under conditions it's not accustomed to.

    There are two ways you can go about this, if you wish to continue running in the morning: a) Just keeping doing it. The body is an amazing thing. It adapts quickly and easily to whatever environment you put it into. Over time, it will learn that carbs aren't available when working out, and therefore it will start to burn fat instead! Don't over do it though, because protein (ie. your muscles) are easier for your body to digest than fat is. If your run is an hour long, or longer, I would strongly recommend bringing a sports drink with electrolytes in it. Sure, there are more calories in it, but that's the point: It's basically pure glucose, which will help protect those glucose reserves in your muscles, and prevent your from "hitting the wall." There are also a lot fewer calories in a drink than you'll burn in a run. Also remember: 1L of water/drink per 1 hour of running (or more if it's really hot!).
  • Spence_
    Spence_ Posts: 139 Member
    I'm an evening runner too but I had to do a 10k at 8am and was perfectly fine :) You'll get so much adrenalin from actually being at a race, I don't think you'll notice the difference!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'd like to add: The additional benefit or running in the morning is that you'll have an elevated heart rate for the rest of the day. That will result in more calories burned off during the day (without you even needing to do anything!). IT'll also make sleeping easier for the same reason. By the time 8:00pm rolls around, your heart will have settled down to it's regular rhythm.