Thermogenic Supplements



  • ZarrX86
    ZarrX86 Posts: 38
    i tried a thermogenic fat burner from APS called yellow thunder. It did not work out for me, the first day was fine but after that my heart would feel like its pumping out of my chest and i had side pains one night and couldnt sleep.
  • kdenny5
    kdenny5 Posts: 11 Member
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    General rule of thumb; if it is not illegal/not legally sold as a fat loss supplement, guess what? It's probably *kitten*.

    Any you can find in a store typically have caffeine which is a natural appetite suppresent, or other things like Yohimbine and what not. Some of these have been seen to have thermogenic effects, such as Yohimbine; which (bonus) makes you horny as fuark too. However, it is usually not given in the doses high enough to be effective and any thermogenic effects are nullified in the presence of insulin in the system. Yohimbine -may- work on a keto diet, but otherwise is a waste of money.
  • KBUnleashed
    KBUnleashed Posts: 44 Member
    I am currently taking thermogenics.

    I started working out and eating healthier WITHOUT the thermogenics in March of this year. I dropped a total of 35 lbs (which is great). Starting at the beginning of June, I noticed that I hit a plateau where in one week I would lose a pound, the next week I would gain it back, etc. I was still eating healthy and working out as much as I ever had but I still wasn't losing weight.

    I then decided that I needed something to "shock" my body so I started taking Cellucor's HD as well as a thermogenic pack from GNC. So, I take two in the morning and an additional HD around lunchtime. I can tell you that I have lost some additional weight from it. There is a product in there to decrease the feeling of my heart beating out of my chest and I do have more energy and focus (which I didn't get from caffeine). I don't get headaches. I don't work out more but have been able to increase the intensity of my workouts.

    In my opinion, it was well worth the money.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Are these good for doing a cut? If anyone knows that is.. I would never take them for weight loss but for fat loss during a cut to get abs etc out?
  • wolf1gft
    wolf1gft Posts: 5
    Think about this. Every Dr me or my wife have asked about weight loss supplements has always said; eat a good diet and supplement with exercise. These Supplements may work but remember, thermogenics raise your core temperature to above normal (healthy) levels. My advice is use with extreme care.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I am currently taking thermogenics.

    I started working out and eating healthier WITHOUT the thermogenics in March of this year. I dropped a total of 35 lbs (which is great). Starting at the beginning of June, I noticed that I hit a plateau where in one week I would lose a pound, the next week I would gain it back, etc. I was still eating healthy and working out as much as I ever had but I still wasn't losing weight.

    I then decided that I needed something to "shock" my body so I started taking Cellucor's HD as well as a thermogenic pack from GNC. So, I take two in the morning and an additional HD around lunchtime. I can tell you that I have lost some additional weight from it. There is a product in there to decrease the feeling of my heart beating out of my chest and I do have more energy and focus (which I didn't get from caffeine). I don't get headaches. I don't work out more but have been able to increase the intensity of my workouts.

    In my opinion, it was well worth the money.

    TO THE GOOGLES I WENT. didn't get energy and focus from caffeine you say? Oh heavens, 160mg of caffein in each capsule. That's ever so lightly less than a cup of black coffee basically. Two of those babies in the mornings and believe me sunshine you are riding that caffeine train.

    The rest is B Vitamins/Niacin (good energy, but can be obtained via diet)

    Rhodiola rosea (herbal stimulant, nothing to do with fat burn)

    Yohimbine (called it!)

    Toothed Clubmoss (makes you piss more, therefore you are retaining less water, therefore less "weight")

    Bunch of other random crap.

    Yay snake oil!
  • emhargs
    emhargs Posts: 63
    I tried my Dymatize Dymaburn pills today for the first time. I just took half the recommended dose, as I am only small. All I can say is - WOW - I went from not really being in the mood to work out, to burning the most amount of calories I have burned in ages!! I was so focused. Probably due to the big caffeine rush, but I'm going to take the pills for a month and see what difference it makes, if any. Even if it just creates a really strong workout routine/pattern then I will be happy.

    The other bonus is, for the last 10 (probably more) years or so, I have been completely addicted to coke, and more recently, coke zero. Because these supplements have caffeine in them, I am able to use them to stop my coke zero habit. I will break the habit of drinking soft drink (soda) during the day, at meal times, etc - without suffering the withdrawals from caffeine. That I have to deal with when I stop taking the supplements I know I am replacing one for the other, but it will be a HUGE DEAL for me if I am able to cut out the soft drink. A HUGE HUGE DEAL.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im using XEDRA-CUT Extream Thermogenic... Yes.. my gym workouts are 10x better... this is only week one.. im not expecting miricals as i dont have 'loads' of fat to lose... Aiming to lose 10lbs by mid aug....

    So far so good though....
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm using Grenade at the moment. I feel like it helps; fat loss has accelerated since I started taking it, and even if it doesn't, it doesn't adversely affect my heart rate (I can tolerate high doses of...well...everything).
  • meowstrom
    meowstrom Posts: 37
    Aw I was taking this last year for one day only thinking it was a good idea to incorporate into my workout routine along with all my other supplements, unfortunately the rep who sold it to me didn't explain it very well and I ended up having an adverse reaction in the form of a severe and very public anxiety attack from all the caffeine.

    Just make sure that you get all the info you can off the store selling it D:

    Other than that they probably work wonders for people that can take them :)
  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    Almost every legal thermogenic has between 150 and 200 mg caffeine in each dose, along with a "proprietary blend" that doesn't do jack. I like to look at all the freebies I get when I go to GNC, and almost every sample follows that rule.

    Aside from caffeine, the things that work are illegal due to the danger. For example, the lethal dose of DNP is 1 pill away from its effective dose. Accidentally take 1 too many? Good job, you're dead.

    Other legal thermogenics might have ephedra extract in it, which is not the same thing as ephedrine sulfate (like what you get in Bronkaid) and is the actual banned substance. The thing with thermogenics is true for all legal supplements: If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Hell the peer reviewed research of ECA stacks, which contain ephedrine 25 mg, caffeine 200 mg, and aspirin 81 mg x 3 per day, is only a 3-5% boost over your BMR.

    You know why every thermogenic says "when combined with diet and exercise" or something along those lines? Because when you make progress you won't be able to tell what % of that progress came from diet and exercise versus anything else, and thus you'll be given a false sense that the thermogenic is working.
  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    ^^^^Called it. You cant get ephedrine here anymore, eveyrthing else is just caffeine. Having said that, I do like the buzz you get from Tight Extreme.
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    I've said it before, I'll say it again... don't trust quick fixes! Just do it the right way (yeah it's slow but it lasts if you do it right) and you won't be harming your body. I used thermogenic supplements years ago and started getting heart palpitations. Now barely a day goes by without my heart fluttering. If it doesn't belong in your body, don't put it there.
  • fltwins918
    fltwins918 Posts: 12 Member
    I take AdvoCare's Catalyst (Amino acid supplement) aka "my butt be gone gut be gone" and I have noticed I burn more calories in a workout than without. I have also taken the ThermoPlus and liked it.

    Thermoplus info page:

    Catalyst info page:

    I take the Spark for energy (yes it does have caffeine and the b vitamins, but I do not drink coffee or soda anymore, which is a big plus for me).
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Besides the fact that they are basically caffeine pills and a big waste of money, these things mess with your heart. I don't understand why so many people are willing to risk their cardiovascular health to lose some weight.
  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    ^^^^Called it. You cant get ephedrine here anymore, eveyrthing else is just caffeine. Having said that, I do like the buzz you get from Tight Extreme.

    Actually you can still get it from most pharmacies, just gotta show an ID and buy Bronkaid, which has 25 mg ephedrine and 400 mg guaifenesin in it. I do ECA stacks in between other cycles and have no problem driving to the CVS down the street and getting a box of Bronkaid.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    Thermogenic's only help burn 300 extra Calories a day. Even the good old ECA Stack. Which you can still buy Eph. The Ban was Lifted on it a while back. There are many Supplement websites that sell Eph. Based Thermogenic's.

    If you can't figure a way to cut 300 extra Calories out of your Diet to lose weight. You shouldn't be taking Thermogenics anyway.
  • bump for later:blushing:
  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    Hmmm... hope I don't get in trouble, but here's a link to an aritcle by Dr. Weil about these