I need to vent this!!



  • Interesting, a friend of mine was just admonishing us about these social networks. As private as we may want some things in our lives is lost due to these sites. And at time you may trust someone with private things, until something goes wrong then your entire life is exposed. I am sorry to hear this happened and yes you may want to say something or not depending on your strength to speak out. However, we for the most part have a eating disorder and that is where we come here to be upfront and honest to ourselves, don't kick yourself in the butt about it overcome it if you can and move forward and allow this experience to strengthen you in some way of fashion. I struggled with this too at times, and also other issues like being compared to my sister all the time and now that I am finally at a good weight I thought I would get away from that comparison however nope it is now at a different angle and at times sickening but what can I do? I can't tell people how to act, respond or be careful since we are not sure how words affect one way or another. So I say use this experience to STRENGTHEN you, use it to drive you to reach your goals, use it to say can't trust anyone.

    thank you i think you are gorgeous!!!
  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    We'll posse up! Where's this ***** live????


    Im down :smokin:
  • BeingWiser
    BeingWiser Posts: 65
    Everybody talks about SOMEONE! She really means nothing to you ....LET it go. Its not worth the negative energy.
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    I just need to get this off my chest bc its upsetting me a bit. There is this girl in our office temporarily, we thought we were getting along with her you know not great but good. Then my coworker open up her twitter feed and this girl has been posting horrible things about us on there. One in particular got to me, she was making conversation with me abt my workouts and my diet, i went on to tell her that i was working on it bc i struggle with an eating disorder, this is hard for me bc i'm still struggling with it. Well she went on to post abt it on twitter something abt if i wanted to look great i needed to eat great and if i wanted to look ok then i should eat ok, I was hurt!!! Yes I realize she is younger than I am and that it is a social network but i dnt appreciate trusting someone with this and then they turn around and do that what is wrong with her?!

    This is exactly why i dnt tell ppl abt this!! =((

    Vent over! sorry i just had to get it off my chest =(

    Find a friend you can trust....Face to face
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    this is what happens when people go opening other peoples stuff , shouldnt have been nosey, just have to confront her and own up to how you found out tbh
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm sure if you take it to HR, they will do something. However, you told this person your personal information. What she chooses to do with it is her business. If you don't want someone spreading your personal information, you shouldn't tell them your personal information. I doubt that the company has an actual policy about spreading personal information. While it may have a policy about posting work information on public forums, what she posted is not work information.

    No question, she's a jerk and what she did was wrong. However, you are the person that gave her the power to do this.

    You should learn from this experience and move on. As others have said, you're using MFP in the same way she used Twitter. Neither of you is right here.
  • Thats terrible, it is against our company policy to discuss co-workers on social network sites too, its actually against company policy to talk about our company or even use our company's name. That being said...what adult does that to another adult thats filthy!! Yuck I hate people like that!!
  • Wow, what a stupid hoe!! It's just plain idiotic to post things about coworkers on social media. Duh. If you can take any sort of action against her with your HR dept, I would definitely do that. The fact that she made such a personal attack is really not cool. I'm sorry you had to put up with that kind of B.S.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Confront her so she can make her account private.

    Did she invite you or her co-workers to her twitter or was the co-worker snooping and found it?
  • So to retaliate for her talking trash about you on twitter, you're going to talk trash about her on MFP.... :huh:

    What you've done is probably no different than what she did. Did she name you by name? Do any of her Twitter friends know you personally?
    She was probably just venting her feelings the same way you are now. Would she be offended if she pulled up your MFP account?

    Pot, meet Kettle.

    Are you serious? Let's get a little perspective here.

    The OP isn't sharing personal stuff with us about the girl like her eating disorder nor is she criticizing or condemning the girl for it. That type of reckless behavior can have a damaging impact on someone who is struggling mentally and emotionally with their relationship with food. Tweeting her feelings about the OP's eating disorder (coincidentally she really isn't even entitled to have an opinion on that) constitutes as cyberbullying giving the potential harm that it could have caused. I'm glad the OP has MFP as a support system. Maybe venting here kept her from binging and purging.

    Thank you for this! yes i realize i post it abt it as well but like you said i didnt post personal stuff abt her and i honestly did it bc i was crushed almost cried and i have found this site (MFP) to be a huge help and i get a lot of support here not to talk garbage abt her i was just sad =(
  • That is downright unprofessional & tactless.Nobody's personal business should be discussed on social networks. This person should be brought to task over this.
    You are dealing with your problem how you deem fit & this is admirable.Don't let some immature upstart destroy your confidence,you should be proud of what you have achieved.Rant over x
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    You should learn from this experience and move on. As others have said, you're using MFP in the same way she used Twitter. Neither of you is right here.

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Lots of interesting responses here. Sorry you feel so betrayed. I will be the first one to say let something like this go, but NOT in this situation.

    What this child is doing is flat our wrong on so many levels. I do think it should be called to the attention of the higher ups, there is not reason this girl should be tweeting this kind of thing.

    If no one wants to confront her, take the wussy way out and print it off and type under it, "I will be a very good idea for you to stop doing this" and leave it on her desk. And if she wants to tweet that, so be it. She may also want to know that future employers will be doing social networking site research on her and this could be very damaging to her in the future. I, for one, would NOT hire some one that did this type of thing.

    As a person that is a recovering alcoholic, I totally understand this type of betrayal. I think it is a very good idea for the future that you not discuss your eating disorder with anyone you work with, even if you become close, things like this always have a way of coming back and biting us in the rear.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Everyone is going off about this girl... but what is happening HERE? We are all discussing what SHE posted, in HER own feed, if she didn't name you personally then it is just HER vent. If she gave your name, then it's about YOU, otherwise it's a girl that spouted some stuff she didn't necessarily agree with. Your opinion of her can be shaped by it for sure... but people post stuff on sites so they don't have to tell the person face to face that they don't agree, or whatever and face the consequences of that. Kind of like how this was posted on a site that she may not see instead of you telling her what you thought of it... two sides of every coin.

    And then I read the other posts... guess I'm parot-ing what several others thought too. :huh:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    So to retaliate for her talking trash about you on twitter, you're going to talk trash about her on MFP.... :huh:

    What you've done is probably no different than what she did. Did she name you by name? Do any of her Twitter friends know you personally?
    She was probably just venting her feelings the same way you are now. Would she be offended if she pulled up your MFP account?

    Pot, meet Kettle.

    Are you serious? Let's get a little perspective here.

    The OP isn't sharing personal stuff with us about the girl like her eating disorder nor is she criticizing or condemning the girl for it. That type of reckless behavior can have a damaging impact on someone who is struggling mentally and emotionally with their relationship with food. Tweeting her feelings about the OP's eating disorder (coincidentally she really isn't even entitled to have an opinion on that) constitutes as cyberbullying giving the potential harm that it could have caused. I'm glad the OP has MFP as a support system. Maybe venting here kept her from binging and purging.

    Thank you for this! yes i realize i post it abt it as well but like you said i didnt post personal stuff abt her and i honestly did it bc i was crushed almost cried and i have found this site (MFP) to be a huge help and i get a lot of support here not to talk garbage abt her i was just sad =(

    Honestly, I didn't see anything wrong with your post. Believe me, if you were being a hypocrite, I would have called you out on it. There does need to be a lesson learned here though. Not everyone has your best interests at heart. Personal things shouldn't be shared with people unless you have really developed trust in them. I used to do it all the time. I had to teach myself to hold back. Honest and genuine people often share more with others than they should. I don't know if you should or want to take any real action against her, but you definitely don't need to forget this. Don't speak to her anymore, and be very cautious about what you share with people from here on out.
  • I think you need to tell her that she broke your trust and that it hurt you. Then give her a chance to say what she wants to explain why she talked about your private issue. See if she is humble enough to say she is truly sorry and if not, shake the dust off your feet and move on. (Quote from the Bible not to waste time if she is not worthy of you)
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I'm a little passive aggressive in that kind of situation. But what I would do is print out her Twitter feed and just put it on her desk when she is not around. She will have no clue who did it but she will know the whole office has seen it.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Did ya get a screenshot of the page? If not, get one and print it out so you have evidence in case she tries to delete it later and deny that she never said it in the first place. I don't know. What if she tries to report you for discussing her here? If you confront her about it, then she'd be like, "OMG you're stalking my feed!" So I don't know what to do about it. >.>
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    kick her *kitten*, seabass!
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    Tell her to suck it. All jokes aside i am an open person because i feel htat if my story can help or affect sometime i share it. And the fact that you open up and shared something personal says alot about you. She can kiss your A** and as much as i would wnat to say something maybe ingnoring her woul dbe in your best interest. She is a temp and you do not want to do anything to jeoporadize your permaent job. Sorry your feeling got hurt. HUGS