S L O W losers come here! Please!



  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    Lord, girl, I feel ya'! In 3 months I've dropped only 7 pounds. This is the START of my journey. It really shouldn't be this damn hard! I haven't even dropped many inches, either, though my clothes are finally starting to feel slightly less tight. This with working out 2 hours a day, six days a week (50% cardio, 30% fat burn, 20% weight training) and watching my calories 95% of the time.

    The good news is that I FEEL better every day, so I stick with it. I refuse to let the scale be the master of me. I'm going to increase my calories and shift my training around to 35% cardio, 30% fat burn, and 35% weight training for the next 30 days and see what happens.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I'm slow too. I started here in Feb. I couldn't exercise much since I had surgery in December. By march I was doing a little exercise and now am up to a decent amount of exercise and feeling better. I know I only had a few pounds to lose but it's not moving at all. I lost 4 pounds in around Feb/March and 2 more around April and then stopped. I have about 9 lbs left.

    I think a lot of the weight I lost was probably water. I had a hysterectomy in Dec and still had surgical swelling until about April or May. I know I have built some muscle and I have lost some inches. It is just discouraging. I'm currently trying to eat more, especially since I'm taking a new drug that messes me up if I don't eat enough. I am T2 diabetic on metformin and amaryl. The dr. is still trying to figure out my thyroid, I was diagnosed as a kid with hypo but this endo is wondering if its not graves so I'm currently on no meds.

    Due to my diabetes and before the new med, I was very low carb which helped me lose some water but that was it. I was netting 1200 but plateaued, then 1260 but didn't lose, then 1600 total and still no loss, now dr. put me at 1800.

    I should probably measure because I haven't done that recently but that hadn't really changed for a month or more. I do think I'm getting more muscular but nothing is getting smaller. Frustrating.
  • aanance
    aanance Posts: 1
    Hi There! I've lost nearly 21lbs over the past 3 months. The first 20 fell off over the first 7 weeks, since then i've been at a stand still. I work out like crazy, watch what I eat, always have a deficite in calories and also am not losing right now. I work out 4-6x a week and do cardio every single one of those work outs plus strength training.

    Could you be building muscle? I've lost the 20lbs but am still wearing a size 14, which is a bit loose now, but 12's are too tight. I still have 50lbs i'd like to loose so the weight should still be coming off quickly as I weigh 192.8.

    Good luck :) just keep pushing through! Make sure you drink a lot of water too!
  • dhays888
    dhays888 Posts: 5
    Some bodies just will not lose weight fast. My body is one of those slow losing bodies according to a registered nutritionist who told me that after I had spent a year going to her every week. She said it depends on each body's set point. I only lost 1/2 pound a week. Some weeks I did not lose anything and some weeks I gained weight. You have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. As you gain muscle, which is what you want since muscle stays active longer and helps to burn off fat, your weight "loss" will fluctuate up and down. You can't get upset about that. Lasting weight loss happens really slowly for most people. The nutritionist also said not to eat low fat/fat free and no artificial sweeteners (unless you are diabetic). Low fat/no fat takes out or reduces the fat and replaces it with sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners actually make your body crave sugar and they do not know how artificial sweeteners are metabolized in the body. My nutritionist told me you should go by how your clothes fit, how many inches you lose, and how you feel and not be too concerned about the number on the scale.
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    More cardio, less weight building!

    I am doing cadio 5 days a week!!:laugh:

    Ok then, less cardio more weight building!! haha!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Im a slow loser too.... My first month I lost 7 lbs. In the last 3.5 weeks I have lost NOTHING. I guess I should be happy I gained nothing as well.
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    You can count me in. What I find strange is that I will go weeks at the same weight and then suddenly drop two pounds in a week. Can't work it out.

    I'm starting to lose motivation now so really hoping I have a losing week soon...
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Welcome to my world.. I cut my calories in 1/2 last year.. increased workouts by 150%.. and the scale went up & up & up.. and my size got larger larger larger :( .. my back went out in Feb of this year.. I was stranded & for the first time in 20 years of back pain HAD to take my meds.. no control over what I ate, when I ate or water... LOST 10 lbs!! no sense to me ... I ate horrible, didn't drink enough water & barely moved.. ANYWAYS.. I need energy & strength.. so here I am again.. watching everything I eat..making better choices, no meds, very little wine compared to the last 3 months.. exercise... and .. scale went up a 1lb already!! :) still my energy is better & I am setting a great example for my family.. so I will continue.. and reach my goal of either weight loss or running a 5k.. or BOTH :)
    that might have been an indication that you were eating too little and exercising too much. When you cut your calories, what were you netting?
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I didn't lose a single pound for the first 9 months I was on MFP.

    After upping my calorie intake to 1520, exercising 6 days a week, and eating more homemade food, I am losing half a pound a week. Still slow, but better than before.