Foods that you have a particular way of eating...



  • AaronG91
    AaronG91 Posts: 20
    Kiwi with skin on.
  • scatgash
    scatgash Posts: 101 Member
    Breaking off either end of a banana and throwing it away due to fear of eating spider eggs is another one :')
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    I don't really have weird ways of eating food...but I'll share something my son does that grosses me out to no end...he likes to dip his chicken nuggets in one of the following: applesauce (which isn't overly horrid); pudding (:sick:) or a Frosty from Wendy's...

    My boyfriend's daughter does this. She had me try it and it actually tastes pretty good.

    I'm so glad he's not alone, LOL! I honestly don't care HOW he eats stuff; as long as he eats it. He's WAY more picky than I am & I didn't think that was possible.

    It's pretty hilarious you say that because she is the pickiest eater EVER! She loves her sweets but when it comes to actual food she has a very small list of things she will eat.
  • I will only eat a banana is I cut it into pieces and dip it in peanut butter.

    I cut my strawberries into tiny pieces before I eat them.

    If a food has a filling of any kind, I eat the filling and then the food itself. ( Like chocolate with an inside I suck the inside first then eat the candy, or if I am eating a pastry like a twinkie, or donut I eat the filling first)
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I eat all of my foods one at a time. I usually start with meat and then move to the next thing. I don't go back and forth. I also do the banana thing the above poster does and I separate fruit snacks by color and eat all the same colors at the same time...I can't think of any others off hand.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    I don't really have weird ways of eating food...but I'll share something my son does that grosses me out to no end...he likes to dip his chicken nuggets in one of the following: applesauce (which isn't overly horrid); pudding (:sick:) or a Frosty from Wendy's...

    My boyfriend's daughter does this. She had me try it and it actually tastes pretty good.

    I'm so glad he's not alone, LOL! I honestly don't care HOW he eats stuff; as long as he eats it. He's WAY more picky than I am & I didn't think that was possible.

    It's pretty hilarious you say that because she is the pickiest eater EVER! She loves her sweets but when it comes to actual food she has a very small list of things she will eat.

    I swear he'd live off of mac & cheese (Kraft only, mind you), chicken nuggets, corn dogs, cereal & oatmeal if I let him. He's getting better about trying stuff; but it's like pulling teeth sometimes!
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Agree with the M&Ms one and the biscuits

    When I eat french toast, I put ketchup on then cut it into 8 triangles. Pick the nicest looking piece (by shape and sauce distribution) then eat round the pieces leaving the best bit til last :)
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    - I like raw hot dogs.

    although most of them are pre-cooked, this made me cringe. but hey, to each their own!

    I don't really think I have weird ways about eating anything.. I'm not really a picky eater haha
  • abcmiah
    abcmiah Posts: 36 Member
    I eat the middle out of my sushi, then replace it with pickled ginger to eat the rice and seaweed. :)
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Chicken nuggets (only from McDonalds): I like to eat the skin first then the inside.

    I can only drink juice in the morning.

    I can not drink alcohol and eat at the same time. All alcohol must be consumed before I eat any food or I need to eat all my food before I drink alcohol.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    With almost anything that is meant to go together, I will make a point of making sure I get a little bit of everything into every bite. I rip bacon up into little pieces when I put it on a sandwich because I hate when I take one bite and the entire strip comes flying out at me. Also, I eat Skittles and other multi-flavored candies two at a time in specific flavor combinations; red and green, purple and yellow, etc.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    When I eat corn on the cob, I nibble the kernals off row by row. I can't stand that my husband just chomps away and leaves half eaten kernals all over the place, sometimes I'll clean off his too just because it bugs me. I am not remotely pedantic in that way about anything else in my life, so that is a really weird one for me. I think its because I love corn...
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i feel like my burrito eating is weird. i'll eat across the thing, pour a line of hot sauce/salsa/chile and then eat that down one more layer, more sauce, more eating...i go like this until its done lol. weird right?
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member

    I do that too!

    With gummy bears I will eat the head off one colour & the bottom of another colour & stick them together to make a new bear.

    Borderline Sociopath... just kidding dont hurt me...
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    if a food is hot, i have to eat it hot.
    some people can just eat foods out of a can, i can't.
    can't eat cold chicken!

    i don't like cheese on a lot of things. like it goes on pizza and maybe a cheeseburger or pasta...
    but not other sammiches. like i'd never eat cheese on a ham sandwich or even roast beef.

    i eat things i don't like first and save what i like for last.
    same with candy, like skittles. i eat all the red, then all the purple. the other 3 aren't even worthy of my mouth so i give them to the kids.

    sometimes i cook things in stages. cook and eat my veggies, wait an hour, cook and eat my protein.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i feel like my burrito eating is weird. i'll eat across the thing, pour a line of hot sauce/salsa/chile and then eat that down one more layer, more sauce, more eating...i go like this until its done lol. weird right?

    sounds pretty normal to me. i do this with pitas and mustard.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I had strange preferences I think with food types.

    Powdered mac and cheese is disgusting I opted for the gelatinous goo type with all the bad hydrogenated oils

    Kraft single american cheese is only good melted on foods I know it probably makes no difference in taste but completely mental.

    You put ketchup, mustard and relish on a hot dog.... You ONLY put mustard on a Brat or smoked sausage and that is really if its a good quality mustard.

    All American Pilsners taste terrible...yeah kind of a beer snob but I know what I like.

    I prefer a lot of the generic store bought crap over name brand when it comes to cookies and what not. I grew up on them I guess.
  • aspen_matthews
    I love pecan pie...but only the filling. I scoop the nuts off the top and suck the filling off of them and spit them out, then scoop out the insides, leaving a pile of nuts and the crust leftover.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Macaroni and cheese : I will take the fork and string one noodle on each tine of the fork and then eat the 4 noodles,

    Ramen: One noodle at a time, wrapped around a fork (I don't break the noodles before cooking and I drain all water before seasoning)

    M&Ms/Skittles/Colored candy coated thingies: Sort them by color. I will eat the candies that did not end up in a multiple of three first. If they are a multiple of three, they are the color that gets eaten last, if more than one group is multiple of three, then I eat them by order of the rainbow (after eating all the others).

    Cold cuts, if not on a sandwich, if they have any kind of 'skin' (like salami) I will eat from the middle to the outside.

    Ravioli, I remove the bottom layer of pasta and eat it first, then the filling, then the top, or top and filling are eaten together

    Three musketeers bar: Candy bar must be chilled. Then I break off all the chocolate from the outside and eat it first, then eat the middle.

    But that's all normal, right?
  • Tarah904
    Tarah904 Posts: 20
    For me...
    I count anything that has multiple colors (ie skittles or mms) and make them all even FIRST and then eat 1 of each color until they're all gone (maintaining an equal number of each)

    Uum I have to eat hot foods before cold ones because I don't like lukewarm foods

    I MUST string my string cheese

    I have to separate sandwich cookies (ie oreos or nutter butters)

    HAHAHA! I do all of these things!!! Well, except the hot/cold food thing.