What time do you have your 1st and last meal of the day



  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I wake up a 5am - 1 hour of cardio in a fasted state followed by breakfast at 7am
    First Meal
    At 8pm I eat something lite before bed - usually a health bar and some juice with some fruit. It varies.
    Last Meal.

    I am not saying I don't blow it at night, because I sure do. Nights are a killer for me.
  • Wake between 7:30-8:30am.
    I have my coffee protein shake within the half hour.
    (If it's a run & weights day I have a recovery shake between 10:30-11.)
    I have lunch between noon-2:30.
    A snack between 3-4:30.
    Dinner between 5-7.
    And depending on my calories I have a protein shake around 8:30-9:30pm.
    I go to bed between 10:30-midnight.

    What time I eat has never affected anything.
    How many calories, and how many meals I split my calories into has made a difference though.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    1st at 730 am
    Ice cream at 8pm

    I don't believe that it really matters what time you eat, but for me, personally, I need a cut off time.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    My first meal is sometime after I get up. My last meal is sometime before I go to bed! :bigsmile: That is as tight as I can narrow it! Not every day is identical.
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    My first meal is 8:40am and my last meal is 9pm. Then I wake around 2am and eat 6oz of chicken.
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    I typically don't eat until noon at the earliest, sometimes 2-3pm. I am awake at 630am on average. I eat until I run out of calories, consuming most of them later in the evening. I like to go to bed full.

    Up at around 6:45, first meal at 11:30 or 12:00 usually (sometimes as late as 3 or 4) , and always something around 10:30 or 11:00 at night (a snack if it's not full-on dinner). If possible, I tend to hoard calories until that late night meal and gorge myself on something right before bed, after my evening workout. Nothing like some gym time and a full tummy to put this gal to sleep! :wink:
  • sweetiemimila
    sweetiemimila Posts: 28 Member
    I tend to have breakfast between 8:30 and 9 am, and I have dinner around 6, no later than 6:30. If I get hungry after then, I eat on a fruit and drink tons of water. Then I do a workout at night for about 1 1/2 or 2 hours at the gym anywhere between 8-11 (time varies), but when I make it home I shower and go to sleep unless I am lurking and posting on here. :)
  • MzVonda
    MzVonda Posts: 87
    8 am I drink my body by vi shake for breakfast and 2 glasses of 8oz water
    10 am I have a small snack and 24 oz of water
    Noon I have my lunch and another 24 oz of water
    2 pm I have a small snack and 16 oz of water
    I try to have another small snack at 4 but not all the time I can get it in
    I eat my last meal of the day at 7:30 and another 16 oz of water....

    I have tried to keep this schedule up for the past couple of months and it seems to be working out and losing weight...the only thing I am having trouble with is my sodium intake...

    My food diary is open for all to see for any help and suggestions and feel free to add me as a pal :0)
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    I'm a late eater too. I normally only eat a banana in the morning, about 9, then lunch at between 11:30 and 12:30, dinner at 6 or 7. I don't think it matters when I eat, just that I eat. I snack, but only lightly after dinner as I don't like to go to sleep feeling "full"
  • 6pm here, usually
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i do not have a set schedule. sometimes i'm in bed at midnight, sometimes i go to bed at 9 am.

    if i'm hungry, i eat.
  • I generally get up around 7-8 am (I am a writer) and I will get in 3-4 meals per day. I normally won't eat within a couple of hours of bed.
  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    I'm up at 5:30, usually have breakfast just before I leave for work about 7:30. I prefer not to eat too close to bed time.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    First around 1-2pm, last around 930pm. Switching to a 16/8 eating style was the best thing I ever did!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    M-F I have breakfast at 6:30 and dinner anywhere between 7-8pm, after my workout. On weekends, anything goes.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    We are up late everyday so breakfast around 12pm, lunch around 4pm and dinner at 8pm. No food after 9pm is my rule since I am an avid late night snacker and its the only way to keep myself in check :)
  • kasebrad
    kasebrad Posts: 61 Member
    First: 7-8am
    Last - 9-10pm

    I don't know how people can fall asleep on an empty stomach
  • mawray2
    mawray2 Posts: 13
    I eat breakfast as soon as I get up (could be between 7-10 depending on the day and how lazy I am being: ) and have dinner usually around 6:30. Most of the times I have a snack around 8 (usually something that I pretend is dessert...like a yogurt).
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Between 6am-6:30am, I have a protein shake and half of a raw avacodo
    Between 730-800am, I have breakfast, usually Kashi and mixed berries
    Between 10-1030am, I have a protein bar snack
    Around noon, I eat lunch
    Around 3pm, I have a snack, normally turkey jerky
    Around 6pm, I eat dinner
    Before bed (usually around 10pm), I have a night time protein shake.

    Clockwork...I eat spread out just to keep my hunger pangs under control, NOT because of some myths about number of meals and metabolism.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Depends. Sometimes I have something at around midday/1pm which is when I seem to be getting up these days, sometimes I have nothing until dinner at 8 or 9 and my last food of the day is just before bed at around 2/3am. I have a messed up routine right now.