What is your heaviest weight?



  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Highest weight was 220 in 2007. MFP starting weight was 140.
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    238 was the heaviest that I know of & that was about 3 years ago. Didn't step on a scale much then so it could have been higher. Now I'm at 197. My goal was 210 & never thought I'd reach it. So I lowered it to 200...again never thinking I'd reach it. Now I have a goal of 180 & i know that I'll reach that.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    218. I am at 201 currently. Looking to reach 160
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    My heaviest was 160 lbs in September 2011. Now I'm at 130 lbs, the goal is 110-115.
  • true35
    true35 Posts: 43
    Summer 2010 - 311
    Summer 2011 - 297
    Summer 2012 - 287

    ...kinda starts and stops, but this time is the last time! I didn't think about "heaviest weights" until you asked :ohwell:
  • BenBz
    BenBz Posts: 46 Member

    292 in 2004....
    281 - Oct. 2010 when I started making an effort to change
    241 - Feb 2012 when I joined MFP
    208 - Today - June 26, 2012

    The day I see 199 on the scale will be one of the best days of my life.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    5'4" - 340 was my highest I think. I've lost 122 pounds, now 218. Would REALLY like to see Onederland by 2013.
  • eatkinso
    eatkinso Posts: 14 Member
    My heaviest was 230 (Last month) now I am 225 (yesterday). A week ago I was 222. I feel like a rollercoaster...up and down, up and down.
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    My heaviest was 136. But I wasn't really focused on my weight...I was (and still am) focused on my looks and health. I've lost almost 13 pounds so far.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Well technically my heaviest weight was 227 but that was when I was 9 months pregnant... I'm currently 207.
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    325!!!!!!!! wish i could get back there...
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    Highest weight was 340, i went to the doctor with a headace and it was due to high blood pressure. Started playing racquetball the next day and worked my weight down so I don't have to take blood pressure meds anymore. Now I am back at the grind trying to reach my original goal of getting under 200lbs so I can reach my high school wrestling weight.
  • tracpo
    tracpo Posts: 73 Member
    I'm almost 5' 4" and my heaviest weight that I know about is about 247 then I stopped stepping on the scale for a while so it could've gone higher (and probably did) that was quite a few years ago.

    I lost some weight and got down to 190 for my wedding but went back up again after that and hung around 220-210 for a while and unfortunately felt a little too comfortable in that range even though I really wasn't that comfortable at all.

    Now I'm down to 193-190 its been flucuating and am really focused on healthy choices and exercise so hopefully I'll be out of the 190s for good before long.

    My ultimate goal is 135ish.
  • 200 when i was pregnant (I'm 5'4.5")

    Lost some weight, then gained it back again when I quit smoking 2 years ago.

    When I started this journey i was 198
    Now i'm 191-193

    I have an athletic build so my goal is 160

    Ultimately i'd love to get to 150
  • MSRunner23
    MSRunner23 Posts: 107
    Heaviest: 212
    Currently: 168
    Goal: 160-165
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    267 was my highest this year, right now i'm down 34 pounds! :D
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member

    I was bigger in high school & refused to even look at a scale so only lord (and the pediatrician) knows what that weight.
  • Zeekorah
    Zeekorah Posts: 7 Member
    330 lbs was my heaviest. I decided 3 weeks ago it's time for a serious change, at that point I was 315 and I'm now 304.

    My goal is to be 150 and the decide from there what I want to do :o)
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    October 2010 - 219
    Currently - 170 :)
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    About 215 lbs. Right now I'm about 153 lbs.