I am running out of will power. :(

I dont want to give up but i am feeling like i have gave up. I knew it wouldnt be easy but man what I wouldnt do for a soda and some junk right now! please anyone have some words that might help me oush thru this hard spot? and tips of kinds words what keeps you going?


  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
    It is hard! Let me try to think of a time when it was easy.... Nope, it's hard. We ALL know it's hard and we are here for you. We all have our down days (weeks, months). But the great thing about this is that you can always decide, now, to recommit. You can't be perfect all the time, this is a lifestyle change. And if being successful means that you have to break down every now and then for some junk food, then have a little junk food. Just don't over do it, and count it! Always count your calories to keep yourself honest, even if you are going over your limit.

    You can totally do this, you are doing it! You've lost 27lbs so far! that's fantastic!
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    You CAN do this. Look at that ticker and how far it came. If you need a cheat day and can control it then do it. However. I took a cheat day at 19 pounds lost....and my cheat day became a cheat 15 pounds! If you need someone to talk to you can PM me. Chin up. You can do it.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Before you really have a huge splurge why don't you factor in a cheat meal or two into your weekly calorie amount? That way you will still be at a deficit.

    Eg: Weekly calorie amount = 1,500 x 7 = 10,500 Calories for the week

    Mon: 1,300
    Tue: 1, 500
    Wed: 1,500
    Thur: 1,300
    Fri: 1,500
    Sat: 2,000
    Sun: 1,400
    Total 10,500 calories
  • paulipet
    paulipet Posts: 70
    Don't give up - you have done amazingly well. But, and I may not be popular for saying this, if you need to have a soda and burger day then do so. That way it won't become a constant craving in the back of your mind and you may find that once you have agreed to let yourself have them you may not want them after all. Hope that makes sense. Write it all down if you do have them and then start again tomorrow.

    I had a really bad day yesterday but actually feel better and more positive today. Also NEVER FORGET YOU CAN DO IT. You have done. Just look at your loss record :smile:
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    I dont want to give up but i am feeling like i have gave up. I knew it wouldnt be easy but man what I wouldnt do for a soda and some junk right now! please anyone have some words that might help me oush thru this hard spot? and tips of kinds words what keeps you going?

    As long as you fit it into your overall goals, and don't over do it, you should be fine. This should be a lifestyle change and not a diet. Diets restrict you whereas lifestyle changes free you!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    My advice, suck it up! You can do it, you do not NEED a soda or junk food, it is bad for you, and your body.

    How will you feel once you've had it? Anything worth having is hard work. Keep it up and dont let food control you!x
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Wow! I read your bio and you're a mom with 5 children! You also say that you want to do this for yourself. It's very hard to put yourself first when you have that many little people depending on you. Stress - which I'm sure is a constant in your life right now - is something that makes us all reach for things (especially food) that used to give us some comfort. I couldn't see your diary, but you sound like you have been making healthy food choices. If that's the case, try to delay the need for junk as long as possible. Most importantly, don't keep it in the house. Then make an effort to choose something that is high in protein. That seems to help me when I was craving sweets. Now that I have cut out the sugar and diet drinks, I don't crave them at all. You've lost a lot! You are halfway to your goal!!! Another option is to work some treats into your calories for the day. Fruit is sweet. I'm sure you'll get a lot of advice on this post and mine is just another opinion. Stay strong and keep your goal out front. You can do this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Looking at your profile, I am sure you have a stressful life. I am not sure my way of treating stressful days is what would work for everyone. Not even sure what my Dr. would say about it BUT I must say I give in to my cravings, I feel the body is telling you what you need. I try to have a splurge ever few days, just keep it within my calories, that way my urges don't get out of hand. I never say to myself anything is off limits, just in moderation, and count every calorie. I find if I splurge of a morning or at lunch it fills my needs & I can tell myself I will enjoy the rest of the day since I have had my treat! Hope this helps, Hang in There!
  • I know what you mean. I keep starting and quitting over and over. It is hard. But I have learned that the only way to do this is to count calories (it is the only thing that works for me), So, if you want something with high calories - have a minimal amount and log the calories. Everything in moderation. Just don't do that everyday!! Good luck.
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    If you deny yourself what you want most, you will slip. Have a diet soda, have a small amout of what it is that you want, take small bites, and really savor it, really take the time to enjoy it. I use sugerless gum at time like this, when I have an intense craving and I know I am not actually hungry - in goes the gum. You can do this! Keep your chin up and believe in yourself.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    I dont want to give up but i am feeling like i have gave up. I knew it wouldnt be easy but man what I wouldnt do for a soda and some junk right now! please anyone have some words that might help me oush thru this hard spot? and tips of kinds words what keeps you going?

    Ask yourself what the soad and junk are really satisfying when this craving comes on. I do this with ice cream and candy. i start to want to give in to the BAGS of candy and then I realize and remember how I feel after consuming such sweet quantities. I found my mood is worst after my instant gluttonous gratification. How much better would you feel if you substituted the sugary desire with a sweet piece of fruit and a simple walk in a beautiful scenic area. Take your mind and body outside and feel the inspiration the air. You would be amazed at how much your spirits are lifted when you've given yourself to the moment of natures relief. Give yourself a chance one minute at a time! You're doing awesome and giving up is not an option nor is it a way of living. Your journey is a new intimate relationship with yourself. It's always in the beginning stages and the beginning stages are exciting! Make today your day!
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    Log it before you eat it - see how much it will 'cost' you. That might be enough to put you off, or only eat half. If you still want it - do as the other posters have said and enjoy. Sit down, savour it and make the experience a real treat. You are not denying yourself and you have included it on your log so still staying honest. Allow for it over the next few days - do more exercise - whatever. We all have to allow ourselves some slack.
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    You have come sooo far. You can't quit now!! Keep going. You can do it. If you slip and have something bad for you, get right back on track the next day. I have consumed double my calorie intake once on this journey. I felt like crap the next day, but I got right back on track with myself. Summer is hard too with all the picnics, parties, and such. But you can do this. Keep within your calorie goal and you can't go wrong!!!

    ETA: I failed every diet I have ever been on. This time around, its not a diet for me. Its about eating healthy and if I don't choose a healthy meal, at least keeping it in moderation. I have had a lot of success this time around. The weight is coming off slower, but it is still coming off. That's the important part.
  • You can do it, i am in the same boat. Hang in there, remind yourself of how hard you have worked to get to where you are andt hat there is still time to fix it.:drinker:
  • ibshell
    ibshell Posts: 22 Member
    Oh sweetie! I know it's hard!! But my goodness look how far you've come!!! I am so impressed! Don't give up now and lose all that you've earned, cause I promise you that you will. I have recently been there. Try having a "splurge day". I have found this to be a great way to keep on track. If I don't allow myself one day that I can have the foods I enjoy, I get way off. I usually pick a day that I know I'm doing something special- (eg.- date night with my honey, wedding, birthday, lunch with a friend, etc.) I hope this helps. But I am truly impressed by your progress. Keep up the good work!!!
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    I almost always leave room for a glass of wine and a treat for after I put my sons to bed. That way, I don't feel like I'm depriving myself, and I can relax and enjoy it!
  • Don't DO IT! You have come too far to give up. Remember this - Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!
  • Don't! Hold on! The feeling of your success when you see the pounds lost, when you look in mirror, or, when those jeans are a little saggy...feels better than any soda or junk food you will EVER it!!! You can do it!
  • prevalant
    prevalant Posts: 2
    your post gave me encouragement!! I have been eating anything I want, feel bad, then repeat the resolve
    tomorrow, tomorrow I start again just to cave and repeat the eating cycle. I want you to know your post made me think. Hang in there!!!:
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I don't know that this will help at all, but I try and think of several reasons why I shouldn't eat something. 1:I'm getting married and want to be at the weight I want before buying a wedding dress. 2: If i eat that, then I have to exercise more and I'm lazy I don't want to exercise more than I have to. 3: I find the clothes that make the fat stand out the most, put them on, look in the mirror and go Oh, right, that's why I'm losing weight. 4: I'm 22. I have a Fiance, and I'm bound to get pregnant before I'm ready, and it's way harder to lose the weight after having a child. 5: i'll feel better about myself in every way. 6: I'll be healthier and be able to do more activities with my kids when I have them.
    These aren't necessarily in the right order, but they are things I think of when trying to lose weight and beat my willpower issues. To be honest there's quite a few days where I've cheated and gained the weight back up. I've realized though, that as long as I choose to exercise after eating something I shouldn't have, as long as the exercise weighs out, it's not that big of a deal. My suggestion.. If your really craving something, try to find it with lower calories as possible, and then do some more exercise for the day.
    I found Pringles in 110 calorie packs at Walmart the other day. It's helpful to get the smaller packs because you know you can eat the entire thing and it's not going to hurt that much as long as you don't grab another pack!