1000 cals a day??



  • EYGregory3
    EYGregory3 Posts: 11 Member
    1000 calories for 10 days is fine.

    I did it!!!

    . My doctor recommended it after having my metabolism tested. Eating 1000 calories simply creates a caloric deficet. Allowing your metabolism to gear up into overdrive.

    I lost 15 over a 2 month period. Then increased calories to 1200 and lost another 10. Now I'm eating 1500 and simply exercising 2/3x a week to maintain the 30 lb loss. At a year now, and its still off. :-) Hope that helps!!!
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    I honestly don't think that it would be a problem...I eat about that many calories a day anyway, and I've never had an issue. However, ignoring what the fear-mongers on MFP say about slowing down your metabolism (which takes MONTHS to do, I might add, and months like closer to a year than two or three) you may just want to talk to your doctor about it.
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I did the 10 min trainer and the 10 day diet....didnt work...I actually gained weight-=( and until I started eating my 1200 cals then I started losing again....also unless u do all 3 videos a day (30 min instead of 10) i wouldnt recommend eating back ur excersise cals...good luck!!!
  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    yeah i wouldn't do that....loosing weight that fast is not healthy a slow steady loss is what is best for anyone trying to loose weight....

    lose, not loose
  • EYGregory3
    EYGregory3 Posts: 11 Member
    It was just the jump start my body needed. :-)
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    I think those 10 day diets are worthless IMHO. why eat only 1000 to lose some weight and then eat 1200-1500 in 10 days? all you are doing is having a higher calorie deficit which make you lose weight but I would see that you gain it back. i dont see a point in putting your body in such a strain remember 3500 calories is a pound so to me not worth it.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    All I have to say is that it will probably...absolutely jump start your weight loss...because your body well go wtf and immediately deplete your glycogen. I'm willing to bet the initial pounds will not be fat. I'm willing to bet your glycogen will come back when you start eating again.

    Therefore, pointless.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Ah, **** - moment of weakness. I really do know better. The allure of dropping a pants size in 10 days though...... it's freaking tempting.

    Yes, it is. And you can do it. But the long-term impact is that you'll have to start eating more at some point, and your metabolism will be so suppressed after the 10 day period that a lot of it will come back on again as soon as you start eating.

    If you have some specific reason why you need to be a pant size lower in ten days, and you don't care about your pant size in 15 days, then it's probably not harmful to you at all.

    But slow and steady is the way to go for the long haul.
  • MrsMangler
    MrsMangler Posts: 63 Member
    I doubt you'll be thrown into starvation mode unless you go over 3 days without eating. The whole Starvation Mode craze has taken on a life of it's own. You'll be fine. Hungry? Yes. But you won't be literally starving.

    I agree. I am 5'1, but for me to lose weight, I have to keep my calories around 1,000-1200. It is important to make sure that what you are eating counts. I try to eat 40% carbs, 40% protein, and 20% fat. It keeps me from getting hungry.

    I think the key is "listen to your body." If you are hungry, give yourself permission to eat something healthy. The reason 1200 calories is important is to achieve well-rounded nutrition. I don't think a supplement overcomes the insufficiencies when your diet isn't well-rounded. Supplements don't seem to provide the same benefits as the nutrients in whole foods.

    Another way to "listen to your body" is if you are losing more than 2 pounds a week. Don't lose sight of a long term goal for a short term "solution".
  • hellohoney86
    I really appreciate all of the varied feedback! It's interesting to hear the many different thought processes on this one.

    I've been reading and researching and I'm going to go for it. It's 10 days, from what I've read it won't harm my body for such a short term. Tonnes of protein/veggies, lots of water and we'll see what happens. If I drop a few pounds and it comes back on after I go back to my 1200-1500/day, I'm not really any farther behind than I would have been at the rate my loss is going so far anyways