I still don't fit in my size 12 jeans!



  • dgbiggz
    dgbiggz Posts: 25
    True...clothes almost NEVER fit the same! Back in '07 I weighed 290lbs....I got busy on my treadmill (ONLY) and in less than a year lost to 185 & I could actually wear a size 12, but 14 was more comfortable. After I got married two years ago, I gained a few back - more like 20...and weightwise I'm back down to where I was when I could wear 14's & 12's but I can't even get my leg in them now. While I'm still working out...I'm not as toned as I was when I first got on this weightloss merry go round & man does it ever make a BIG HUGE difference! It's enough to make you want to cry for sure, but I try to keep remembering that 16 ain't so bad...at least it's not 24 or 26 like it once was!!!
  • pamfm
    pamfm Posts: 93 Member
    Weight is insignificant to pants size. You will fit into size 12 jeans when your waist is 30", and/or your hips are close to 41".

    I wear size 10-12 jeans at 5'4", 141, 'cause my hips are 41.5 inches.
  • LatinaNegrita
    Sounds like me too! i currently weight 174 and I'm a size 10/12 depending on the make/style of the jean. I was a size 8 when I weighed 161 lbs and I'm trying to get back to that but I noticed that some of my size 8 do fit (snuggly).

    So it is based on the cut of the jean and no brand is consistently with the sizing. I know you have a goal and sounds like you're well on your way just keep u pthe great work!

    You had a baby so your body has changed so that will affect how and where you lose the weight.

    You're doing great, keep it up!


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    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I am 5'6 and weigh 150. I just recently was able to get into my size 12. 6 yrs ago I was on WW and lost about 70 lbs to a weight of 150 and was able to get into a size 10. Then I got pregnant with twins. So now at that same weight I still can not fit into those 10's. I believe my hips spread and things just got proportioned differently. I have seen people my height and weight and wearing a size 6-8. Makes me crazy but that's just my body type. I'm a pear and carry my weight in my hips and bottom. Everyone is different.
  • maharrod7
    maharrod7 Posts: 32
    I am exersicing I go to the gym for atleast an hour a day and I do weights every ither day just about. The jean I can get them up my legs but there like 3 inches away from buttoning. before my baby I NEVER exercised. I was so lazy! I liked to sit around and do nothing. I would go on the treadmill like once aweek but thats it.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    yoga has helped slim my middle. i still have "flab" there, but it's not AS fluffy as it used to be. ;) maybe add some yoga?
  • darls25
    darls25 Posts: 151 Member
    Maybe you lost the weigh in different places then you originally put them on. Do you have any measurements from when you where in the size 12's? That might help to show you the comparison of maybe having to lose a few inches more.
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    I am exersicing I go to the gym for atleast an hour a day and I do weights every ither day just about. The jean I can get them up my legs but there like 3 inches away from buttoning. before my baby I NEVER exercised. I was so lazy! I liked to sit around and do nothing. I would go on the treadmill like once aweek but thats it.

    Just a thought....I dont have kids so I may be talking out of my *kitten*, but how big did your belly get whilst preggo? Could be be dealing with any excess skin? That can mess you up and is extremely hard to exercise away. :/ If that is the case maybe you need to learn to love yourself as you are, afterall your baby is probably worth being a size bigger :)
  • Genericwit
    Genericwit Posts: 70 Member
    What everyone else said about weight distribution. When I dropped down to 260lbs, I could wear a size 18 with plenty of room but 16s were tight. Now that I'm 220 lbs, I can wear a size 18 with plenty of room, and 16s are still tight.

    But when I wear shorts, I notice they're looser not in the waist, but in the legs, and when I wear t-shirts, I notice the sleeves are looser, so I lost 40 lbs in my arms and legs.

    When you're losing weight, your body pulls the fat out to convert it to energy since you're not eating enough to get enough energy. It's not going to be fussy about where it pulls it from, unfortunately. So enjoy losing weight in places wherever the crap your little cellular soldiers decide they want to go for reserves.

    And exercising doesn't help in that regard. For example, if you work on your arms, it's simply going to mean you're burning more energy (but again, you dunno where your body is pulling it from), and it's going to build muscle. Muscle weighs more, so you could be smaller with the same weight, but the fat in your arms isn't going to convert to muscle or anything. That's not how the body functions on a cellular level.

    You just gotta keep losing weight, and by process of elimination, your body's going to start converting fat in your stomach/hips to energy once it's got nowhere else to pull from.