Who's the crazy one?



  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    Well...no expert here...but seems to me if you are questioning your doctor's advice, you aren't all that comfortable with him and it may be a good idea to get hold of a different doctor or a nutricianist for guidance.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    One other thing with the sleep -- have you had a sleep study done? At your weight, sleep apnea is a very common disorder that could cause the problems you've described.

    Bottom line, I agree with everyone who said to get a second opinion. And when you do, mention the things that have been mentioned here.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Can you get a referral to see a nutritionist? Then you don't even have to fire your doctor, you'll just have someone else qualified helping you, too.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I know this isn't what you want to hear but I tend to agree with most of what he said. And doctors do of course understand how weight loss and nutrition fundamentally work. I think he wants you to increase your N.E.A.T. (google it), not focus on killing yourself on a cardio machine and adding/eating back. That's what's with the 'just move more'. Your BodyMedia can confirm for you that if you do just get up and walk around say 10-15 mins. of most waking hours, you burn much more overall than doing an hour run or on the elliptical. And it feels like less and you're less prone to injure yourself.

    Broken record alert: There is no medical reason to not eat below your BMR.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    1. Drink a ton of water
    2. Calorie cycle- do a few days of lower, then one or two higher, then back down again
    3. Vary your diet-change it up.....try some spicier things and cut out refined sugars, processed meat, and starchy carbs.
    4. Cardio and strength are good....keep at 'em-vary your cardio though....try some circuit training so your body doesnt get sued to doing the same routine.
    5. HIIT-High intensity Interval Training-do bursts of higher intensity workouts....while you're on the elliptical, for every 5 minutes or so, do 1 minute of higher intensity.
    6. Eat high fiber, high protein...lots of veggies.
    7. Be patient
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I would plug your info into MFP and see what it says and go from there. I think what you are eating is a bit high calorie wise. I would maybe cut back to 1800 cals and go from there. If you still arent losing maybe cut back more. Because of your thyroid issues unfortunately you might have to cut back cals more then most people . I weighed 287 when I first started and have ate 1260 cals since starting not eating back exercise cals. I also have thyroid issues along with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. If you eat the right foods, foods that are filling it really isnt as hard as it sounds. Good Luck . You can do it......
  • Acliff510
    Acliff510 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm only going to comment on one thing in your post:
    I wanted off the depo provera shot but he argued with me claiming the symptoms were not hormonal.

    "Get a new doctor. That shot is the devil"

    I'm agreeing with this. I too was once on that medication and experienced extreme weight gain. Like 30lbs in one year!!! THEN after I quit taking it, I never got my menstrual cylce back and ended up developing PCOS. This is a personal question ... but do you have a regular menses??

    ~ Anyways ~ Knowing what I know now ... I feel much better if I eat more like a diabetic (low sugar & high protein and fiber)

    Sorry, this might not answer your question on how much you should be eating ... but maybe its something to think about regarding using that awful medicine.
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Please, please, please find a new doctor. He is so ill informed it's sick. I've been fighting thyroid for a long time and you have classic symptoms. Please find a doc that's informed as to the new parameters for thyroid blood hormones. You need to be eating more.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    I'd be selective is who's advise you follow on this board. Most of us, including myself would not be qualified to provide answer. Go see a weight loss expert.

    Now that being said, here is my 2 cents:

    Try 1,800 cal.

    Follow his advise and just move (either at the gym or elsewhere or everywhere)

    Have you had yourself checked for sleep Apnea? - I would if I were u.
  • LaJaunaF
    LaJaunaF Posts: 112 Member
    Just reading your letter made me sad. I would say you have classic sleep apnea! I think you need to demand a sleep study test and get treated for that before you do anything else. Also, have you looked to see if your gym offers water aerobics of any sort? I swear I can work for a solid hour doing movements I couldn't do on dry land! I work up a sweat and have sore muscles when I am done! My goal is to go 5 times a week! I am here for you! Let's encourage each other!
  • TescherTK
    TescherTK Posts: 44 Member
    I think you need to find a new doctor. I'm sure he knows his medical stuff, but I don't think he knows his people stuff. You went to him for help and he sure didn't give you any.

    Like others have said, I'm no doctor, but even I know that "food is food" is a load of hooey! I know how I feel after I eat fast food, and it is not good! I feel sluggish and weighed down. How can I exercise after that? If I eat good, healthy foods, I feel much better and have more energy.

    As for exercise: Just move? yeah, I'll roll over in my sleep, is that moving? I don't think so. I know I need to do cardio to get my heart rate up just to burn calories, fat, etc. And I need to do strength training to be strong enough to keep my body moving during cardio. And as for injuries, a person can hurt themselves just walking.

    bottom line is: you know your body better than anyone, and if something isn't right, then it isn't right. Get a 2nd opinion.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    If you are under the care of a physician, do what he says - period!

    I know you followed this up with seeking a second opinion (which I agree the OP should do), but this might be the most reckless statement anyone can follow when it comes to medicine. Doctors are not all created equal, and doctors quite frequently are blowhards who give advice as if they are specialists in a field they took one class on in med school. You wouldn't go to a cardiologist for your gall bladder, so listening to a GP who doesn't necessarily have any advanced knowledge in nutrition or fitness isn't wise either.

    The best advice I was ever given when it came to dealing with medical issues was be a strong advocate for yourself, because no one else will be. If you believe your doctor isn't hearing you, or is dismissing your concerns, find a new doctor. Plain and simple. It can sometimes truly be the difference between life and death.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Excellent thought about the sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea can sleep for hours and never rest because they wake up many times a night that they don't remember. It's very sleep related.

    You have a lot of weight to lose and you're young. Treat yourself. Go to a dietician or nutritionist and get a good workup from a professional. Your doctor can give you a referral. Often if you have health insurance they will pay for it because it saves them money in the long run.

    It will make you feel better, it will keep you healthier, and it may save your life.

    In the mean time, if you feel that bad following your doctor's advice, don't do it. Things that make you feel that bad are not good for you.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Regarding the sleep issue, when I weighed over 300lbs, I had the beginning signs of sleep apnea. I never felt rested, since I lost weight all signs of sleep apnea are gone and I do sleep better. But, I think if you are not happy, get a second opinion from another MD.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I think you need to find a new doctor. I'm sure he knows his medical stuff, but I don't think he knows his people stuff. You went to him for help and he sure didn't give you any.

    Like others have said, I'm no doctor, but even I know that "food is food" is a load of hooey! I know how I feel after I eat fast food, and it is not good! I feel sluggish and weighed down. How can I exercise after that? If I eat good, healthy foods, I feel much better and have more energy.

    As for exercise: Just move? yeah, I'll roll over in my sleep, is that moving? I don't think so. I know I need to do cardio to get my heart rate up just to burn calories, fat, etc. And I need to do strength training to be strong enough to keep my body moving during cardio. And as for injuries, a person can hurt themselves just walking.

    bottom line is: you know your body better than anyone, and if something isn't right, then it isn't right. Get a 2nd opinion.

    How you "feel" does not affect how calories work. When he said "calories are calories", i'm pretty sure he meant she could eat x amount of burgers or x amount of healthy food and lose or gain the same amount of weight.
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    I agree 100%. I know that my experience is not everyone's, but I gained weight and lost my hair on it. And he shouldn't be arguing about birth control. If he is disagreeing with you on blood pressure or thyroid medicine that there could be good reasons for you to be on specific drugs than that makes some sense. But why fight someone to go on a specific birth control. There are a lot of choices out there.

    I can't speak to BMR at all, but your doctor should be respectful and helpful. Saying, Just Move is neither.

    Time for a new dr.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member

    I basicly told him I was experiencing an inconsistency with my sleep (sometimes I sleep too much and sometimes I sleep too litle) and that I never feel rested when I wake up, that I have low energy and depression, in addition to the stalled weight loss.

    Also apparently it doesn't mater if fast food / soda is part of that number or not. "food is food".

    He also told me that tracking calories burned for steps/exercise is a waste of time and not even to time myself, to just "get up and move and don't worry about how many cals you burn or what the muscle group is, just move"

    But when I told him I elliptical 3 times a week and then jog/run once or twice he got upset and told me not to do activities like that because I'll injure myself, and that weight lifteing at my weight is dangerous because of bad form, so I'm not sure what he expects me to do. When I asked he said "just move!".

    Additional details,
    350 lbs
    23 years old
    lightly active
    underactive thyroid (40mcg synthroid)

    OK- I quoted everything I think is very pertinent.

    You need consistent sleep for muscle repair and general well being. I personally wouldn't think that was hormonal either. The "food is food" comment was just him being *kitten*. In theory- yeah, when you have that much weight to lose, it is a matter of calories in calories out to just get the process started, but he didn't need to be an *kitten*. And in the beginning, you do need to just move, and get to a weight where you aren't getting in the way of yourself to do something in the correct and healthy manner. Once again, he was being an *kitten* with his delivery, but I think what he really meant was "Focus on one thing at a time. Lets get the relationship with food down pat, and then we can worry about jogging etc." Quite frankly, at that weight, you COULD hurt yourself. I have 2 inches on you and you have 150 pds on me. And I just started feeling comfortable jogging without hurting my knees. I'm not trying to be an *kitten*, just honest. And you have an under active thyroid. Huge factor.

    Start by trusting MFP for a little bit. That is the beginning. Go for a walk, keep moving your body. Don't hurt yourself. Breath. Give it time.

    Oh, and get an ACTUAL second opinion from a doctor or nutritionist :) Best of Luck!
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    If you are under the care of a physician, do what he says - period!
    And if you need another opinion, seek out another Dr - don't troll MFP for somebody to agree with you.
    Sounds like you just want to eat more.
    Join the club.
    Either take your doctor's advice, or fire him and seek medical services elsewhere.
    Good Luck:flowerforyou:

    While I do agree that she should seek another physician, she specifically prefaced that hers wasn't an expert in nutrition or fitness. If I were you, OP, I would seek the opinion of a trained nutritionist, dietician and possibly even a personal trainer to get the information you need to get the proper diet, caloric intake and workout routine.

    Him arguing with you when you wanted to stop taking Depo is ridiculous too, you can make choices about your body too and if you don't want to take that horomonal injection anymore he shouldn't argue with you about it.
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    I am 315lbs and mfp has me eating 1600 cals a day. Now when I calculate my BMR from any formula it is way up over 2000. Many months on mfp I would eat 1600 c plus my excersise cals back and didn't drop 1 lb. So now I eat around 1500 and do not eat my excersise cals back and I dropped 7 lbs in one month. I believe that since we are bigger we can go below are brm and be okay. just drop your cals a little every week until the scale starts moving..

    My beleif is that counting steps is ok but it is not the best becasue it does not factor in effort. Take the number that your armband gives you. I have the same one and that is the only thing that I look at.
  • km_jenn
    km_jenn Posts: 107
    I agree he sounds like a jerk. That being said, some of it makes sense.

    -if you want to log your steps, thats cool, but I would not count every step you make as exercise. This is misleading. Although BMR shows you a number that would be what you burned in bed, that doesn't make every step you take exercise you would literally consider "exercise" calories.

    -Just move is actually great advice, don't over think it. Sounds like he did a poor job explaining what he meant, but I think he may have been trying to explain every movement isn't "exercise". Move as much as possible. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, make multiple trips when you have things to carry from one room to another, pace the floor when you are on the phone, get up on commercials and walk across the house. Just always be in an active mindset, and stay moving. It adds up. Again, his explanation is lacking!

    -Do NOT stop the elliptical! DO be careful with jogging. The extra weight is a factor that could lead to injury, so ease in and be cautious. An injury would set you much farther back than starting slowly will. (again, he did not explain that well!)

    -1500-1600 hundred calories is reasonable, choose the foods that allow you to eat the most for your calorie buck! I eat 1500 calories a day, and I eat a ton of food. If you don't feel well eating that amount, bump it up a little, but remember this will determine how steady your weight loss is. If you are stalling, you have to change things. You are eating too many calories, and considering regular basic human movement as calories burned.