The Inconvenience of Water



  • joec63
    joec63 Posts: 56 Member
    You can drink too much water ya know. Look it up, water intoxication. Once my urine is clear then I'm drinking enough, anymore is overkill and 2 gallons sounds insane .
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    Yeah, a couple years in here and I pee at least once an hour. Unfortunately the bladder doesn't seem to stretch out like the belly to hold more. Lol
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Lol I hear ya. I do think that I'm peeing a bit less than I was in the beginning. Just a bit though. The inconvenience for me is that every time I go to refill...I have to walk past my bosses office which I hate. aaaand people are ALWAYS bringing in sweets/treats to share, they leave them in the kitchen and I have to look at it every time I fill my water lol.
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    if you go to this site, there is a calculator that will tell you how much you should drink to help you lose weight. my doctor actually had me do this in his office about 2 weeks ago.

    That site is awesome if you exercise less than 90 hours per day..but it's a great site!
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I hope it tapers off soon because I have been drinking about a gallon of water a day now for about a week and WOW! The urge to have to pee comes suddenly, comes often, and is so annoying! On the plus is almost entirely clear now, no odor whatsoever, and my skin is looking better. AND I figure I burn about 2-5 calories doing the potty dance every day! :laugh:

    LOL! I told my job that I was going to calculate how many calories I burn in my mad dash to the restroom (which isn't close and seems even further when you REALLY have to go!). Obviously the burn on the way back to my desk wouldn't be as high.....:bigsmile:
  • tj1971
    tj1971 Posts: 40 Member
    Yep, my friend keeps telling me that urge will stop. Not happening. I have an office job which has me sitting alot which seems to be worse, or at least I notice it more.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I used to have this problem, but after awhile I guess my body just got used the water. I drink 80 ounces/day, and I do about 6 hours/week of cardio with a bit of strength training. According to the calculator that was just posted, I'm spot-on for my size. It's worth it--at the very least it keeps me away from the soda because I don't really feel like drinking after drinking all day!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    OMG...I am SO glad that I am not alone. I HATE HATE HATE having to pee ALL the freaking time! Sometimes less than 20 minutes after I just went! And I barely even make it to 8 full glasses every day.

    I deal with it, because that's what I have to do, bu it can be frustrating, especially when I'm not even near a!
  • chickengirl90
    As far as I understand, and have been told by my doctor, you only need to drink enough to make you pee a light yellow. If it's dark, you are either dehydrated or have something else going on, and if it's pretty much colorless, you don't have to drink quite so much.

    Don't forget you get fluids in some of your foods too.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    If a person is drinking an excessive amount of water, I don't think your body ever gets used to that. It's not necessary to drink 2 gallons a day. If your urine is clear and you aren't thirsty, then you're getting enough fluids and don't need to force more.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Sorry to say, I don't think it ever gets better... and since I'm trying to work, I end up putting it off until my back teeth are floating and it's critical! Or, something really complex will come up and I'll have to say, "Hang on --- I can't concentrate on this until I pee..."

    Worse still - the older I get, the more often I wake UP to go! *sigh*
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    You should be drinking enough so your pee is clear. The darker it is, the more dehydrated you are (urine is more concentrated). Anything more than that is just going to get flushed out.

    Also gonna mention hyponatremia because it's relevant... If you drink excessive amounts in a short amount of time, your cells become unstable because of a low electrolyte concentration. There are reports of people dying from drinking too much water too fast.
    1-2 gallons of water a day seems excessive. I could see it if you work outside all day, or you exercise a lot. There is also the concern of hyponatremia. Too much water can be a very bad thing. Just my two cents
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    Before lifestyle change:
    Drinking MAYBE 8-16oz of fluid a day--at most! And never water, always OJ, *sometimes* milk. Every now and then I would have a few glasses (never more than 4) in a day, but there were plenty of days (most, actually) where I didn't drink anything. Not even with meals (you guys are probably like :huh: ). I just wasn't a "drinker" :wink:

    After lifestyle change:
    I drink at least 64oz (8 glasses) of water a day and try to strive for more :drinker: . When I first started I was literally peeing every 20 minutes. It was ridiculous. I think it was so often for me because my bladder had no idea what the hell was going on :laugh: I live about 20 minutes away from where I work and there were times I would go right before leaving the office--only to find my hand firmly placed over my slacks in a not-so-place and my hips and legs dancing from side to side during the drive home...and not because of a good song on the radio. Sometimes slamming my foot against the foot rest on the floorboard of the car multiple times would help as well. There were many times I though I wasn't going to make it and weighed which option would be better--pulling off on the side of the highway and hoping I didn't get a ticket for indescent exposure (or pictures/videos of my lady parts posted online by passerbys! :laugh: ), or how much trouble I would go through trying to clean the seat of my car. Thank God I used to hold it in as long as I could as a "game" when I was kid. The practice came in handy. :happy:

    After several months things have gotten better. I also space out my water intake a little better, too. Instead of drinking slowly over the course of the day, I'll try and guzzle 20oz in a short amount of time (about 20min) and then do my business when Mother Nature calls shortly after. Then there's only 44oz left to go! :tongue: Rinse (hands) and repeat! Bewteen doing that and my bladder finally growing a bit (I assume), I pee about once and hour. A lot better than once every 20min!! :laugh:

    Good luck to everyone and hopefully that wasn't TMI!
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    Where did the recommendation for 2 gallons of water daily come from. I don't think there is a very concrete recommendation for how much water to drink and I'd imagine there's not one solid answer that'll apply to everyone everyday. The IOM recommends 9 cups daily (and I think a little more for men) and to add more based on exercise and environmental factors.

    I'd be concerned about the workload of the kidneys over the course of a lifetime of drinking excess amount of water.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    The rule of thumb is take your body weight and divide by two. That's how many ounces you should drink a day. And if you exercise a lot, drink a little more. If you eat food with lots of water in it (melon and whatnot) drink a little less. I pee ever 20 mins to half hour so I know what you are going through. I have to stop drinking about 3:30 so that I don't have to pee on the train at 5pm! Good luck!
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    The rule of thumb is take your body weight and divide by two. That's how many ounces you should drink a day. And if you exercise a lot, drink a little more.

    Exactly! I weigh 242 lbs right now so I aim for 121 oz a day, which is just shy of a gallon.

    I'd type more, but I hafta pee! :tongue:
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    if you go to this site, there is a calculator that will tell you how much you should drink to help you lose weight. my doctor actually had me do this in his office about 2 weeks ago.

    That site is awesome if you exercise less than 90 hours per day..but it's a great site!

    And I thought a day only had 24 hours..

    drinking all that water is a myth....

    and this is only one of many, many studies done on this subject. Also debunked is the "caffeine is dehydrating" myth.
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I go to the bathroom so often it's embarrassing. Plus my bladder is small. I didn't know that until the ultrasound tech told me during my first ultrasound for a baby about 10 years ago. Great!:sad:
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Drinking water doesn't help weight loss unless it makes you eat less or walk more (to the bathroom). If you're peeing 12 times a day, you're not dehydrated and you can cut back.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    With the bladder the size of a walnut, I would say I average a trip to the washroom once an hour.. But with a desk job, I figure it is a good excuse to go for a walk anyway. By the time I get home, I seem to slow down my water intake and feel more normal.

    I'd write more...but... I've got to go...
