How to deal with the diet-saboteur friend



  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    I really like what Ruthie has to say :)

    Think of it like a bad boyfriend. If he were saying things to that hurt you -- would you put up with it?
    or tell him "buh bye"??

    I know its hard when you have a relationship with someone (like this situation), but people
    rarely say what we "expect" them to or what we would like them to. I'm the type of person when
    someone continually beats me up and makes me feel badly -- I will get my point across to them
    in a joking manner. I knew someone who would like to put down anyone trying to eat healthier
    .... naturally thin person and just was so perfect (in her mind), except when she opened her mouth
    people hated her. I remember someone telling her, I'd rather be overweight than you any day !!
    (still makes me chuckle picturing the look on her face ~ )

    That old saying -- IF you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all :)
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I had a friend like that, or at least someone I thought was a friend. Turns out I was just a drinking buddy to her- I found this out because after she got a DUI and we stopped going to happy hour, she fell off the face of the planet and flaked on me every time we had plans. That made me also understand why I felt like she was trying to sabotage me as well. I was trying to cut down on drinking, but I'd go to the bathroom and come back to find another drink...every time...and she would always make comments about how I didn't need to lose weight and how I should feel free to drink as much as I want "since vodka is low-calorie," etc. (This girl weighed MAYBE 110 lbs...literally 85 lbs, or more, lighter than I was at the time, and yet she panicked about gaining weight herself).

    I eventually (far too late) realized she was a full-on alcoholic...functional but an alcoholic all the same. Looking back on it, I think she was determined not to let me go as her drinking-buddy because to her, it condoned her own behavior. 6 drinks is fine if someone else has that many too, right? It got to the point I would pour out my drinks in a planter while she was in the bathroom, because she would act all hurt if I didn't drink the drinks she bought me (even though I had asked her not to).

    If you're friend is someone you're close with and don't want to lose her, all you can really do is sit down and have a serious talk with her. Ask her why it means sooooo much to her that you continue to drink, and let her know that you really would like her support in your efforts to lose weight, and that making comments such as "that's ALL you've lost?!" are might even need to let her know that it's bothering you and hurting you so much, you've having a hard time hanging out with her....that you feel like your friendship is being damaged by her insistence that you drink.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with something so hurtful. I have an opinion that I think may help you.

    Here's what you need to do.

    First, throw a party at your place. Invite a bunch of friends over including your problem friend. I'm going to call her Sue from here on out since I don't know her real name.

    Get a bottle of Vodka and replace the Vodka with water. Throughout the night, tell Sue how happy you are that she finally, through her prodding and badgering, convinced you to re-start your drinking habit. Tell her that you gained back 18lbs and you have trouble controlling your bladder but it's fine because you found these adult diapers on sale so it's really a non-issue. (You may want to have a box of adult diapers handy just as a convincer).

    After having 6 or 7 large glasses of "Vodka", invite Sue downstairs so you can show her the updates you did to the basement. (Oh I forgot to mention, make sure you clean the cat litter right before the party starts, and replace the litter box with grape-nuts cereal and about 6 tootsie rolls).

    As you go downstairs,lead Sue over to the litter box and in mid-conversation, grab a handful of cat litter (remember it's grape nuts and tootsie rolls) and just start eating that *kitten*. Eat handfuls at a time like you're starving and you've never seen such delicious food in your life. Start crying and chew with your mouth open.

    Then get down on 1 knee and propose to Sue, with chocolate stains around your mouth and cat litter (remember it's just grape nuts!) stuck to your chin.

    Let me know if Sue stops bothering you.

    (Or you could just have a chat with her too, instead of the above, your call).

    Seriously, good luck though -- you deserve to be treated with respect. She needs to know that.
  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    Sidesteal, you are seriously disturbed. In a very good way, of course.
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    ahhhhh the old tootsie roll in the grapenuts trick..

    why didn't I think of that !!! DOH
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    Wow, really Sidesteal. I literally LOL'ed at that. That is so crazy. #shakes head and walks away.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Hahahaaaaaa! And, worryingly, it sounds as if you might have tried this before! It's brought to mind one massive benefit of what I'm doing, though - I don't struggle to remember what I did the night before, or worse, REMEMBER what I did and shrivel up with embarrassment!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with something so hurtful. I have an opinion that I think may help you.

    Here's what you need to do.

    First, throw a party at your place. Invite a bunch of friends over including your problem friend. I'm going to call her Sue from here on out since I don't know her real name.

    Get a bottle of Vodka and replace the Vodka with water. Throughout the night, tell Sue how happy you are that she finally, through her prodding and badgering, convinced you to re-start your drinking habit. Tell her that you gained back 18lbs and you have trouble controlling your bladder but it's fine because you found these adult diapers on sale so it's really a non-issue. (You may want to have a box of adult diapers handy just as a convincer).

    After having 6 or 7 large glasses of "Vodka", invite Sue downstairs so you can show her the updates you did to the basement. (Oh I forgot to mention, make sure you clean the cat litter right before the party starts, and replace the litter box with grape-nuts cereal and about 6 tootsie rolls).

    As you go downstairs,lead Sue over to the litter box and in mid-conversation, grab a handful of cat litter (remember it's grape nuts and tootsie rolls) and just start eating that *kitten*. Eat handfuls at a time like you're starving and you've never seen such delicious food in your life. Start crying and chew with your mouth open.

    Then get down on 1 knee and propose to Sue, with chocolate stains around your mouth and cat litter (remember it's just grape nuts!) stuck to your chin.

    Let me know if Sue stops bothering you.

    (Or you could just have a chat with her too, instead of the above, your call).

    Seriously, good luck though -- you deserve to be treated with respect. She needs to know that.

    Dead. Laughing.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Maybe she just misses the laughs you had whilst out drinking? Doesn't mean she's an alcoholic. You've changed your lifestyle and she's finding it hard to accept. I don't know if it's purposeful know her best, so it's upto you to decide what to do about it.

    I have to admit I would find it very odd if a friend gave up drinking to aid weight loss....whilst still eating junk food.

    Just a different view point.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    I haven't eaten junk food constantly (although I probably made it sound like I did!). I don't even think I have been eating it more than most people do - just more that someone who wants to lose weight should, I guess! I suppose part of me thought, "I'm missing out on one thing I really like, so I'm damned if I totally cut out chocolate and crisps too." The drink, for me, has more diet-sabotaging knock-on effects than booze - if I drink too much it makes me hungrier, plus I'm too trashed to exercise the next day. I don't think I have ever cancelled a run or a bike ride because I had too many crisps the night before ...

    Thank you to everyone who has replied, by the way. I really appreciate it. (Edited for spelling!)
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    By the way, what is a tootsie roll? I don't think they have them in the UK.
  • Fat_Lenny
    Fat_Lenny Posts: 38
    I think a tootsie roll is some kind of cake (I am in UK too so have no clue really!)

    Like everyone else who has posted, I agree that your friend is being unnecessarily hurtful and you should definitely talk to her, in a calm way. I'm no psychologist, but it seems likely that 1) She doesn't realise the effect her flippant remarks have had on you, and more importantly 2) She is upset that because you are not drinking together, your friendship may suffer because drinking was the only social activity you shared.

    Glaringly obvious assumptions aside, well done for sticking to your guns, giving up anything completely is really hard. I'm not a huge drinker myself, but a while back I did notice that some friends and I only ever saw each other on nights out. It was getting a bit exhausting, not to mention expensive, until one of us cracked and suggested we try seeing each other in the daytime more often. It was a total revelation! We've been to lunches, bowling, shopping, coffee - and remembered everything. If your friend is willing to try a non-alcohol-centric activity, then do so. It would be a shame for your godchild to miss out on your company too.

    Another person asked what weight your friend is compared to you, perhaps there is more than a hint of jealousy going on. Someone who drinks that heavily is not necessarily a full-blown alcoholic, but they're clearly trying to escape from some sort of personal Everest. If she doesn't want to compromise for you then she's not the friend you thought she was, so a cooling off period would be advisable. Anyway, I hope things work out for you, because you seem like a very nice (and witty!) person.
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    By the way, what is a tootsie roll? I don't think they have them in the UK.

    A Tootsie Roll is a candy that looks a bit like poo:
  • sillygoose03
    Maybe she's jealous because you are changing your life and she isn't? Who knows. Sit your friend down and have a heart-to-heart with her. Tell her you're changing your life for you and would like her support, not snarky comments.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with something so hurtful. I have an opinion that I think may help you.

    Here's what you need to do.

    First, throw a party at your place. Invite a bunch of friends over including your problem friend. I'm going to call her Sue from here on out since I don't know her real name.

    Get a bottle of Vodka and replace the Vodka with water. Throughout the night, tell Sue how happy you are that she finally, through her prodding and badgering, convinced you to re-start your drinking habit. Tell her that you gained back 18lbs and you have trouble controlling your bladder but it's fine because you found these adult diapers on sale so it's really a non-issue. (You may want to have a box of adult diapers handy just as a convincer).

    After having 6 or 7 large glasses of "Vodka", invite Sue downstairs so you can show her the updates you did to the basement. (Oh I forgot to mention, make sure you clean the cat litter right before the party starts, and replace the litter box with grape-nuts cereal and about 6 tootsie rolls).

    As you go downstairs,lead Sue over to the litter box and in mid-conversation, grab a handful of cat litter (remember it's grape nuts and tootsie rolls) and just start eating that *kitten*. Eat handfuls at a time like you're starving and you've never seen such delicious food in your life. Start crying and chew with your mouth open.

    Then get down on 1 knee and propose to Sue, with chocolate stains around your mouth and cat litter (remember it's just grape nuts!) stuck to your chin.

    Let me know if Sue stops bothering you.

    (Or you could just have a chat with her too, instead of the above, your call).

    Seriously, good luck though -- you deserve to be treated with respect. She needs to know that.

    OMG!! that is too funny. I could just imagine the persons face. This could be a fun prank to pull on someone just because!
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    But on a serious note, I can relate a little. I have cut down on my drinking since I have been losing weight (I still drink, just not as much as I once did) And it is amazing how many less people hang out now, just because someone chooses not to drink, it isn't a bad thing.
    As long as you are feeling better and getting healthy a true friend would be happy for you.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    I haven't had time to read through all the replies, but I'd like to direct you to a tumblr blog, muffintop-less.tumblr by Savannah Rose Neveux.

    Not only does she have amazing fat loss/muscle building tips, awesome recipes, motivational pictures and "picture-quotes" (memes, whatever you wanna call them), and other information, she did what you are doing. She has given up alcohol for good since it's so bad for one's metabolism, but that doesn't mean you have to. Her about me states:

    During my high school years, I was a straight edge kid. I never drank or got into any serious trouble. I had a pretty healthy view of myself and was actively involved in sports and productive things. Once college hit however, I went a little wild. An unfortunate side effect of too much partying, junk food and an overall unhealthy lifestyle, I became extremely insecure about my body and myself as a person.

    I woke up one morning with an incredibly bad hangover. My skin was tingling from dehydration, my head throbbed, the light from my window seared my eyes and the rolls of my beer gut squished together. I realized then and there that I couldn’t continue living my life this way. I immediately got up, threw all the junk food and alcohol away, joined a local gym and started doing research on bodybuilding, nutrition, supplementation and everything to do with fitness.

    I stopped complaining about the things I didn’t like and started taking ACTION to fix them.

    And then she has this section where she has been asked:
    “I have a couple of questions for you: Your friends were into the whole ‘drinking’ and ‘partying’ thing. Did you end up losing those friends? And if not, did you and your friends find other beneficial things to do besides drinking & partying? I have friends who are still into that phase, but I’ve totally outgrown it and now I just want to have a healthy lifestyle but I’m afraid they won’t understand.”

    And her response:
    Unfortunately, I did end up losing “friends” when I stopped drinking. Fortunately… it was just the people who weren’t REAL friends. REAL friends support you when you decide to do something healthy and good for you.. REAL friends will be there for you when you decide to chase your dreams. It’s the ones that try to drag you back to your old, unhealthy habits, or keep you in a place where THEY are comfortable that you should kick to the curb.
    For your REAL friends that stick around… just explain to them why you want to get healthy and why it is important to you. You don’t have to shut them out of your life to get healthy! Just come up with new ways to hang out that doesn’t require getting trashed.
    There are plenty of fun things you can do that don’t involve drinking! You just have to get creative! Go out to coffee, go to the beach, have a picnic at the park, have a girls night with movies, do arts and crafts, get manicures and pedicures together, go on a shopping trip, find cool things or clothes at thrift stores, bake healthy protein bars, play tennis, put together a little football or soccer team and go scrimmage at the park, have a photoshoot… These are just a few options I came up with on the spot. There are SO MANY things you can do that don’t involve drinking.. I’m sure you can come up with even better ones than these!


    I understand you are the Godmother of this friend's child, but try maybe try out her suggestions and maybe even reach out to her. There is a section on her blog where you can do that. Since she's gone through it and achieved amazing results I think she would have some good overall advice =) Hope this helps!

    This is her
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with something so hurtful. I have an opinion that I think may help you.

    Here's what you need to do.

    First, throw a party at your place. Invite a bunch of friends over including your problem friend. I'm going to call her Sue from here on out since I don't know her real name.

    Get a bottle of Vodka and replace the Vodka with water. Throughout the night, tell Sue how happy you are that she finally, through her prodding and badgering, convinced you to re-start your drinking habit. Tell her that you gained back 18lbs and you have trouble controlling your bladder but it's fine because you found these adult diapers on sale so it's really a non-issue. (You may want to have a box of adult diapers handy just as a convincer).

    After having 6 or 7 large glasses of "Vodka", invite Sue downstairs so you can show her the updates you did to the basement. (Oh I forgot to mention, make sure you clean the cat litter right before the party starts, and replace the litter box with grape-nuts cereal and about 6 tootsie rolls).

    As you go downstairs,lead Sue over to the litter box and in mid-conversation, grab a handful of cat litter (remember it's grape nuts and tootsie rolls) and just start eating that *kitten*. Eat handfuls at a time like you're starving and you've never seen such delicious food in your life. Start crying and chew with your mouth open.

    Then get down on 1 knee and propose to Sue, with chocolate stains around your mouth and cat litter (remember it's just grape nuts!) stuck to your chin.

    Let me know if Sue stops bothering you.

    (Or you could just have a chat with her too, instead of the above, your call).

    Seriously, good luck though -- you deserve to be treated with respect. She needs to know that.

    ^ this
  • ccpowers
    ccpowers Posts: 203 Member
    bump for later
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Solution: sever the connection.
    I did so with all my fat eating and drinking friends. Our interests and goals are no longer the same.
    Nature abhors a vacuum. Other fitness oriented people will fill the void.
    Good Luck :drinker: