What did it take for you to want to make a change?



  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    I remember after having my first child my husband looked at me one day and said "You look like your mother." I knew it was time to do something. It took five years later for me to actually act on it, and once again it was my husband. When complaining that I didn't have time to work out, he called my bluff and told me it was just an excuse. "Let me watch the kids," he said. And I did. Bless him for loving me enough to help me on this journey.
  • lilmzzgreeneyez
    lilmzzgreeneyez Posts: 133 Member
    when i realized I was running out of clothes options to wear in my size in most stores and I had to start buying the extended sizes in bras which were so few options that i had to deal with wearing uncomfortable bras. oh and i got tired of my children asking me if I was pregnant again....im 30 lbs down now and i have ton more to go to be happy but im glad now that im finally making this change.

    I too have the clothes problem! I have too much clothes that'll go to waste if I go buy some bigger sized clothing! I keep wearing the same clothes to work, over and over! And on the weekends I wear swetpants and the same jeans and t-shirt. :cry:

    i wasted 100 bucks on new jeans back in february they were too tight by the end of march. i didnt wear them for a while and i was pissed at myself. only wearing yoga/activewear pants for a long time (i still do but because i have no jeans since those are too big now) i tried them on this month and i must have passed the point where i could wear them already lol cause they are too big in the waist. but some of my nicer "slacks" fit again that i havent worn since christmas time lol. that was a nice thing to have...
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    My revelation came as a result of a physical last July (gee, almost a year ago now!)

    I never thought of myself as a "fat" person. I looked GOOD, and my numbers were good - cholesterol, sugars, heart, no diabetes or blood pressure..........hell, I was a perfect specimen!

    And then the doctor said THAT word. Oh, many of us KNOW that word........and we shrug it off, and think "only people who are REALLY fat are THAT word!!"

    But that word shocked me.........I WAS OBESE!

    I was 5' 3" tall, 182 lbs, body fat way up there - tryglicerides in the highest range (that's FAT in your blood, folks!).......................
    I was so mad at my doctor. How DARE she say that word to me!!!! And she wants me to do what? To TALK to a dietician? oh, hell no!

    But I did..........and I learned that yes, I was fat and needed to start working on that. So I did something I'd done about 20 yrs earlier (and had lost weight then) - I bought a few little notebooks, and started to log my food - just calories, fat, and fiber.....................and GUESS where I found the best food database? Why, it was on MFP!

    It took me a few weeks to really discover what MFP could do for me (thanks to my sister), and I've been here ever since. 23 lbs lighter, NO LONGER obese, feeling pretty danged good.................and more motivated to keep going towards my goal of 140 :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hugs to all!
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    Watching my 300+ pound mother struggle to walk the short distance down her driveway to the mailbox. I did the math. It took me 20 years to go from 110 lbs. to 210 lbs. If I kept on at that rate, I was going to weigh 300+ pounds in another 20 years. That's exactly how my mother got to where she is. Slow, steady gains. I decided to hell with that, I was turning this bus around.
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    For years I had been having various health problems and I found that once those were gone I suddenly felt like I wanted to do more, simply because I felt so much better. Each day I feel even better, with exercise and eating better, it just was a revelation that I was feeling good for once!
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    Whilst shopping, I discovered I couldn't fit into a pair of Levis 501's in any size. I used to wear them all the time when I was younger. Instead of buying clothing that day, I went home and bought JM's 90 d. BR. I fit into those Levis now!
  • profgal43
    profgal43 Posts: 115 Member
    Love your story. You are an inspiration!

    I hadn't stepped on a scale in 6 mo and when I did found was at my heaviest all time weight. My clothes didn't fit and that number 193, just scared the crap out of me. I had been playing with trying to lose weight by just cutting back and was getting nowhere. I didn't know the person in the mirror and at 48 and already dealing with the many impacts of aging, I decided I had to do more. Oh and then we booked a trip to Aruba in November. The thought of being on a beach in a bathing suit on a tropical island was the last kick in the butt I needed.

    Then my sweetie decided nine months ago to run a minimarathon. He is also above his desired weight and he hadn't run in several years, but he just trained and went out and did it; ran the whole Indy 500 mini 13 miles in May. When I saw him do that, I decided if he could do it, I could start running again too. After three months I'm running two slow miles, but the weight is coming off and I can feel a difference in my clothes. And I rediscovered my enjoyment of running.

    Finding this site was like the last piece of the puzzle. I do better with tracking and accountability and community and found them all here. Sooo looking forward to shopping for and buying a sexy swimsuit to wear on the beach in Aruba come November!
  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
    so, this is totally embaressing, but my rock bottom is/was buying pregnancy pants even though I wasnt pregnant to compensate for my gut!
  • i went to a wedding and Me and my boyfriend took pictures and I look like 5 months pregnant i was so a shame. didn't want nobody to see me that was my breaking point
  • Goobies818
    Goobies818 Posts: 1 Member
    A doctor's appointment telling me that if I don't make any lifestyle changes, he wouldn't be suprised if I died or had a stroke by the time I reached 40.
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    For me it was several things actually. I am a really happy and confident person. Rather personal TMI, but my hubby hasn't seemed interested in certain activities that took place behind closed doors. I realized the beginning of this year that Im not as confident as I used to be. And I really like extracurricular activity. Another thing that hit me was my wedding ring is EXTREMELY tight, almost to the point of not getting it off. I didn't have any energy or desire to go play with my kids. So after finding a photo of myself from the first year I met my hubby, I decided to make a change for good and not just half attempts as it. I was tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I saw. I was tired of wearing a size 14. I looked at my wedding pictures and think, wow, I wasn't skinny, but I looked AWESOME. I am going to look awesome again. I am going to be confident again. My hubby won't be able to keep his hands off me.

    All that being said, my hubby has NEVER once said he isn't attracted to me. He makes quite the effort actually saying the opposite. He is highly supportive without saying I need to do it. He loves me the way I am. But I don't. And if I don't want to sleep with me the way I am, he shouldn't have to either. I am getting there. I am no longer cringing when I see a photo of myself. I think, wow, I'm starting to have some pretty nice legs there. I am sooo going to conquer fat and kick it to the curb. And I am going to look curvy and feel great when I am finished. I love my curves, I just want a few less of them.
  • Littlemissjackie1
    Littlemissjackie1 Posts: 122 Member
    Initially, it was when I was getting into last summer's bikini to get into the hot tub, I was spilling out and noticed my weight gain. But that didn't motivate me enough to make a change. It happened when I went shopping at forever 21, to get a few pairs of jeans. When NONE of them even the smaller size in the plus size didn't go past my thighs. THAT was when I realized that I seriously needed to do something about my health and my weight. Unfortunately, all of my weight goes straight to my hips and buns. So trying on any kind of pants is a complete night mare.

    Still working on my goal of loosing 30lbs, I haven't made any huge progress yet. But I definitely feel a change in my body. I can't wait until I can walk without my thighs rubbing together!
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I turned 49 this past April. For some reason, I realized that I needed to get myself going on this weight loss thing. I needed to get my act together and just stop listening to the little spoiled brat inside me that demanded she be allowed to eat whatever she wanted, just like all the other people I saw. I just woke up one day and said " enough is enough." So, I booked a cruise for November of next year with the determination that by the time I turned 50 next April, I would be at my goal weight. I am giving myself until my next birthday because I want to have 6 months experience at my goal weight before I step on the ship the following fall.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    It started a few years ago when the doctor said I'm now a diabetic & need meds ....... then I saw a photograph taken with my daughter, and I didn't even recognize myself.

    Fast forward to the present ..... after eating better & moving my *kitten*, well, it's a whole 'nother story now :happy:

    Keep on truckin' !
  • I hate my reflection and mirrors freak me out.
    I've been asked if I'm pregnant.
    My dad always makes comments on my weight.
  • HulaHips83
    HulaHips83 Posts: 129
    Old pictures of me in a bikini. I like that bikini. I want to wear it again.
  • theesfield
    theesfield Posts: 31 Member
    My Dr said this upcoming surgery will be safer and easier on me if I lost weight. So I did. Don't have to tell me twice! Surgery is coming up soon!
  • floral13
    floral13 Posts: 6
    Unfortunately I have been overweight for a long time not all my life but long time. I am now riddled with diabetes that I have to take insulin for and other health issues. I am 51 years old and feel way to young for all these medications. I am slowly making changes it is still a work in progress. I am also sick of the FAT girl in the mirror.
  • alwaystee
    alwaystee Posts: 1
    When a kid came up to me and touched my stomach and said"when's the baby coming out?" I laughed and said I'm not having a baby..then I felt bad inside. The major part of wanting the change though didnt start until I couldn't sleep at night. I Always felt stuffed, i had to sleep sitting up, swollen all the time and body hurting. I just said enough is enough! I also have a 1 yr old who expects mommy to be her play mate and I want to have energy to keep up.