How late do you eat?



  • cjeanthiele
    In my case, I try to stop 3 hours before bed. Try eating a late night snack and see what happens. In my case, late eating causes abdominal cramps around 4 or 5 AM; if you have problems with heartburn, you may not want to go horizontal too soon after eating. If your system is fine with it, go for what works!
  • sdopps
    sdopps Posts: 27 Member
    It doesn't matter what time you eat...your body can't tell time, just that it's getting it's calories! Like others have said, your body doesn't magically go into some fat storage mode where everything you eat after 6:43 p.m. automatically turns to fat. I think the myth of eating after a certain time stems from studies saying that people tend to snack and make poorer choices later at night if they are sitting in front of the TV or computer and then tend to eat mindlessly. If you have calories left though and aren't going over your calorie limit for the day, it truly doesn't matter what time you eat. I personally eat right up until I'm going to bed and haven't seen any negative results!
  • mollydubs
    mollydubs Posts: 205 Member
    I eat pretty late with no problem.

    And then I eat a spoonful of peanut butter just about right before I go to bed aaaalmost every night :)
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I eat whenever I'm hungry, even if that's right before bed. And I still lost weight.

    You will not get fat from eating before bed.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    It doesn't matter what time you eat...your body can't tell time, just that it's getting it's calories! Like others have said, your body doesn't magically go into some fat storage mode where everything you eat after 6:43 p.m. automatically turns to fat. I think the myth of eating after a certain time stems from studies saying that people tend to snack and make poorer choices later at night if they are sitting in front of the TV or computer and then tend to eat mindlessly. If you have calories left though and aren't going over your calorie limit for the day, it truly doesn't matter what time you eat. I personally eat right up until I'm going to bed and haven't seen any negative results!

  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    I always snack a little something before bed!
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    I try to not eat after 6:30 each evening.:drinker:
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    Just eat when you are hungry. If that is 6 then eat at 6, if it's 11 eat at 11!
    It really doesn't matter when you eat so long as you are eating healthy, and portion sized.
    Just make sure you're getting at least near your calorie limit!
  • amy12321
    amy12321 Posts: 57 Member
    Whenever I'm hungry but I don't eat big meals after 6 usually. If it's a family gathering and dinner is served late, there's nothing I can do about it but... usually not after 6.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Although the time doesn't matter, I don't eat after 8 anyway.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I like to snack at night and eat light throughout the day to allow for this. I typically go to bed around 10:00 and eat right up until then. It hasn't hurt me any.
  • phatty4dayz
    phatty4dayz Posts: 125 Member
    I eat when Im hungry, whether its 7am, 6pm, or midnight. If I'm up, hungry, and have calories to spare, I'm gonna eat. And there is no clock in the world that can stop me.
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    As with many others I'll have a bowl of fresh fruit, usually berries and grapes. I think it's probably better to eat lighter going to bed as you don't what your stomach digesting as you are trying to sleep, also cheese gives me nightmares, unless I have it with an apple
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    There is no magic time of day when eating will make you gain or lose weight. I eat as late as I need to. If I'm up late, going to bed at 4 AM, I might have a small snack before bed because dinner was seven hours ago.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I usually stop eating at 11:30pm because I dont tend to eat in my sleep, just talk. I go to the movies allot so it usually consists of butter and salted popcorn a chocolate bar and a giant cup of pop. I've lost 30 lbs so it hasnt failed me yet
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    Actually, the science is clear!

    Your body uses its own internal clock, called your circadian rhythm, to regulate enzyme function

    6:00 AM EST - 8:00 PM EST you can eat normally with normal metabolism
    8:01 PM EST - 5:58 AM EST you cannot eat at all or it will immediately be stored as fat!
    5:58 AM EST - 5:59 AM EST, little known "magic minute" during the day when your metabolism "wakes up" to get ready for the day and it is in overdrive!! any food at all eaten during that minute becomes burned immediately!

    before someone yells at me. . . . . j/k
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I make it a general rule not to eat past 9 or 9:30 if I can help it. If I have calories left over and I'm hungry though, I'll grab something with good protein but lower in carbs. You just have to see how your body deals with it.
  • raven3lise
    raven3lise Posts: 107 Member
    My dad doesn't get home until late, so we usually have dinner between 8 - 10pm
  • andthenwhat
    andthenwhat Posts: 69 Member
    As late as I want.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I typically eat dinner around 6:30 and then try not to eat anything past 9pm - that doesn't always happen, especially on the weekend, but I try not to. I usually go to be around midnight. The only reason I try not to eat after 9 is because I don't like the heavy feeling of food in my stomach when I go to sleep. Plus, I find that when I eat past 9pm, it is usually stuff I shouldn't be eating anyway. It's not like I'm going to want to eat a salad or fruit at 11pm, you know?