Embarrassed to exercise



  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    As far as your upstairs jiggle problem - my sister has this same issue, also makes it uncomfortable to run or speed walk. She utilizes two sports bras, the first in the size she needs then she tops that with a second one slightly smaller. This has stopped most of her jiggle and big bounces. Like everyone else, DVD's and walking are the most inexpensive options, you can even find some of the workouts on YouTube.
  • Wendy7605
    Wendy7605 Posts: 2
    I am the same way and have never been able to get over it. I have always been extremely self conscious in my life. BUT.. I bought a bike and now bikeride every day. I still have to "hide", I make sure I have my helmut on and sunglasses, I feel no one will recognize me that way. lol! It's terrible to feel that way so I sympathize with you.. but I found something aerobic to do that I'm comfortable doing.. hope that helps!:smile:
  • i bought a used treadmill off Craigslist and have been walking and walking and walking and walking! lol have done a little running/jogging too, but not much... i'll work up to that! i hear ya as far as going out! my problem is having young kids so its easier to do it at home! just as long as you're moving, you're doing good! good luck to you, you CAN do it!!!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    That was something I struggled with for a while, especially in the beginning. And I won't lie and say that people didn't say evil hateful things to me. What I will say is that your life is yours, not theirs. Put the headphones on and set the course of your ship to the correct one.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    You shouldnt' be embarrassed but if you are there are options that don't involve money or working out with others...
    Have you tried working out at home? There are tons of resources online for free workouts....

    Some great sites with FULL workouts that I use are listed in the article below:

  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Running when late is an option too actually. I'm most self conscious about my boobs - they're too big for running really, and the sports bra I've got doesn't really do the job properly! I can't afford a gym membership at the moment but I'm also jobhunting so hopefully that'll change soon.

    I have really big boobs too and I'm a student but the one thing you should really invest in is a really good sports bra. You can damage your boobs by tearing the connective tissue and ligaments through not having proper support. I'm not sure where you are in the world but this site gives you a lot of info about sports bras:


    This site is also really good for the UK:


    Or alternatively just google sports bras and read some reviews. It's so important to have the proper support and totally worth the investment. I know exactly how you feel about the gym. For a student it's not always worth it so running, if you can, is definitely a good option. Just be kind to your ladies and they'll be kind to you! :-)
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    I won't take myself to a gym yet either....

    Instead I bought an 8kg Competition Kettlebell, Zumba DVDs, a bike (that I don't use as it hurts my hiney still lol) and I got the turbo fire so I can change up and not get bored until I get into a bit of shape...I feel more comfortable in my work out clothes when at home rather than letting people see my fat :)

    Buy a few dvds/equipment for the home that you like and start there until you want to work your way to public facilities.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    Do you ever drive or walk along and see someone running and laugh and think "How ridiculous"

    No me neither.

    And neither does anyone else.

    No one will be looking at you, and if they do its so they can pause to let you go by.

    Get out there and show them your stuff :)

    Good luck
  • aunt_hbomb
    aunt_hbomb Posts: 204
    Don't worry about what other people think. You are doing this for yourself, not for them.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I was embarrassed to go back in the gym after being gone for years and getting fat, but you know what....THAT's what gyms are for :)

    I just wear my headphones and go to work and trust me, nobody is looking at judging and if they are, they're not worth knowing!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    When I started I was embarassed and unfit, so I started walking around my backyard. (It's a small backyard)! First I did 5 laps, then 10, and then 15 etc etc. I did it first thing in the morning before I even had anything to eat, and that seemed to kick my metabolism into gear. That was just after Christmas when I started with MFP to actually do something about my weight. I tried to do it quicker and quick, even jogged sometimes.

    Once I got to losing weight, and feeling better I strated going for longer walks around the neighbourhood, using the Wii, etc. Sadly I injured my knee on one of my walks so am only just coming good. So be careful, don't injure yourself! Wear supportive shoes and maintain good posture.

    Anything at all you do is going to move your body - it doesn't have to be a gym. Jogging on the spot, going up and down stairs if you have stairs - anything will get those big muscles (thighs etc) moving and you will be on your way. Good luck
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    When I first started lifting I felt this way. But after the first few times I just put my iPod on blast and pay more attention to the music than the people. Now I feel almost like I'm In the gym all alone.

    Trust me you people are always going to be around, just focuse on you. Hey they might be thinking they like what they see :drinker:
  • tally05
    tally05 Posts: 1 Member
    You know what...wen i go the gym and see someone whos overweight in there i think...good on them for making the effort to get healthy. I never think anything bad. The more they are red and sweaty the more respect I have for them for trying. Nobody thinks something negative about people who are trying. Plus people in the gym have their own workouts to do they dont care about anyone else in there. Everyone has to start somewhere dont they xx
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Just do it!

    When I started running, I really though I looked stupid - but did it anyway.
    It didn't take me long to realise that most people who are out on the streets in the morning are exercising too, or are on their way somewhere. And they are usually quite self absorbed and don't really care what anyone else is doing!

    Now I'll usually smile and nod and say good morning when I pass someone, especially another runner. And if they are looking thin and cool and like it's easy, I'll just wish I could do that too. If they are looking red faced and sweaty and overweight, I think "hey, me too, aren't we the smart ones to be out here doing something about it!"

    Don't let other people put you off doing something that is good for you.

    This is perfect. I felt the same way when I started running, avoiding eye contact ESPECIALLY with runners but now I know I've put in the work and deserve to hold my head and give the passing nod and smile.

    This is one of the strangers situations in life. SOME people are super judgmental about overweight people working out but then they make nasty comments about overweight people being lazy and NOT working out so its a double edged sword.

    No matter what - just keep getting out there and remember that this is something you are doing for YOU.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I felt the same about running,I started at 20 secs and worked my way to 4 minutes,now I would guess Im a fair bit older than you are so I was totally mortified! Start walking thats what I do when I cant afford the gym everybody does it so no one will take any notice of you!:smile:
  • I so know what you mean! I was the same 6 months ago. Now I am one of "those" runners who can run for over an hour and make it look... well... perhaps not easy, but I'm not struggling to run 100 m like I used to. I see overweight people running I want to hug them and tell them not to be embarrassed because I was in their shoes once. They are inspirational because it reminds me how far I have come. Keep at it, in a surprisingly short time you will have improved and will feel better I promise!

    One thing I did was to just dress in street clothes and go for a really long walk. You're still moving and nobody needs to know you're exercising.

    Good luck - keep it up, it is worth every minute of discomfort and it DOES get easier, even fun! Don't lose heart when you have a bad run because that just means a good one must surely follow. :smile:
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I felt embarrassed and nervous when I first joined the gym. I've lost over 50 pounds and I still feel nervous about jogging in public. The truth is, anyone can gain weight and anyone can lose it. The fact that you are working towards your goal is a great accomplishment, and please don't let your nervousness or embarrassment get in the way of the healthy body you CAN achieve! Best of luck! :)
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member

    Someone talked about that the other day. For only 11 dollars, you can get some variety and a workout that is compared (I don't know how accurately) to P90X.

    Also, I am a huge lover of the Biggest Loser Boot Camp with Bob Harper. <3 it. You can customize every workout with warm up, level 1, level 2, level 3, and cool down. In any order, skip what you want, etc. Love it.


    Add one more video, and you've got a lot of workouts for a really reasonable price and free shipping (free shipping at 25.00). :)

    I go a ladies only gym, so that helps me be more comfortable. I also do a lot of workouts at home.
  • marsoe
    marsoe Posts: 18 Member
    I know exactly how this feels.

    I used to do the late night walks as well (often 3-4am), but they can be hard to get motivated about, and always being up that late is not at all good for you. I found that the insomnia was a product of my lifestyle, not just an isolated thing.

    There's plenty of bodyweight stuff you can do in your own bedroom (like http://www.youtube.com/user/yogatic/videos and http://www.doyogawithme.com ), or harder stuff like http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ . Find a hill and climb it, or discover a forest or a park.

    If you prefer being alone, relish it. Noone knows yourself like you do, and often you're the best company. You can switch off everyone else if you have to, and you can be the only person in a crowded gym if you want to, but these things take practice.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Do you ever drive or walk along and see someone running and laugh and think "How ridiculous"

    No me neither.

    And neither does anyone else.

    No one will be looking at you, and if they do its so they can pause to let you go by.

    Get out there and show them your stuff :)

    Good luck

    ^^^ Exactly this!!!! No one will be looking at you and thinking anything other than "good for her!". Get yourself a good sports bra (I'm a 34DD runner and am a big fan of Moving Comfort's Fiona bra) and get yourself out there!!! Happy running. :flowerforyou: