Anyone want to do the alternate day diet with me?



  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    I just read about it and looking forward to giving it a try as i am also stuck at the same weight , Cereal bars and water every other day does not sound to bad to me ( each to there own i guess )

    It is a really easy way of eating, and on the down days you don't have to fast, I had a downday yesterday and had veggies all day and 2 turkeyburgers and a salad for dinner, today is an up day and I eat whatever I please, just not overdo it. When I average out my calories for the DD and UD I have between 1300 and 1400. Once you go into maintenance you raise your down day calories, it basically is just calorie cycling.
  • natyts
    natyts Posts: 89 Member
    I just read about it and looking forward to giving it a try as i am also stuck at the same weight , Cereal bars and water every other day does not sound to bad to me ( each to there own i guess )

    It is a really easy way of eating, and on the down days you don't have to fast, I had a downday yesterday and had veggies all day and 2 turkeyburgers and a salad for dinner, today is an up day and I eat whatever I please, just not overdo it. When I average out my calories for the DD and UD I have between 1300 and 1400. Once you go into maintenance you raise your down day calories, it basically is just calorie cycling.

    Sounds great i have not got a huge appetite anyway so think ill find it quite easy , I would imagine its great for flushing out toxins and clearing your system , How much weight can expect to be lost do you think ?
  • Ganners
    Ganners Posts: 24
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    I just read about it and looking forward to giving it a try as i am also stuck at the same weight , Cereal bars and water every other day does not sound to bad to me ( each to there own i guess )

    It is a really easy way of eating, and on the down days you don't have to fast, I had a downday yesterday and had veggies all day and 2 turkeyburgers and a salad for dinner, today is an up day and I eat whatever I please, just not overdo it. When I average out my calories for the DD and UD I have between 1300 and 1400. Once you go into maintenance you raise your down day calories, it basically is just calorie cycling.

    Sounds great i have not got a huge appetite anyway so think ill find it quite easy , I would imagine its great for flushing out toxins and clearing your system , How much weight can expect to be lost do you think ?

    You are not going to lose 5 plus pounds a week, the average for me has been between 2 and 3 pounds, but you will lose steady. If you want you can add me and take a look at my diary, and if you are interested I can give you the links to the support groups and read for yourself how things work.
  • sounds interesting...have you lost weight during the first 2 weeks?
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    2.6 the first week, and 2.2 the second week ...that was my "trial run" of JUDDD back in april/may, this time around I started back up on June, 11, so that will be 3 weeks on monday, so far down almost 6 pounds in less than 3 weeks, eating well and not feeling deprived of anything
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Great concept, I admire those with the willpower to do it.

    I know myself that my up day would turn into an up week then and up month etc.

    I wish I could do cheat days and not have them turn into a runaway.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    This is total crap. period. Its just a crash waiting to happen, starving your self then binging, starving then binging.....think about it...really! AND FOR HOW LONG BEFORE YOU JUST BINGE AGAIN.....sounds like a bunch of wangons in a circle if you ask me. and a bunch of people waiting to fall off............ another trend DIET that will fail.

    Learn its a lifestyle change not a diet. and this is crazy just like diet pills, and atkins,your just setting your self up for another failure, theres no magic pill and no magic diet- you have to eat healthy-clean and excercise. PERIOD. this reminds me of the blind leading the blind.

    My opinion- been there done that. Not trying to go backwards, and let you take just anyone with you.:huh:
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    :laugh: Haters will be haters
  • Yes i would like to.
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    Oh and before you start bashing...educate yourself little girl
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    :laugh: Haters will be haters

    I have no reason to hate on you or your diet. dont get it twisted... I worked hard on my body like billions of others, and this is a huge set up for falure to starve yourself. Not only is it not healthy, it not realistic. When the rides over, the weight comes back. thats why its called dieting, but hey if your lazy or looking for a reason to eat whatever and convince your self this is a long term answer..then hey lol, id like to see that truman show. :bigsmile:
  • skinnynerd
    skinnynerd Posts: 110
    I've been doing this but not on purpose. Well, sorta of on purpose. On days that I eat too much, I restrict the next day to make up for it.
  • msgremmy
    msgremmy Posts: 88
    I'll admit I haven't read all the responses because I'm quite certain this could get heated.

    I've done JUDDD before. When I lived by myself, I loved it. But it's super difficult when you have a husband :) He was super supportive while we were dating, but he's asked me not to do it again-- his food intake is affected by mine. He prefers this healthy, balanced eating we've been doing compared to the drastic Up Day Down Day diet, and I'm okay with that.

    My advice would be not to completely fast. You're allotted a small amount of calories on down days, and really, you should eat those. Broth, shirataki noodles, veggies, soups... you still need some fuel. Also, be very careful about exercise on down days... I would even say don't do it. You feel like you have the energy, but your really don't. Save that for those up days!

    Yes, I did lose weight... and I found the challenge fun. It was more difficult to reach my up day cals, to be honest.
  • this always cracks me up. Everyone thinks they have the answers, yet there are literally no answers or more factually there is an answer that fits every way you want it to be said.. SO choose your answer and go with it. If it works and you can sustain it then who cares? Everyone is different. As long as you are not eating really unhealthy and are exercising to the heart stays good I say go for it.. It is a lifestyle, not a diet.
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    Like I said educate yourself first, this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle and like you I work HARD, I do work out 1 hour everyday, and I eat HEALTHY food, do not make up my exercise calories by eating twinkies and donuts, I do not starve either, my average calorie intake for last week was over 1400 a day now poof be gone
  • Hi ,
    I think I will try this diet But do you eat anything on the non eating days or you just don't eat at all.
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    Thanks for reaching out. I would be glad to jump in and give this a shot. The website was helpful.

  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Like I said educate yourself first, this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle and like you I work HARD, I do work out 1 hour everyday, and I eat HEALTHY food, do not make up my exercise calories by eating twinkies and donuts, I do not starve either, my average calorie intake for last week was over 1400 a day now poof be gone

    funny.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: set in your way and talk to everyone like your the one lol.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    its an opinon so calm your noodle. you post and people reply, you dont like what we have to say, then dont post it in a open forum.

    :yawn: hope you dont lose all your hair over comments. The world is intitled to thier own opinion, and thats the way it is. you dont have to get so testy and snooty and all bent out of shape- lol..please.
    Im just saying.....:smokin:
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    hit a nerve eh:laugh: