What motivated you to loose weight?

juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
here is my story-- In 2010 I was sitting munching watching tv, my back had been killing me for days. At 5'1 at 214 lbs no wonder. Right?? So I decided to dust off the treadmil and walk.. I could (I am ashamed to say) walk at 2.8 mph and I was winded. I was thinking. WOW I cant beleive this slow and I am winded. I am not going to be fat and forty. So, I kept telling myself it takes 6 weeks to break a bad habit so why not start a good habit. That was how it began soon I was at 3 mph then 4 mph. then running at 5. I was doing couch to 5 K. Running the 5K on the treadmil. Then the dreaded, unmotiviating thing called exercise induced asthma smacked me right off. One day I was running 36 minutes within a week I couldnt even run 3 min without getting short of breath. Talk about an unmotivator, I tried over and over again, but just couldnt seem to get it back. Lost my stamina and motivation. I kept walking tho. I can still out walk everyone I walk with in speed and distance. I am doing insanity now. I am stuck at a 50 pound loss and have been for a while. I have decided to suck it up and stay inside on those hot humid days and use that treadmil, work again on the couch to 5 K. I will run a 5 K outside someday. Trying to work on breaking that plateau. With changing up calories and exercising differently. I still have 2 1/2 years before I reach that forty mark. So what is your story?


  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Hey there! I also always wonder what made people make the change, it was a few things for me, sitting one day and feelin cellulite on my leg! OMG i almost died righ there! I can no poudly say its almost all gone! Number 2 I am tired of my boyfriend saying everyone else has such a nice body! i want him to say that about me too!, we are still a ways off from that goal! but getting there!! The other thing is want to be healthier do fun active things without feelin embaressed or getting winded!

    We are all on the same yet very differnt journeys!

    Good Luck Stay Strong! x
  • Daz49ers
    Daz49ers Posts: 125 Member
    Stepped on the scale and was 22st or 308lbs all the motovation i needed, casue it terrified me to the point i was killing myself
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    The short version, I looked in the mirror and decided I was done being the fat girl with the cute face.
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
    i was motivated to LOSE weight..... when my dad pretty much called me a fat *kitten*
  • sofakingawesome69
    seeing this really fat guy looking back at me from the mirror the other day. I figure if I lose some weight he will go away..
  • genuinelyfrans
    I just woke up one day, went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and literally broke down into tears when I looked at myself. I couldn't believe how much I let myself go!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My husband noticed how depressed I was and when an opportunity for a gym trainer came about, he basically voluntold me that I was going to do it. I was furious! Initially I took it as 'he hates the way I look' but then I realized that I hate the way I look and that this opportunity would mean a better me.

    Now I have signed up for a year with my trainer. She's the one that introduced me to MPF and my gym buddies and friends here are the ones that keep me motivated and inspired to keep going. I am feeling better emotionally as a result of feeling better physically.
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    The short version, I looked in the mirror and decided I was done being the fat girl with the cute face.

    OMG I totally get that! I would like a cute *kitten* to go with it now thanks!
  • moniquelessard
    My nephew called me fat. Children speak the truth. It hurt so bad, but because it came from such an innocent place, I knew that it was how the world saw me. I knew that it was true. I was fat.
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I leaned down to put my riding boots on one morning and was out of breath after getting them on.... that is insane. I took my boots off, went into the computer room, got on the web and found this link. Started that day losing weight. 146 days ago I was 250 lbs, today I am 201.5. My original goal was under 200, then it turned into 190 and now it is whatever wieght will put me below 20% Body Fat.
    Y'all have taught me quite a bit and I greatly appreciate it.
  • SenshiV
    SenshiV Posts: 131 Member
    What motivated me was...being demotivated and upset about it..first.
    Getting higher than normal levels of sugar, cholesterol and triglicerids...second.
  • MadeInDR022
    MadeInDR022 Posts: 260
    I saw a bright red stretch mark on my stomach. Up to that point, I was fat but my stomach was stretch mark free...now they're creeping up like crazy =(
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    To put it bluntly, depression.

    My dr could tell all the different tablets I had tried were not helping but only making me worse so she decided to do something different and give me a week off tablets put exercise every day and see how i feel at the end of the week.

    Never been back on tablets and I'm happier than ever!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    when a coworker mentioned that he didnt notice me bending over at the watercooler & politely told me that I had put on some weight. I was at my heaviest at 147lbs.
  • sneekspeete
    sneekspeete Posts: 136
    I knew I had been gaining weight,but didn't wanna kno how much,so I avoided the scale at all costs! Well I got my courage up (after I had no clothes that would fit anymore,well besides sweatpants!),stepped on the scale and....200 POUNDS!! 60 pound gain in 3 years.I busted out crying right then n there! Started walking and rejoined Curves the very NEXT day.Now I'm 183 -slow going,but at least it's going DOWN and not UP!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Pictures at the beach. I couldn't stand looking at them. I finally decided to man up and do something about it. I'm not where I want to be but I'm proud of where I am.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    A couple of things have motivated me throughout this. 1st, I'm infertile because of my weight and my doctor said that by losing weight, it will give me a much higher chance of conceiving a baby, which my hubby and I have been trying for 4 years. 2nd, I was at Christmas Dinner with my family and my sis-in law cracked a job about someone from high school and how she was probably only wearing stretch jeans, which lo and behold I was wearing stretch jeans. 3rd, it hurt to get up in the morning and walk, I mean my back hurt, ankles, legs, and then it even hurt to shower and make sure to reach everywhere...and I thought to myself, I'm 26 and I should be in the prime of my life, if this is my prime....I'm screwed!!! One day, when all of these things built up enough, I said enough is enough, and I started keeping track of everything and I go to the gym at least 5 days a week. Even when I have a bad day, week, whatever...I just think to myself, one day at a time. Each day I do good, I'm another day closer to my goal. That has kept me motivated right now.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Another woman....the one I wanted to be.
  • CharityAngel
    CharityAngel Posts: 111
    There were several factors. My current husband says that he loves me as I am right now, and even when I was 15 lbs heavier. He did not want me to change anything unless I wanted to. This was the first time in my life that someone wasn't telling me that I am not fat but I am not thin either and that I better lose some weight because I am 'bigger'.

    As a teen, I started out a decent size, but them comments from others about my weight only made me think that there was nothing I could do about it. Obese family members would tell me that I couldn't do anything, and that it was genetic. I believed them, and so I did not try to get healthier. Along came my first marriage, and my ex had addiction issues (mine obviously was food). Those issues I blamed myself for and I packed on the pounds. I went from 135 to 215 over a 14 year period. I realized that his issues were his, and there were other things that led to me leaving with the kids.

    I focused on myself for the first time in my life, and I lost almost 30 lbs. Then I got married again, and stopped being as active and was more focused on hanging out with my husband. I gained 25lbs back. After we decided to get married for eternity back in April of this year in the temple, I determined that I wanted a change.

    I am a vocalist, and some of the choirs that I have had to sing in required me standing for a long time. It hurt my knees and hips to stand that long weighing as much as I did (225). I determined that I was not going to fit the image that others in my family had given me to fill anymore. I was going to be healthy, increase my chances of landing more performances, and feel sexy. I have a lot of motivations.

    I am happy that I have lost 15lbs since the beginning of May when I came back here. I am looking forward to getting all the way down to 135. I have not been there for 17 years.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    i was motivated to LOSE weight..... when my dad pretty much called me a fat *kitten*

    ooooh .... that's harsh ......

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