Women Over 60 Trying to Get in Shape



  • Hello, I am over 60 and trying real hard to get in shape, also. I have hit a huge bump, more like a boulder, in the road and I can not seem to be able to get past it. I need help to lift, go around or go through the boulder blocking my path. Help!!!:sad:
  • :laugh: Hello Over 60, I too amy over 60 will be 66 in July. It is not easy to get over bumps in the road, however, you deserve to be health at any age! I do not know if you journal, however sometimes writing in a journal really helps you recognize you successes, and be proud of the changes you are making. We did not get "FAT" over night, and it will not drop off over night! Keep the faith, and take it a day at a time. Last year I lost 20 pounds and since then have not be able to get below teh 200 mark:sad: Nevertheless, I am strong, and healthy and must take life a day at a time. I have a new hip :laugh: Stay focused keep up the good work!
  • Thank you, ladyNpurple, I use to journal but have not for the last year. You are right about journaling. I forgot how cathartic it was for me to journal and that was the times I was most succesful in losing some weight. :smile: I am going back to journaling and will keep you posted. ttyl :happy:
  • Aana16
    Aana16 Posts: 2
    HELP..... I just started on MFP and need some support. I believe I will be a great friend too. Please add me:flowerforyou:
  • 608peg
    608peg Posts: 24 Member
    I am 64 and really find it hard to believe that I have almost been married 45 years and my children are all almost in their 40s. Where the devil did the time go??? I have lost 22 lbs with only a few to go but my husband is also doing MFP and is 65 and has dropped 15 with at least 35-40 to go. We will be doing this for along time as he has a pacemaker and is on beta blockers which makes his weight loss very slow.

    We also eat higher calories to lose slower and preserve as much muscle as possible. My exercise is walking and just started some running as in sprints. He walks 1 1/2 hr every day at a slower pace.

    Definitely looking for friends to help us on our lifestyle change.
  • Wintertexan97
    Wintertexan97 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there...I'm a young 70.....intend to be around for a mighty long time......congrats on your # loss so far....this is a great website for support...friend me...
  • HMM163
    HMM163 Posts: 24
    I am 63 years young don't feel my age. I am trying to lose weight by walking and calorie counting. So far 54 pounds but many more to go. We have didn't health problem then the younger people. I have blood pressure issues so watching sodium is important foe me.
  • This is Floridapanthergirl just checking in. Looks like all the posts are at least a few months old. Any body (haha) out there? I am 63 and just joined mfp. Looks good! I have about 50 pounds to lose. I lost about 40 a year and a half ago and have gained back about 15. Working too much and not making enough time to exercise. I am single and also have trouble cooking for myself on a regular basis. I manage to do it several times a week, and usually to prepare a lunch, but cooking everyday is out of the question.. My latest trick is to avoid carbs after 5PM. When I come home beat from work and don't want to cook, I make a Whey Protein shake with 1% milk that seems to satisfy me. And no dishes except to wash the blender. Here is an exercise trick I have found helpful. I have set up a stepper in my bathroom and use a clock to help. I know it takes about 50 steps to get my heart where it needs to be so I do that, then do cleaning, straitening chores for about a minute (fold clothes, clean the sink, hang things up, etc.), then get back on the step for another 50. I do this for about an hour, sometimes less and feel I am getting a good workout at home. I hope to hear from someone. Am sure there are still lots of us over 60 hot momas out there.
  • jmrt50
    jmrt50 Posts: 1 Member

    Saw your post. My name is Jean and I am about where you are. I will turn 63 this month and I just need to get some of my weight off both for health and I'd just like to feel better about myself. I don't have any illusion about becoming skinny. Never have been---just slimmer and healthier. Have tried many diets, but thought I'd give it another try. I like the idea of sharing this experience with others. Jean
  • snugglebunny65
    snugglebunny65 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I have just rejoined FitnessPal. I will be 65 this year. I'm single too and find it hard to cook for just one. I now divide recipes in half and cook on weekends. I then freeze the extra portions and eat them during the week. I try to have a selection to chose from. I don't even have to cook this weekend because I have enough in the freezor. This I found works the best for me and I hope it might help you. If I didn't have ready made meals on hand I would probably grab a poor choice. Good luck!
  • Dunald
    Dunald Posts: 1 Member
    I just turned 65 and just like the years, the weight has creeped up on me. I have 50 pounds that need to go. I would appreciate all the friends and support I can get.