What motivated you to loose weight?



  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    1. I was tired of being self concious while hanging out on the lake with friends.
    2. I was sick of feeling like crap all the time.
    3. I was tired of my pants cutting into my waist line.
    4. The doctor threatened to put me on blood pressure meds. That was the big motivator for me!
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    My breaking point came when I was leaving for work one morning and drop something on the floor. I bent over to pick it up and my pants totally split in half. I was over it! I was so much in denial then, I honestly didn't think I was THAT big but look at some past pictures, I was definitely fooling myself.
  • ondiem
    ondiem Posts: 3
    I couldn't wear my Wedding Ring for 3 days...I was so depressed...10+ years ago (22-23 yrs old at the time) I had done WW and some exersice classes and worked very HARD to be a very comfortable 146 lbs...all I could think was...I had managed to gain 65 lbs over the course on 10 years...my 2nd child was almost 1 year old and I was able to wear my ring through BOTH pregancies...I looked at the number on the scale saw 211 and stressed out...causing me to eat and gain edanother 8 lbs...NOW ITS 73 LBS!!! It is now July 2011...I waited a few months (until my daughter was done breastfeeding) and joined an excersice class (Oct 2011)...a few months later decided to start eating better (Jan 2012) joined and won a biggest loser competiton at work (Mar 2012)...took a month off and joined a 2nd biggest loser competition at work (luckily I had only gained 4 lbs during my month hiatus) but have not been able to get back into it and sadly ended the compieition with a 2 lb gain :(...now I reading posts to try and find my motivation...
  • TankLizzard
    I started back because of how my health was affected by the weight gain. After being hurt in Iraq I gained about 70lbs. The VA told me that if I didn't do anything about it I would be put on medication for blood pressure and cholesterol. So I lost a little weight here and there, but never really got serious about it. I got down to 223lbs and married my beautiful wife Kris. When we got the photos back I couldn't believe how bad things had gotten for me. Here I was, an over weight chunky butt standing next to a beautiful women. I needed to change. I know she didn't marry me for being a fitness buff, but I felt it unfair for her to see me slowly kill myself with weight problems. So a friend told me about MFP about 2 weeks ago and now I am down to 207lbs and still headed toward my old Army weight of 180lbs. MFP has helped me really think about what I am putting into my body and exercising right. When I put in what I eat as I go through the day and then exercise in the afternoon I really like to see the

    Calories - Exercise=Greatness factor.

    I'm really proud of myself and all the others who are taking back control of their lives or finally taking control. Go everyone!!!!
  • newgrace
    newgrace Posts: 64
    Looking in the mirror. I had been at a stable weight of 140lb for the past few years and after living on my own last summer, gained another 10lbs. I felt and looked horrible. I've been trying to lose the weight ever since. Also looking at my family keeps me going. My sisters and cousins are all athletic and thin. I'm like the black sheep, all chubby and round.

    Something just clicked this time around and to make things better, my best friend who now lives across the country is trying to lose weight too.
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Long story short...I ripped the leg out of a pair of my jeans....blah.
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    I love wearing dresses and playsuits. I saw this vile picture of me at a club I always go to and I remember thinking to myself that night before going out 'think will do, its comfy' but I looked atrocious. And I know I don't have as much weight to loose as some people but my lifestyle was getting really unhealthy!
  • time2shine29
    time2shine29 Posts: 104 Member
    I tipped the scale 41 lbs. more than I am now and was really disgusted. A combination of medicine for health related concerns aided in my nearly 70 lb. weight gain. I felt miserable and stuck in a body that I knew shouldn't be so large.

    Now after losing the 41 lbs I'm still on a journey but I look in the mirror now and am starting to see that pretty girl I remember. :smile:
  • high5girl
    high5girl Posts: 90 Member
    My story is I'm a 29 year old who weighed over 300 pounds. I lost my dad to cancer in March and decided that if I didn't get my weight under control I was going to die young. He died at 59. Before all of that I had been on the journey to get approval for gastric bypass surgery. I got approved right before he passed away and was so happy that I would finally be able to get this weight off.

    As the date for my last weigh in got closer and closer, I got really scared of this surgery. I Youtube'd so many ppls videos of their journey on WLS, did so much research, that I think I freaked myself out. So I said if I don't go through with surgery I have to do it the good ol fashioned way....counting calories. I've been at this since April and have lost nearly 50 pounds.

    I started using the elliptical and could only do 5-7 minutes at first at a ver low rpm. Now I'm up to 30 mins a day/ 5 days a week and a pretty moderate speed. I have a long long ways to go but I am so determined now....I will win this battle FOR GOOD!
  • sjflowers
    sjflowers Posts: 148
    what motivated me to loose weight: In mid December 2011 I ate a whole bunch of Christmas cookies and I could FEEL it in my blood..I got all jittery,an instant headache and my heart rate got wonky.. It freaked me out. I thought maybe I was getting Diabetes. SO, My Husband (who was in the same situation as I was) bought Insanity and I found MFP. I am still loosing (i have 15 pound left until i reach my goal) and I feel SO much better!!
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    This is going to sound shallow, but originally it was for my ex. He and I were in a long distance relationship and he was supposed to visit next month and we'd all go to the beach. I was so excited. So, so excited. But we broke up. I did continue working out though, partially to make him regret what he missed out on and the other half to find someone better. It wasn't until recently that I decided I wanted to lose for MYSELF and not anyone else. I've fallen in love with fitness so much that I want to be come a trainer and physical therapist. I want to help people feel as good as I do. So in order to inspire others, I need to re-vamp my own lifestyle. <3
  • msmariebrown
    A few things:

    I avoid cameras at all costs but my 5-yr old daughter has managed to get a few profile shots of me on her LeapPad while I have been sitting at my computer desk and, to be honest, I looked like Jabba the Hut. It was like--eww, WTF is that! I would yell at her not to take my pictures--which made me feel bad since she was not doing it deliberately. Now, whenever anyone tries to take a pic of me she will tell them that her mom doesn't like to take pictures--which is both embarrassing and sad. I am still too ashamed to post a pic on here.

    You know how most fat women have a story about someone mistaking them for being pregnant? Well, I was the one who was thinking I looked pregnant--though I knew that definitely was not the case! Even when I put on Spanx, I still looked pregnant. It was disturbing.

    I switched primary care providers and my new doctor ordered about a thousand tests for me because of my medical condition..."obesity". I have always been fat but to me an obese person is someone who you see on the Maury Povich show. I was stunned to realize that medically I was considered an at risk patient. It scared the crap out of me.

    I am hoping this works because I need to change.
  • Tesh25
    Tesh25 Posts: 56 Member
    A few things motivated me.....First my health...a year ago I was hospitalized with Kidney Stones in both kidneys and had 2 different surgeries. I thought after that I would be ok, but I am still dealing with the stones not moving and building up, so they put me on a water pill that I will have to take for the rest of my life :( So they say.....second, I would have a hard time sleeping at night, I felt like I was suffocating myself with all of the weight on me....third, I am a middle school teacher and the kids tell me how pretty my face is and when I straighten my hair I reminded them of another teacher in the building who is heavier then me....another reason, my family and the fact that I am going to be 40 in about 10 mos and graduating with my Masters in Education in about 6 mos. I really want to do this for myself though...I deserve to be healthy and happy like I once was :)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My motivation...40!
    I only have two options I'll either be 40 or I'll be dead, so since my options are limited why not be healthier and thinner at forty.
  • Starqueg
    Starqueg Posts: 39
    I don't like how I look. I hate trying on pretty dresses that make me look 4-5 months pregnant. I also don't like that I get winded, and stay out of breath, running up a flight of stairs to catch a train. I used to get a little out of breath just walking quickly up the stairs, and I decided I had enough. I'm getting married in 7 months and I want to be able to dance the night away without feeling like I'm going to fall over. I want to be healthy before I have children, in good shape, good eating habits, and happy with myself so that when my habits are passed on to my kids, they're good habits. I also figure that if I'm already in the habit of exercising regularly, getting back into shape after having a baby should be easier. I want to look forward to resuming exercising as a mother.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Peace of mind. At 275 lbs I experienced a series of panic attacks that I believed to be heart attacks. After my 3rd or 4th time being driven to the ER just to be told I was not dying, I decided to take the steps I needed to take to lower my risk factor so I could be absolutely sure I was having a panic attack and not a heart attack.

    I don't get panic attacks nearly as often anymore, and when I do I'm not nearly as afraid of them, but I decided to lose the rest of the weight because of how much more comfortable I am in my own skin. When I was obese I wouldn't go swimming, I wouldn't go clothes shopping, I wouldn't wear tank tops or above-the-knee shorts or skirts, the list goes on and on.. and these are all things I've found that I love to do now that I have the confidence! The next goal is short-shorts and miniskirts. Soon.
  • Moyzilla
    Moyzilla Posts: 106 Member
    So many things. But pictures never lie.

    1. November 2010 - I went to Egypt and the pictures with me in them are horrifying. I took the trip of a lifetime and get sick just looking at any of the pics that I'm in from the trip.

    2. June 2011 - 15 lbs heavier. Pictures from an outing where my head was starting to look small in comparison to the rest of my body.

    Still gained and sat around feeling sorry for myself for another 6 months before I just said, "enough is enough" one day and decided to work on getting heathy instead of just wishing it would happen.
  • sirocci66
    sirocci66 Posts: 10
    I enjoyed most of my teens and early twenties relatively in shape. I gained 80 pounds while pregnant with my son in 05/06, and lost it all and then-some afterwards. I quit smoking four years ago, and started replacing cigarettes with snickers, and went on Depo at the same time. Then, I slipped on ice and tore my ACL. That was over six months of hell. My husband finally got fixed and I was able to go off the birth control, but between my inactivity from the ACL, quitting smoking, and the birth control, I put on a fast 85 pounds. I am heavier now than I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my son. I also have a sedentary job, which doesn't help my cause at all.

    I didn't think much of it until about a year ago. I was wearing a tank top and pajamas, lounging around the house. I asked my husband if he thought I was fat. He didn't answer, and my son, who was 5 at the time (6 now), piped up. He said, "Mom you're not fat!" Aww warm mushy feelings inside... that were squashed a half a second later when my son finished his thought with "Well, if you were pregnant you wouldn't be fat." I started really looking in the mirror, and at all the pictures on Facebook that I refused to let myself be tagged in, and realized... Oh hell... I am huge. I am out of breath just sitting in a chair. That has to change, and I am hoping MFP can help me with it. I am trying to get my husband on board as well, to help keep both of us motivated!
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    - High Blood Pressure
    - Reduce my food consumption
    - The high that exercise and reduced weight gives me
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I've always wanted to lose weight.. I've been overweight/ obese my entire life. I always 'knew' I was chubby.../fat.. I noticed myself gaining weight, I never really paid attention to how much I was gaining. I honestly asked my boyfriend to tell me 'was I cuter when I was around X size'? He said 'Yes'. (He went on to tell me I was beautiful, he loved me, wants me to be happy).. I love him and I'm bigger around than he is.. and that makes me feel bad =( I don't want people to look at us and wonder why I'm so much bigger.. I also want him to have a cute and fit girlfriend..

    I got on the scale one day and it told me 214.something.. and I cried. I've tried dieting before and it never worked.. I don't know, something in my head clicked and this time is different.. I wish I could explain it better.. =/

    I know for sure I'm sick and tired of telling myself I'm gonna do it, and it never happening and then getting upset over it! And my sweet amazing boyfriend deserves to have me at my best =) I think that sums it up..
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