What motivated you to loose weight?



  • It was actually when there was finally a breakthrough with my neck pain and joint pain. After about a year of being gluten free (diagnosed with Celiac at the end of 2010), I finally was rid of joint pain. Then, after about 2 months of seeing a chiropractor, we finally had a breakthrough in my neck pain. After that it was almost as if I was re-born and had motivation and energy to get my body moving again and get rid of all the weight I have gained over the last 3 years!
  • mich1760
    mich1760 Posts: 34
    Health and well being were the motivating factor for me. I have had a series of life changing events that came in 2007 but rolled through to 2010. I have been on a journey to a new me this past year. I have lost 25 lbs and am working to get into the heathly BMI.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Two years ago I decided I was done. I was done being fat and hating myself and not being able to do the things I WANTED and not being able to buy the clothes I WANTED.

    I had started back to school already and I knew that being a nurse I was going to tell people that they needed to lose weight and be healthier...who was going to listen to a fat nurse?! How could I ask my patients to do something *I* wasn't willing to?

    So August 8, 2010 the day after I turned 28, I got off my butt. I joined here and never looked back. I had an elliptical machine I got off Freecycle sitting in the basement. I could only go for FIVE minutes at a time on it before I was dying. So I did it twice a day. Then I did more and more, then it broke. I bought a new one in Nov 2010 and just kept going!

    In just over a month I will be 30! And I may not be where I wanted to be, and I might have had set backs but I AM about 1000% healthier now than I was then and I'm proud of that. I am stronger, fitter, and happier now than I was then too.
  • runner1609
    runner1609 Posts: 9 Member
    here is my story-- In 2010 I was sitting munching watching tv, my back had been killing me for days. At 5'1 at 214 lbs no wonder. Right?? So I decided to dust off the treadmil and walk.. I could (I am ashamed to say) walk at 2.8 mph and I was winded. I was thinking. WOW I cant beleive this slow and I am winded. I am not going to be fat and forty. So, I kept telling myself it takes 6 weeks to break a bad habit so why not start a good habit. That was how it began soon I was at 3 mph then 4 mph. then running at 5. I was doing couch to 5 K. Running the 5K on the treadmil. Then the dreaded, unmotiviating thing called exercise induced asthma smacked me right off. One day I was running 36 minutes within a week I couldnt even run 3 min without getting short of breath. Talk about an unmotivator, I tried over and over again, but just couldnt seem to get it back. Lost my stamina and motivation. I kept walking tho. I can still out walk everyone I walk with in speed and distance. I am doing insanity now. I am stuck at a 50 pound loss and have been for a while. I have decided to suck it up and stay inside on those hot humid days and use that treadmil, work again on the couch to 5 K. I will run a 5 K outside someday. Trying to work on breaking that plateau. With changing up calories and exercising differently. I still have 2 1/2 years before I reach that forty mark. So what is your story?

    Our stories are very similar. At age 35 I was at my highest weight, 214#. I am 5'1" and was disquested with how I looked. The TV program BIggest Loser got me started, I figured if they can I can too. I joined weight watchers and started to exercise. I signed up for a half marathon started to run. I could only go 30 seconds before I had to stop for a break but I persisted. I was able to finish my first half marathon in less than 3 hours which was my goal. After about 13 months I was 124# and felt great. I have since ran a few more half marathons with much improved times, I mountain bike regularly, and did a Tough Mudder event this year.
    I have gained a few pounds back but home with MFP I can shed those pounds. I always say if I can do it, anyone can!!
    Congratulations to you for reaching 50lbs lost, keep going through the plateau you will get past it!
  • kgoble89
    kgoble89 Posts: 12 Member
    First let me say, I'm 22 but feel so much older because of my weight....I suffer from depression & IBS (both are made worse due to my weight) which is one reason, but there's a lot more to it than that. I got married almost three years ago & a few months before my wedding I started gaining weight like crazy, within 5 months I had gained 45 pounds & the day of my wedding I was so embarrassed to show my arms or anything else. That night (honeymoon) I cried when I looked in the mirror & for the first time, noticed the large red stretch marks now covering my belly. My grandma had already told me that I looked pregnant several times before then (which hurt) but I was so caught up in wedding plans & our new house & stuff that I didn't really take it to heart. I actually convinced myself that I HAD to be pregnant since I was only gaining in my stomach....I was sure I was gonna end up on that stupid 'I didn't know I was pregnant' show haha:). I wasn't pregnant though....just gaining weight at a really rapid pace. 6 months before my wedding I was a size 7 in Hollister jeans (they run small)...by my wedding day I was a size 15 in cheap target jeans (they run large)....I can't even fit into size 18s now though! Anyway, fast forward to today and another 45 pounds, totaling 90 pound weight gain in 3 years. I invited my parents & their friends over to a cookout & to swim at my house a few weekends ago...my mom (she's 46) & her friend (she's 52) both showed up in bikinis & looked AMAZING. I have NEVER looked good in a bikini so seeing these two women over twice my age wearing them was a major wake up call. From that day on, I vowed that by next year I WILL be back in my size 7 jeans & someday I hope to have the courage to rock a bikini! :)
  • kgoble89
    kgoble89 Posts: 12 Member
    First let me say, I'm 22 but feel so much older because of my weight....I suffer from depression & IBS (both are made worse due to my weight) which is one reason, but there's a lot more to it than that. I got married almost three years ago & a few months before my wedding I started gaining weight like crazy, within 5 months I had gained 45 pounds & the day of my wedding I was so embarrassed to show my arms or anything else. That night (honeymoon) I cried when I looked in the mirror & for the first time, noticed the large red stretch marks now covering my belly. My grandma had already told me that I looked pregnant several times before then (which hurt) but I was so caught up in wedding plans & our new house & stuff that I didn't really take it to heart. After i noticed the stretch marks, I actually convinced myself that I HAD to be pregnant since I was only gaining in my stomach....I was sure I was gonna end up on that stupid 'I didn't know I was pregnant' show haha:). I wasn't pregnant though....just gaining weight at a really rapid pace. 6 months before my wedding I was a size 7 in Hollister jeans (they run small)...by my wedding day I was a size 15 in cheap target jeans (they run large)....I can't even fit into size 18s now though! Anyway, fast forward to today and another 45 pounds, totaling 90 pound weight gain in 3 years. I invited my parents & their friends over to a cookout & to swim at my house a few weekends ago...my mom (she's 46) & her friend (she's 52) both showed up in bikinis & looked AMAZING. I have NEVER looked good in a bikini so seeing these two women over twice my age wearing them was a major wake up call. From that day on, I vowed that by next year I WILL be back in my size 7 jeans, or somewhere close & someday I hope to have the courage to rock a bikini! :)
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Honestly... I woke up one day and I decided I was SICK of being fat. So I joined a Crossfit gym and the rest is history. :)
  • WendyA1119
    WendyA1119 Posts: 53
    The last year or so was really rough on me in terms of my health. I have a herniated disc in my back that started acting up again. I ended up with a kidney stone too big to pass on its own so I needed "surgery." My weight was at an all time (non pregnant) high. I was stressed, sick , tired and just all around run down. The straw that broke the camels back, so to speak, was my kidney. Surgery removed the stone but not the kidney issues. I suffered for a few months with blood in my urine for no apparent reason, constant infections, and pain. It is a scary thing when one of your major organs are not working properly. Something simple like peeing was not happening as it should. I had become increasingly aware that I took my body for granted and decided that it needed to end. The sky high medical bills helped push me as well.

    One day I told myself I am too young for all these issues and the change began. I purchased a membership at the local Y for my kids and myself in March 2012. I decided that rather then spend my hard earned $ on medical bills, I would use that $ on preventing the medical issues to begin with. From March until June I was working out pretty consistantly and trying to be healthier in terms of food choices but I was still plagued with blood in the urine and other issues. In June I came across MFP and signed up. June 3rd I began tracking what I ate, watched calories, continued to work out (only with a bit more focus and drive.)

    Today I am almost a month into my journey and I am happy to report that I feel wonderful. I am eating clean wholesome foods at regular times each day. I have lost just about 10lbs. I have more energy. But the best change that I can tell you about is that I no longer have blood in my urine. My kidney are functioning as they should. :) That is the best feeling ever. I have changed my health for the better in this short amount of time.

    Friends always welcome!

  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I never intended to get this big and there is no reason to stay this way, seeing as though I have the power to change it.
  • bringit30
    bringit30 Posts: 103 Member
    I have had lots of motivators, and lots of "starts" to diets in my life. Most recently, my 5 year old telling me I had a big butt, seeing the beginning picture of me in a bikini, seeing old pictures of me in Grand Cayman in a bikini and knowing that I have it in me to be thin, my pants not fitting, my ugly cellulite, only wanting to be naked in the dark....the list can go on and on and on. Why is it we can be motivated at times and ready to take on the world, and other times feel so defeated????
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Almost dying from cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure at the age of 45...
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    My story!!

    I started my journey at 232 pounds. I'm at 125!! I have lost 107 pounds!! I went from a size 18 jeans to a size 4 and shirt size was a 3X to a medium now. I'm a healthy weight! I have so many people ask me how I have loss the weight

    I started eating smaller....I have dinner on a luncheon plate. I make everything at home from scratch. No pre-made foods...no processed foods...This means no salad dressings. I make it myself. I only sweetened with Stevia!! It's a natural sugar!! I use apple cider vinegar with spicy mustard as a dip & salad dressing.
    I eat more veggies no starchy veggies (No potatoes, carrots or corn), & fruits (apples & berries)... lean meats and no sugar!!.
    I exercise six days a week... mostly walk.
    I don't eat junk. I very rarely eat out.
  • stephbo4
    stephbo4 Posts: 26
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    My turning point was that I'm 21 years old and weighed 315 pounds. I could barely do anything without working up a sweat and be out of breath. Plus I hated how I look and I avoided the mirror at all costs. I didn't want to die young either. I want to enjoy my life and be healthy.

    But honestly it was seeing 315 on the scale, I never want to see a number beginning with 3 again. Plus I'd love to have a single digit clothing size. :)
  • 18guyhornet
    18guyhornet Posts: 195 Member
    Looking at pictures of our vacation and wondering who that strange man was next to my child only to realize it was me! That's when I seriously took matters into my own hands and didn't offer up any excuses. So far I'm down 24lbs and my goal weight is only 18 away!!!
  • my self esteem was too low, I want a guy to give me a piggy back ride, and actually like the girls i'm jealous of. :)

    add me?
  • amystyran
    amystyran Posts: 84 Member
    My story is a little different to other peoples!

    I've started dieting and exercising because my grandma was told by her doctors that she needs to lose weight as she is close to getting diabetes and all other health related problems. My grandma can never diet by herself, so I sacrificed my slices of cake and chocolate and started dieting and doing some gentle exercise to help her lose weight :)

    We've been doing it for nearly a month and she's lost 5lbs - not loads, but for a 64 year old obese woman I'm so proud of my grandma!!!! (I've only lost 3lbs....somehow she is losing more than me, but i guess that why i started dieting in the beginning!)

    If anyone has any tips for gentle exercise for my grandma (who has weak joints, a bad back, bad ankles and is an openly proud couch potato) then please let me know! Her doctors just told her to lose weight quickly, without giving any advice. Doing exercise with her 19 year old grand daughter is helping but can't be good for her joints!

  • MNguerita
    MNguerita Posts: 198 Member
    Long story short a rocky marriage and high blood pressure. Figured my weight was the one thing I did have control over since I cannot make my husband change for the better.
  • Molissa08
    Molissa08 Posts: 112 Member
    My best friend asked me to be her maid of honor and I was horrified at the thought of having to wear a bridesmaid dress at my weight.
  • jkthrizzle
    jkthrizzle Posts: 6 Member
    It started with a bet with a colleague that I work with after consuming way too much ranch dressing at a professional dinner! It has only been 3 months, but has led to a complete lifestyle change for me. And I'm down 50lbs so far as well!
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