I Binge.



  • NattyPeat
    NattyPeat Posts: 2
    I binge like hell, and its always chocolate and cakes. Im a sweet aholic! anything sweet or sugary is my downfall.

    I get in this cycle where i eat say one bar of choc and feel bad so end up having about another 3 and basically thinking F**k it. Only to feel angry and upset with myself afterwards.

    I have always had this problem and i am now 26 and cant get out of it. :(
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    If anyone needs a texting buddy to help hold them accountable when the urge to binge happens, let me know. It's so helpful having someone to talk to.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    once I start on a packet of biscuits I find it very hard to stop, and my usual trick is to buy up a whole lot of stuff I crave at the supermarket and sit there and scoff it in one hit, to the tune of several thousand calories.

    That is exactly how it happens for me, to a tee.
  • elbiekoh
    elbiekoh Posts: 22
    When I go food shopping with the intent to binge, I get really preoccupied with how it looks and what the shop assistant thinks when I pay. I can't buy a single serve chocolate bar, because the person selling me the chocolate bar would know I'll be the one eating it. But if I buy a selection of food, so that it looks like I'm throwing a dinner party or cooking for my family, then I don't have a problem.

    Similarly, I can't go walk into a KFC or a Mcdonalds. I can't order a lunch meal. But if I order chinese, or go drive-through, I buy more than I actually want, so that it looks like I'm not the only person eating.
  • elbiekoh
    elbiekoh Posts: 22
    So , day and a half since my last binge. TIred. exhausted, hating my job, feeling sorry for myself. I resisted the urge to go buy bulk from the shops and hide in my room, even though I ate todays and tomorrows lunch I figured skipping dinner would not help me. After dinner however, even though I tried to convince myself not to - I ended up back with the box of Maltesers.

    I feel like the stress I'm experiencing right now, and my inability to handle it - is the reason for my binges. If I can overcome my stress, then I wont have to resort to food for comfort.

    Some good, some bad - baby steps. :wink: How's everyone else going?
  • KmSmiles49
    Hey... Let me just say, thanks so much for the post. Great topic and one that I really needed right now-- very happy I found it. I binge... and I hate it. I can usually do pretty well. Sundays were typically always my binge days until I realized that I was basically negating an entire weeks worth of healthy eating and exercising by going completely out of control and eating thousands upon thousands of calories (and thank to MFP, I realized I was also eating hundreds of grams of fat in my binge days). I have been pretty good recently about only allowing myself one cheat meal (as opposed to an entire day), or allowing myself certain bonuses, such as full fat cheese instead of fat free. I realized if I allow myself those little perks every now and then, then I tend not to want to binge.

    Of course.. this past weekend I had a horrific binge and have felt terribly ashamed since. I have been eating complete nonsense since, because, in my mind one bad day of eating= complete annihilation of my good eating habits. I really need to just learn that one bad day of eating is just that. ONE bad day of eating. I need to just pick my bloated *kitten* up the next morning get to my workout--maybe throw in a couple half hour or so if i can to try and compensate-- and then continue my healthy eating as usual. I need to stop torturing myself for days on end about one day (or usually one night) worth of bad behavior.

    Let us all remember.. take it one day at a time, one minute at a time. Good luck to you all and I hope we can all learn to control our binges.

    Lots of health, love and happiness...
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    GREAT thread! Thanks SO much for posting...

    I binge, although less than I used to since starting MFP.. Been doing MFP for a few months now and most days I do very well, then BAM! I can resist sweets all day long, but my weakness is mexican food in general, but specifically cheese dip. Had this obsession since I was very young. Weird....

    A big trigger for me is being home alone. I very rarely have the house all to myself, so when it DOES happen, my first thought is to go out and buy tons of cheese dip, devour it, and hide the evidence. It's like I just can't get enough. ADDICTED. Whoever says there is no such thing as a food addiction is FLAT OUT out of their mind!

    I, along with some of you, also feel like one unhealthy choice of food just triggers my mind to think I've blown the entire day, then I eat whatever I want :(

    Someone above mentioned a text buddy for when those urges hit...I kinda like that idea!
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Question for everyone: Do you log your binges? I log when I overeat (even considerably) but I don't log binges, although they don't happen near as often anymore...
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I binge. It's weird. I only tend to do it at specific places, knowingly. I will eat until I am physically in pain. And to the person that asked about logging the binges. No, I do not.
  • elbiekoh
    elbiekoh Posts: 22
    Question for everyone: Do you log your binges? I log when I overeat (even considerably) but I don't log binges, although they don't happen near as often anymore...

    I'm logging my binges. I've only been on MFP for a few days, but already I feel my attitude towards bingeing is changing. I find the 5 week projected weight gain a really harsh wake up call that I can't ignore. I really need to take responsibility for my binges, and stop writing them off, MFP is helping me do that.
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 383
    binging is like an enternal prison...
  • sixfootaliw
    I binge but only when my husband is out/away/working. He knows I do it, but I'm ashamed so I try to be secretive.

    For me it varies what I eat and why. It could be chips/dip or cake or biscuits. I usually end up eating so much that I feel bloated and have no room for a proper dinner. I think my triggers are stress, boredom and loneliness. I am much better since I got married, but not completely 'fixed' yet!

    Since starting MFP I have stopped beating myself up about it and started logging it. Every last bit gets logged. That way I am more aware of what I am doing. It helps most of the time, but I am having a bad week this week.

    I have a lot of stress at work this week and my husband is working evenings so I'm alone every night after work. So far I have had replaced three evening meals with complete rubbish. Not good. Today though I went for a brisk walk instead and then cooked a decent dinner. No binge for me today! Yay!
  • leslieanneupton
    leslieanneupton Posts: 6 Member
    Ladies- you are all amazing. I too have a very turbulent relationship with food and reading all of your posts makes me feel a little less alone in this ordeal. I have been a binger for as long as I can remember. I have an "all or nothing" attitude, either I'm counting all my calories and being good or Im binging the day away, I wish I wasn't like this. I wish I could have a cheat meal and then eat healthy the rest of the day. I wish I didn't crave certain foods and then become physically and emotionally anxious if I don't have it, and then another one, and then another one. I wish I could be a lot of different things but even if I can't be right now, I know I'm not alone in this fight and there are still strong women out there who are going through the same things I am.
  • jdhalberg72
    In high school, I had problems not eating enough and exercising too much. Recently, my therapist asked how long have I had issues with food and my first instinct was to say,"high school" but after a lot of thinking, I cannot remember when I haven't had a problem with food. Growing up in an abusive household, food was my only bit of control, and I didn't eat much, and occasionally, when given the opportunity, I would binge until my mom would find out and then beat me for eating her chocolate, cookies, etc.

    Now, I realize I have to eat or get really cranky/moody, so then I binge, but cannot throw up because my 5 year old daughter might see me, so then I get angry...angry at me, angry at my husband (he tends to be be the food police). I wish food were like alcohol, we don't need it to live.

    Yesterday, was a bad day for me, my eating schedule was off, because I had to get up super early, so by the time 2pm rolled around, almost all my calories were gone for the day, then I was sitting next to a platter of cookie bars for part of the time, and I finally snuck one, and felt terrible for failing, so then went to the grocery and bought a bag of cookies and ate the whole thing, 1,300 calories in one shot. By the time my husband got home, I was so angry with myself, I could barely speak to anyone and just went to bed. Today is a new day and hopefully, I will get it right.

    Eating issues are so terribly hard, I wish we all could give ourselves a break when we aren't perfect, but that is easier said than done.

    Thank you for your posts, and will think of you, when I struggle next time!
  • msdoan
    msdoan Posts: 42 Member
    I am a binge eater too. I binge when I am stressed or feeling like I am not good enough. I make no attempts to hide it unless my kids are around but I do it in front of my husband. Yesterday I ate half a bag of Dove milk chocolate promises along with my regula meals. I am most likely to binge on sweets and at the end of the day. I could really use some supportive friends on here who understand how difficult this can be. My goal for the day is to NOT binge since I did it yesterday and the day before. Feel free to add me and I will support you the best I can!
  • elbiekoh
    elbiekoh Posts: 22
    In high school, I had problems not eating enough and exercising too much. Recently, my therapist asked how long have I had issues with food and my first instinct was to say,"high school" but after a lot of thinking, I cannot remember when I haven't had a problem with food. Growing up in an abusive household, food was my only bit of control, and I didn't eat much, and occasionally, when given the opportunity, I would binge until my mom would find out and then beat me for eating her chocolate, cookies, etc.

    Now, I realize I have to eat or get really cranky/moody, so then I binge, but cannot throw up because my 5 year old daughter might see me, so then I get angry...angry at me, angry at my husband (he tends to be be the food police). I wish food were like alcohol, we don't need it to live.

    Yesterday, was a bad day for me, my eating schedule was off, because I had to get up super early, so by the time 2pm rolled around, almost all my calories were gone for the day, then I was sitting next to a platter of cookie bars for part of the time, and I finally snuck one, and felt terrible for failing, so then went to the grocery and bought a bag of cookies and ate the whole thing, 1,300 calories in one shot. By the time my husband got home, I was so angry with myself, I could barely speak to anyone and just went to bed. Today is a new day and hopefully, I will get it right.

    Eating issues are so terribly hard, I wish we all could give ourselves a break when we aren't perfect, but that is easier said than done.

    Thank you for your posts, and will think of you, when I struggle next time!

    Thanks for sharing, I can relate to many of the things you mentioned. However I didn't grow up in an abusive home, I cannot imagine how hard that must have been for you - thanks for sharing, it really does make a difference.
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    There are so many of you on here that I can relate to, you are just taking the words out of my mouth. It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one and support is out there. ANyone can feel free to add me if they would like...more support the better.
    And actually, I haven't ever said anything to anyone about my bingeing....so some support on here would be nice...
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Just saw this that someone else posted in another forum:



    This is one small exerpt from Marianne Williamsons "A Course in weight-loss". Please take the time to check it out if you have a moment. This may be the best investment you ever make. This book changed my life and I wish I could scream it from a mountain top but I just don't have access to the mountain or the vocal cords to do so!! Hope this reaches enough people!

    Jenny (ex-binger)
  • leslieanneupton
    leslieanneupton Posts: 6 Member
    Question for everyone: Do you log your binges? I log when I overeat (even considerably) but I don't log binges, although they don't happen near as often anymore...

    Before using MFP, I was using the calorie tracking program Lose It. I had a lot of friends on there from the message boards for support, well when I started logging my binges I got comments from people on my page-- none of which were mean or judgmental just, confused I guess you could say. I didn't like the "Why Leslie!?" "What is this about?" "2800 calories come one girl!" comments. I wanted to write a novel back explaining what I go through and logging them is the best thing for me to do because I actually SEE the calories but I feel like it would be above some peoples heads who don't really understand binge eating. So one of my best friends uses MFP and I decided to try this program for a fresh start. I am definitely planning on logging any binges because like I said I can actually SEE the calories I consumed and I feel a little more accountable I suppose.
  • Jenn264
    Jenn264 Posts: 43
    I tend to binge eat too..usually includes junk food (pizza, chocolate, etc) And I haven't really came out and said it but I make myself throw up directly after eating that just because I feel so bad about myself, I feel pathetic that I can't fight the urge at times to binge.