Foods I have found that help me stay on track :)



  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.
    what does the BUMP mean any way?? I have seen this and I am confused?

    People say bump to get your post more popular by giving the impression that lots of people are commenting on it. But in reality, there is just 8 pages of the word BUMP and 3 or 4 real comments. It's annoying.

    Completely incorrect
  • noctilumina
    noctilumina Posts: 65 Member
    what does the BUMP mean any way?? I have seen this and I am confused?

    I think it comes from bumping a thread (topic) back up to the top of a list of threads. When a topic is the first one in its respective forum, or on the first page of its forum, more people who are browsing will come across it.

    "Bumping" a thread on MFP also adds it to your own list of "My Topics" so it's easier to return to it later.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Um... do you know that people respond "bump" because they like your thread and want to be able to get back to it later??

    My go to foods:

    Frozen broccoli, green beans, asparagus, peas, corn, etc. Just plain. I take 2-3 cups for lunch every day. Fills me up for not a lot of calories and I get my fiber.

    Tuna in water. Protein in a can.

    Designer whey natural flavor protein powder - no artificial sweeteners and you can't really taste it.

    Edamame -- a bit higher in calories than the other veggies mentioned, but tons of protein.

    Minute (5 min that is) brown rice. I'm sure the regular stuff is a bit healthier, but this stuff is so much easier and more convenient for me.

    Progresso low-sodium soups. Added to the 2-3 cups of veggies for lunch = quick, yummy and filling.

    Ms. Dash + Cayenne + Black Pepper: to spice up the low-sodium soups and other items

    Ezeckiel (sp?) 4:9 Whole Grain Bread. Organic, low glycemic index, super filling.

    Natural peanut butter. Just crushed up peanuts. That's it. No HFCS, sugar, fillers.

    Polaner all fruit + fiber. Just fruit, no artificial sweeteners or other crap. Goes well with the bread and PB above.

    Frozen fish filets. Cook quickly, good protein source, low cal.
  • hasturm
    hasturm Posts: 10 Member
    Tilapia! Try it with low fat feta and lime, or garlic hoisin sauce.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I didn't find this out till later, but my Fiance uses only salt in corn. Surprisingly, it's really good. Never any butter is used.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    1. Drinking 16 oz water before I leave for work during the work week.
    2. Having 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast.
    3. Keep Greek yogurt in my home and work refrigerator
    4. Always having fruit on hand.
    5. Making smoothies
    6. Tracking my water.
    7. Eating fish 2-3 times a week.
    8. Eating baked chicken 2-3 times a week.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    coconut oil
    josephs flax pitas
    kens honey mustard (high carb but i refuse to give it up)
    breakfast sausage
    crystal light
    sugar free popsicles
    country style pork ribs
  • hoppinfroggin22
    hoppinfroggin22 Posts: 165 Member
    Hey guess what BUMP! why because I would like to find this article later on duh! anyways thanks for the post!
  • Agree with this! Makes everything taste great, and I never get tired of it.:smile:
  • mnowens
    mnowens Posts: 71
    -Egg whites
    -Blueberries and strawberries
    -FlatOut flatbread
    -Laughing Cow light cheese
    -Avocado (I use it instead of mayonnaise on sandwiches and in egg salad, or instead of sour cream in anything Mexican flavored. Really anywhere I need that creamy texture)
    -Tilapia and shrimp

    And I know this isn't food, but I love my meat tenderizer. It makes boneless skinless chicken breast much less tough and dry tasting.
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 252 Member
    Make up a low cal jelly ( whatever flavour you prefer) with only 1 cup water. Allow to cool then beat through a tub of low fat cottage cheese. Mix some berries through and pour into a bowl, or into muffin pans - (silicone may be best to get them out easy.) Put in fridge to firm up. :)
    I also find low cal soup is good especially homemade with lots of vegies in it and keep single serves in the freezer.
    Sugar free chocolate/mocha drinks made up with hot water.
    Also smoothies made with skim milk/ low fat yoghurt/berries and a spoonfull of oats is filling. :)
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Please, NOBODY RESPOND BUMP. It's totally pointless and is unrelated to what I'm saying. If you do not have anything to say about food, GO AWAY.

    So if someone doesn't have anything to add, but would like to see what other people add they aren't welcome on the thread?
    THIS!!!!!Im sorry i thought you were sharing to give people ideas WOW

    That's exactly what I thought also....
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    "Bumping" is way of adding the topic to your recent forum posts so you can see it in your threads later on, like maybe they dont have time to read the entire post now, but they would LOVE to be able to come back later and check it out more, especially when there are recommendations, recipes, or links. Its actually a compliment if someone finds your thread interesting enough to want to come back to it when they have the time.
  • cindaboo1
    cindaboo1 Posts: 150 Member
    All of my suggestions have already been posted, but def agree with the boiled eggs, (love em!) couldn't live without my protein powder (chocolate), fish, greek yogurt, almond milk (every day), FRUIT!!!! Spinach and romaine lettuce for my salads, Water, water, water!
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    This is a really good topic. Too bad the OP had to go and get bratty about it.

    Emerald Cocoa Roast or Cinnamon Roast almonds. These are the best things ever! 15-20 of them is around 100 calories, has a few grams of protein, only 1 gram of sugar, and 4 carbs.

    Also, Fiber One brownies, warmed up with a scoop of frozen Lite Cool Whip on top!
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    All of my suggestions have already been posted, but def agree with the boiled eggs, (love em!) couldn't live without my protein powder (chocolate), fish, greek yogurt, almond milk (every day), FRUIT!!!! Spinach and romaine lettuce for my salads, Water, water, water!

    I literally allmost cried, when I went in the fridge yesterday and there weren't any eggs!
  • legaline
    legaline Posts: 35 Member
    Agree on the meat tenderizer for chicken! I mess around with chicken a LOT. One of my favorites: I slow cook a couple chicken breasts in a crock pot with cream of chicken soup (8 hrs on low). The shredded chicken is so moist and versitile--you don't even need the soup afterwards, I usually spoon a little bit onto the shredded chicken, but most of the broth (and thus any extra calories from the cream of chicken soup) goes down the drain.
    i've made chicken tacos (add a little taco seasoning), chicken salad (add celery pieces, light mayo and a little mustard), on spaghetti squash with some sauteed veggies, etc.,, it saves in the fridge really well, so I'll eat it for several days.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    This is a really good topic. Too bad the OP had to go and get bratty about it.

    Emerald Cocoa Roast or Cinnamon Roast almonds. These are the best things ever! 15-20 of them is around 100 calories, has a few grams of protein, only 1 gram of sugar, and 4 carbs.

    Also, Fiber One brownies, warmed up with a scoop of frozen Lite Cool Whip on top!

    The Emerald almonds are freekin delicious!
  • LiveHarder
    LiveHarder Posts: 13 Member
    Wheat pitas
    VitaTops(The Deep Chocolate when I can find them)
    Low Fat Cool Whip(especially with sugar free jello and fruit~try sugar-free peach jello with blueberries)
    Subway(high in sodium but so easy when you are on the go)
    Dannon Oikos Vanilla Greek Yogurt
    Prepacked Fresh Fruit Salad
    Veggie Burgers
    PreCooked Grilled Chicken(another higher sodium but so easy when you are in a hurry)
    Steam pack vegetables
    Sandwich ready tuna salad
    wasa crackers
    low calorie cheese
    Mushrooms, Spinach and Onions(My top three go to veggies to add to almost any meal)

    Things like this. :)<3
  • So sad she had to deactivate her account this is a realy good thread