Do you work nights?!?



  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I'm an evening shift worker! Blah! I work 4-12... I would say most of us on the night work are in public safety or nursing? Am I right?!
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    My body refuses to get used to night schedules.

    How long you been working nights?
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm an evening shift worker! Blah! I work 4-12... I would say most of us on the night work are in public safety or nursing? Am I right?!

    Im in Nursing
  • lorijh72
    lorijh72 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi there I'm Lori, nightshifter here 7p-7:30a 3 days a week but my norm is 5, I pick up a lot. Anyone interested in adding me please feel free dedication and support here but in return looking for support and dedication as well , hope to talk to ya soon! XoXo
  • nmhanna
    nmhanna Posts: 5
    Nites 4 10 hour shifts plus OT when avaiable. Do most people keep track from midnight to midnight or start the day when you wake up?
  • I work nights too and my husband is not a night worker so i have a hard time too. Working these kind of hours is when I started to realy put on the weight. I used to be active more during the day but now i sleep during the best parts of the day. I have been on these hours for 6 years now.
    I get home and some times have a very small breakfast with my husband but i go to bed right after their is my problem too. so I try not to eat when i get home i have a big glass of water then to bed so when i get up i have a smal breakfast and coffee trying black i am so used to creamer and sugar boy its hard.
  • babsbrack
    babsbrack Posts: 20
    My shifts vary but i work 9pm-7am and 5pm-3am and 3pm-1am, my shifts are on a cycle so i work nights most weeks, i return to work on Monday and it will be my first shift back after hols on mfp so im wondering how i will go. Not looking forward to nights either not sure when to reset my calorie intake.... is what i eat at night from the next days total???

    feel free to add me :) and best of luck
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    I work 7 night shifts and 7 day shifts In a month. Not too bad, but the boredom is killing me right now. Coffee is my friend.
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    I work nights and it is definitely hard

    I work sun - thurs nights 10pm to 6am

    Heyyy we have the same schedule! ;)
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    You guys will have to give me some of your food secrets for the nights and how you manage that with sleeping. I think I have a decent routine and eating schedule going on now, but I would like to learn how everyone else does it too!!

    Here is how I work it...

    I work 10pm-6am....

    3/4pm: Wake up
    4/5pm: Breakfast
    7/8pm: After Gym Snack
    10/11pm: Lunch
    1/2am: mid-work snack
    4/5am: Dinner
    6/7am: pre-bed protein
    7/8am: Sleep

    Keeps your metabolism up and I bring my food to work with me to make sure I eat healthy (which can be hard, because there is a full kitchen with all kinds of goodies that we are allowed to eat whenever - part of why I gained this weight in the first place!)


    PS: tinfoil on the windows and/or an eye mask will be your BEST FRIEND. Make sure you sleep in a super dark environment. Better sleep means better weight loss... and keeps you healthy (melatonin levels up, etc.)
  • biggzie34
    biggzie34 Posts: 1 Member
    i work nights. and yeah its hard to lost weight and work nights for some reason. ive worked nights going on 11 years now at a hospital and would like that kind of support like you do. oh and by the way my name is heather.
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    I work 630pm to 630am. Not bad when I'm busy but boredom kills. I guess sunflower seeds are ok yo gnaw on. Anybody do anything to be active?
  • thisisjl
    thisisjl Posts: 1,074 Member
    I work 630pm to 630am. Not bad when I'm busy but boredom kills. I guess sunflower seeds are ok yo gnaw on. Anybody do anything to be active?

    fortunately or unfortunately for me I work alone in my office at night and I will walk laps around the office. Sometimes I will do lunges, squats, modified push ups just to keep me awake. I work 11-7am...2 hours to go yippy 1 day down 5 to go!
  • medell123
    medell123 Posts: 1
    Yes I work nights 11pm-7am and 7pm-7am, its hard because i was always snacking on the wrong things, I got a plan toward healthy snacking;-)
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    I work 630pm to 630am. Not bad when I'm busy but boredom kills. I guess sunflower seeds are ok yo gnaw on. Anybody do anything to be active?

    fortunately or unfortunately for me I work alone in my office at night and I will walk laps around the office. Sometimes I will do lunges, squats, modified push ups just to keep me awake. I work 11-7am...2 hours to go yippy 1 day down 5 to go!

    I try to walk briskly wherever I go and we have lots of stairs, so I kind of find reasons to go places, but some nights are just killer with nothing to do. Btw, my last one! 3 days off! Going out of town which is probably harder than anything to stay on target.
  • lbrittenson
    lbrittenson Posts: 21 Member
    I think its extra hard only working 2 nightshifts a week (weekend package) getting into some routine has been difficult for me.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    You guys will have to give me some of your food secrets for the nights and how you manage that with sleeping. I think I have a decent routine and eating schedule going on now, but I would like to learn how everyone else does it too!!

    Here is how I work it...

    I work 10pm-6am....

    3/4pm: Wake up
    4/5pm: Breakfast
    7/8pm: After Gym Snack
    10/11pm: Lunch
    1/2am: mid-work snack
    4/5am: Dinner
    6/7am: pre-bed protein
    7/8am: Sleep

    Keeps your metabolism up and I bring my food to work with me to make sure I eat healthy (which can be hard, because there is a full kitchen with all kinds of goodies that we are allowed to eat whenever - part of why I gained this weight in the first place!)


    I work nights. 5x a week 11pm-7am. I started working this shift in March of 2009. The hardest part was adjusting with my sleep. I was tired all the time. It got better when I found out I had diabetes type II Dec. 2009 which was the start of turning my life around. Now the hard part is the social life or in my case lack of one. I have Mon/Tues off and my friends usually are not up to doing stuff since they work your typical Mon thru Fri dayshift sechdule. Traditional weekends to do fun things don't really work for me since I work them too.

    my typical routine:
    2/3PM - in bed to sleep
    10:30pm - wake up head into work
    11pm-7am work. usually have my 1st meal of the day at some point. Also where I work it's rarely busy on the weekends so I'll go outside 20-30 mins to walk or jog usually around 2/3 AM. I work at a Naval base that's secure so I don't need to worry about traffic or crazies other than the occasional drunk sailor confusing me for a woman and hitting on me. (it's the damn moobs. they're shrinking but not fast enough damn it! :laugh: )
    7am - get off work and head to the YMCA
    8am-11am - Zumba, weights, walk, swim laps in the pool. I also recently been riding this exercise bike that's kind of like a virtual video game. you can ride against other cpu riders or chase dragons. I think it's called Expresso Rider or something along those lines. kinda fun
    11am-2pm shower at the YMCA head out to do errands if I need to and I usually have my 2nd meal here.

    Sleep for me is important. Usually eat 2x a day but there are times that I get so busy I will eat all my calories for the day in 1 sitting. I especially do this if I know that it will cut into my sleep. I tried the multiple 4-6x small meals thing, tried the sleeping in chunks 2-3 hours, wake up do stuff, sleep another 2-3 horus. It just doesn't work for me.
  • lbrittenson
    lbrittenson Posts: 21 Member
    I do 12 midnight to 4 am, 4-8, 8-12, 12-4, 4-8, 8-midnight every day, that way I sort of stay the same all week even though I only work 2 overnights.
  • laxwyo
    laxwyo Posts: 192 Member
    Man, these guys I work with can get some good sleep in! I definitely have the opportunity, but just can't. Every now and then I can, when I am hung over, but these guys do it like a switch.
  • Pip_squeak
    Pip_squeak Posts: 132 Member
    Is anyone working tonight.........uhhh........this morning?