New here from PA, looking for others to help motivate



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm from PA, just near the Delaware border. Feel free to add me - I"m new to this and trying to lose 20.
  • Add me too. I'm from Harrisburg, went to school in both Philly and Pittsburgh and have family in the Lewistown area (outside Penn State). I've lost 15 and have 20+ to go. Starting to fall off the healthy wagon so could definitely use the encouragement too!

    Nice! Where'd you go to school in Philly? Before moving to south central PA i lived in Roxborough (just outside the city and close to Manayunk). I went to Temple U.
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    Hello all, I'm Leslie, 37, from Pennsylvania. I'm on a mission to lose 60 lbs and could use friends as motivation and support. I do so much better when I can relate to others or have someone that will give me that push to make it through a rough day.

    look what you started!!! how awesome!! (i piggybacked a few friends too!!)

    Lets do this!!
  • Stewartstown in the house. Feel free to add me

    Loganville in the house! We are practically neighbors.
  • Lebanon county here!!! Grew up in Lehigh county....moved to York county, then Cumberland county, and now In Lebanon county. Any PA peeps feel free to friend request! Looking for some INSANITY support.

    How are you liking insanity? I did it for about a month but stopped. I wasn't really on point with my nutrition which is most of the battle. But the workouts were pretty intense. Pure Cardio is a beast of a workout!

    starting on Sunday.....i sat and watched the fit Im SO excited to do it. I just finished P90X, got my nutrition pretty much in line (not 100% but Id say about 90% on mark). I didnt lose the body fat I was hoping to. I know there are muscles under there now...hoping Insanity will reveal them!!

    I am sure Insanity will reveal them. You'll be amazed how many calories you burn during the workout. Your heartrate is constantly up. It's pretty awesome. I did 2 rounds of P90X. I gained strength and muscle mass but again, it was my nutrition that wasn't in check.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Welcome! Philly here... Feel free to add me! My diary is open so you can see what I am doing, eating, etc...
  • rughead06
    rughead06 Posts: 4,291 Member
    hello all fellow PA peeps, Mike from South Central Pa.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Hi everyone - I am from the Lehigh Valley - I went to school in Gettysburg!
  • brandipoo
    brandipoo Posts: 58 Member
    Pittsburgh here, feel free to add!
  • hello all fellow PA peeps, Mike from South Central Pa.

    Hey Mike! South Central PA here as well. I live in York County.
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    western pa here near ohio border.

    I have a lot to lose, 4 kids, will be 37 next week. I think we should definitely friend up. hahaha
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    you can add me
  • shedding60
    shedding60 Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome! I'm in Pittsburgh....feel free to add me as well!
  • pmhandlo11
    pmhandlo11 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi, I'm Paula Mom of 3 from Montgomery County, PA, I sent you a friend request! I'm just getting started too so I thought maybe we could help each other out!!!
  • NeverGoingToQuit
    NeverGoingToQuit Posts: 49 Member
    western pa here near ohio border.

    I have a lot to lose, 4 kids, will be 37 next week. I think we should definitely friend up. hahaha

    Also western PA right on the ohio border in Mercer County! Feel free to add me as well!!
  • Hi ya'll,

    Mine name is Corinne. I'm 34. I am originally from a small town called Waterford, which is ~20 minutes south of Erie, PA. I have lived in State College, PA while attending college. I lived outside of Pittsburgh, PA while student teaching. I currently reside in Stroudsburg, PA (in the Poconos) for my job. My goal is to lose over 100 lbs. Looking for inspiration and talks of places to see in PA. You guys can add me if you want! Hope to hear from you.
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 573 Member
    Bucks County here!!! Happy to be a Pennsylvanian!!! Or, as my friends from New Jersey say - Pennsyltucky!

    I'm from Pittsburgh, but I lived in Bucks County for a couple of years as a teenager - went to Central Bucks H.S. I have some pretty cool friends still out that way :)

    Feel free to add me.
  • Hi Leslie i am new here too... from PA as well, right outside of Philly... good luck to u!!
  • rughead06
    rughead06 Posts: 4,291 Member
    hello all fellow PA peeps, Mike from South Central Pa.

    Hey Mike! South Central PA here as well. I live in York County.
    Guess i would say im more Western South CEntral Pa, Blair County and all lol
  • HI I am Gina from PA.. right outside of Philly.. just joined a few days ago and started eating CLEAN yesterday :) lost a pound since yesterday and 2 pounds down since i started Monday... looking to achieve my goal weight by the end of the summer if not sooner!!! i plan to live this lifestyle forever! wish me luck!