I have absolutely NO MOTIVATION. Please help!



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    There's nothing anyone can do to motivate you. Inspire you, yes.....support you, yes.....give advice, yes. But motivation comes from within. How bad do you want this? Badly enough to make some lifestyle changes? Dig deep, it's not easy, but it will be worth it.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    How about walking at the mall? It's air conditioned, and you'll notice a lot of people are going there for exercise. Not exciting, but you'll be moving and will stay cool.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    You can exercise inside in the air conditioning. Get home DVD work outs. Or just look up free work outs online. They have them where you can print and check off as you go along or you can watch free ones to do on 100's of websites. Don't let the heat be an excuse to not work out. :) Because then the next thing you know it will be too cold outside to work out. :smile:
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    I have days where I am PUMPED and ready to go. Like yesterday. I burned 1700 calories yesterday. :drinker:

    Last week, I don't think I burned 1700 in the entire week. :grumble:

    I wish I had motivation ALL of the time.

    I found a quote this morning that helped me.

    "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice."
    ~ Wayne Dyer ~

    I often get upset when people create their own storms then get mad when it rains. So, I can't be too mad when I gain a few back and have not been putting in the effort of eating better and exercising. I have my progress pictures on Monday. If I have not progressed, it is no ones fault but my own...and Keebler.
  • I've never been a dieter and I've never been one to work out. Until I had my second baby- never had an issue with wieght. Boy have I had a rude awakening!

    I'm 32 and I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I don't have healthy habits. So here I am trying it out. I think recording your food intake has helped me look at food in a different way. As long as your honest with yourself- you will start looking at those calories and asking "is it worth it?"

    My problem has been working out. I too cannot stand hot weather- I live in Kentucky so its extremely humid and 103 degrees today! No way am I going to do that! What I found that helps me is designating some "me" time. I pick a book out and take it on the treadmill. Don't over do it at first. Just see how many chapters you can read while walking. I do that everyday now (luckily I have a treadmill at work) I find myself looking forward to it because I want to know what happens in the book.
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Randa,
    I understand how you feel. I just do not have the motivation to exercise either. I have only walked one day for 15 minutes. I have so many excuses. I work a full time job that has an hour commute each way and raising two boys all alone. I know how you feel and you are not alone. I am starting today to do some small things like i get up and walk the workplace( there is a mfg plant where most of the workers are) every hour. I think about what I should be doing every single day....walking, joining the gym, etc....Last night was my breaking point...I sat in my bathroom floor and cried for an hour. I have post it notes on my computer screen with reminders to drink water and get up and move. Try to start out low and build up to more and more. I only walked 15 minutes but my goal is 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night then 60 minutes in the morning and 60 minutes at night. Then adding in some running spurts as well. Good luck to you and start slow. I know it can be overwhelming.
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    Sorry dear...but the only person who can truly motivate you is you.

    I like to look at before and after pics of people....that keeps me motivate.
    Ha. Me too! Plus the tips of how successful people did it is great. I don't need anymore information from skinny people who have never been fat, nor from the 300 lb nutritionist who hasn't put their money where their mouth is.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    I struggle with motivation daily. I try to tell myself that no normal person wants to do something, they do it because that is what needs to be done. Simple as that, if you need/want something to be done you will do it. No matter how much you resist, you will do it.
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
    What helped me was starting by focusing on my diet only. Calories in vs. calories out is the most important part of losing weight (if not everything). Also, for me, it was much less daunting to decide to watch my calories than it was to decide to go to the gym 4 times a week! Just log everything you eat on MFP and follow the daily calorie allowance they give you. Then you can slowly start adding in exercise. Good luck :)
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    I'm 40+ with +40 to lose. I'll help you. My motivation are the nice suits I have to look at every morning that fit great the last time I lost +40 (2008). I did it before, we can do it again. Feel free to add me.
  • fabilonga
    fabilonga Posts: 4
    Well I'm not focusing on loosing weight anymore, but if you let me I would love to help you. Two years ago I decided to change into a healthy lifestyle and I've lost 25lbs so far, and now I'm building muscle. The trick is to get the RIGHT information, and eat the RIGHT foods. For exercise I recommend find an activity you love to do, so you don't see it as an exercise. Mine are swimming, tennis and Zumba, so whenever I don't want to lift weights or do the elliptical for an hour I do any of these that help me a lot with building resistance and loosing calories and fat. If you need any help with information about nutrition and workouts please don't hesitate to add me :) Take Care <3
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Watch this and get pumped! A little tough love from Mama Bombshell. Feel free to add me! You can do it!

  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I had the exact same struggles with motivation. As an adult educator, I have seen many adults start going back to school and drop out of school repeatedly. It wasn't because they were failures or bad people, but because it simply wasn't the right time for them to get their education--that particular event wasn't in the cosmos for them at that moment. I had the same problem with my past weight struggles and put myself down all the time for being a lazy pig, but now I realize that I couldn't commit to a healthy lifestyle because it wasn't the right time for me. I wasn't ready for that kind of change at that time. I have been getting some counseling for a year and now, I am able to commit to eating and exercising like a champ. I am confident that this is my time, even though I'VE BEEN WORKING OUT FOR TWO FREAKING MONTHS AND HAVEN'T LOST ONE STINKING POUND. Ahem.

    I do not participate in a religion, but I do find value in religious texts. I am a firm believer in "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose..."
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    I am a newbie also and I have NO MOTIVATION to exercise what so ever!

    Inspiration: You see a photo of a supermodel, a photo of what you looked like back in high school, an old pair of pants you used to fit into or want to fit into, or perhaps you just get shocked by the number on the scale.

    Motivation: You "feel" like working out. "Hey, I'm going to ride my bike today or go for a walk." You go outside smiling and whistling your favorite tune. It's so nice out today and this is good for me.

    Dedication: Alarm goes off. You hit snooze and grumble about how tired you are. You sigh heavily, get up anyway, go to the gym. "Stupid $%*@ cardio. I hate you!" 30 minutes later you feel no regret for getting up and doing what you know you need to do.

    Everyone feels inspired to be in better shape, some people are even motivated to be in better shape; however, the people that are dedicated to be in better shape are the ones that achieve their goals. Be that person.
    ^^^^^This! BE THAT PERSON!
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    For me, I had to hit rock bottom before I made the commitment to change and actually follow through. I was miserable and could not stand to be that way for a second longer. Only then, did I succeed. I wasn't motivated to exercise but I forced myself to do it. Once I started seeing results, motivation followed. There are still times where I'm not motivated but I just do it and I'm always happy I did afterward.

    It's hot in Dallas, I get it. You have A/C though, so pop a workout video into your dvd player or computer and get to it. Find a short one to begin with because 20-30 minutes is better than nothing and you can still get great results.

    Good luck!
  • You sound just like me. I am in Kansas and it is sweltering hot. I don't even want to go to Walmart, much less exercise. I have told myself time after time I'm going to stick with it this time, and....it never happens. THIS TIME, however.....I am going to stick with it. Know why? A couple of reasons:

    1. I am 48 years old. Several close friends have passed away in the past three years and the other day I was talking to my sister and she made a comment that struck me. "Do you realize our lives are more than half over?" OMG! I never thought about it like that and it makes me sad to think I am this old and STILL unhappy with myself (body weight, lack of motivation/self esteem, unhealthiness). Seriously, if I only have 20-30 years left, I want to make the most of them and be HAPPY with MYSELF. FOR ME. Think about it. At some point in our lives, we only have so much time left to do what we have been striving for all these years and never thought about it!

    2. I just started Body by Vi this week and am doing well on it and am impressed with the taste and fullness of my belly so far. I realize my deal isn't just bad eating habits...I eat when I'm not hungry. I am an emotional eater...mainly because I am unhappy with myself....and after I eat all that crapola, guess what? I don't feel any better about myself! Eeegads, it's like 40 years later a light bulb finally went off!

    3. I read this somewhere (may have been on this website, can't recall) where someone made the comment, "If you don't do it now...a year from now, you'll be saying, "I sure wish I would have started and focused on this journey a year ago, because here I am (again) a year later and....still the same shape." That kinda hit me too. How many times have I started on January 1 and given up by April, to only next January say to myself....if I had stuck to it, I'd be where I wanted to be instead of starting over.

    For the first time, I think I have a pretty good attitude about losing weight, getting healthy, and most importantly, being happy with myself in my own skin. I am going to stick with it this time. Sure, I will fall off the wagon now and again, but I'm going to get back on it. I want to see what my inner self really looks like on the outside when it is healthy! I want to be amazed by what willpower and my body can do!

    I want to look at myself in the mirror and SMILE. Right now, I don't look at myself in the mirror (other than makeup/hair). I want confidence, self esteem and happiness. We can all have it!!!!!!
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    I feel for you as it is hard to be motivated sometimes. Maybe if you just set small goals for yourself to begin with you can create some habits. For example, on M,W.F try to walk 1 mile right after getting home from work. Then you don't have to dread it - just get it done! I know it is hot - my mom lives in Denton, TX just north of you and I've stayed with her in the summer while training for a marathon and ran in that 100+ degree heat. It isn't easy but you can do it. Carry water and go slow. If the heat is too much, like some other posters have said, get some exercise tapes and workout inside. Try to do 20 minutes about 3 days a week in your home. Get some free weights and lift those. I live in a very cold climate and it is hard to get out in the winter so I bought a little 10" step stool. I'll watch tv while running up and down on the stool (or you can just "step"). Set small goals and then build on those each week, adding more time to each workout. The only person that can do it is you, and I know you can do it. The fact that you wrote reaching out for help means that you want to change. There have been a lot of runs/workouts that I didn't want to do, but I have never once regretted doing a workout. There is always a sense of accomplishment. It might suck while you are doing it, but you'll always be glad you did it!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Losing weight and being healthy doesn't require exercise, just eating healthy goes a long way.

    That's the amazing secret that you don't hear on television commercials. No one makes money telling you to just eat good. I work out really hard but honestly 70% - 80% of my success is in the kitchen. That's why MFP is such a huge tool for fitness for me. If I can eat good I can be healthy.

    ^^^ THIS!!!
  • jkm1783
    jkm1783 Posts: 21
    Since I started my journey with healthy eating and weight loss 6 months ago I have drifted on and off track. I actually gained 10lbs and felt so crappy. Around last month something just hit me and I realized that the only person I have to get me through this is me... That didn't go well but I started posting on the forums and requesting friends on MFP it has helped me so much to be more accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise. I have a friend on here that is brutely honest (not in a mean way) but when I get off track he lets me know and pushes me back on track. I think for me the more friends I have the better I am and the more they support me I know I will get to my goal. I too struggled with motivation but when I saw old pictures of myself I realized how much I gained. You can friend request me. Hope this helps.