Water makes me sick :-/



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Try having a water bottle with you and sip a little bit regularly. Make it a habit - so every time you go to the kitchen to fix a snack for the kids, or when you sit at the computer, or go to the washing machine - take a sip of water. Not enough to make you feel queasy, just a little bit at a time.
    Add in a something to flavour it or a splash of fruit juice if this helps it go down.

    Plus, have a look at your meals, you can get lots of extra hydration in there if you try (don't forget to count all the calorie though:
    Soup, smoothies, fruit, jelly (jello for you americans!), milk, custard, pudding, yoghurt, tea, coffee, salads etc are all going to contribute to the fluid in your body.
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    I don't understand how (a) people don't like water and (b) how it makes them sick.
    I guess I'm just weird with it being my beverage of choice... always has been, always will be.

    Like I said before...I grew up on only water. I dont not like water. I love it actually, it just makes me sick to my stomach now that I am pushing to get a certain number of ounces a day.

    Just sip throughout the day. I did see that when you exert yourself, you have no problem chugging it down. I know that at the gym alone, I drink at least 8-9 glasses of water (my bottle holds 3 glasses, and i drink about 3 bottles typically). The rest of mine throughout the night is just water. I will NOT drink any other beverage unless it's a cheat day or a protein shake.

    Just a thought?
  • I have the same problem. It is not that it is the water itself it is that you are forcing to much water into your body. i have actually gone to the doctor ( ER) for this. Before MFP I was not a big water drinker, I loved water but I loved coke more. But one day I tried to drink 1 gallon of water ( keep in mind I usually drink a max of 8 oz of water a day before this)

    I pushed myself to drink it all.

    I was sick, nauseous feeling, and by the end of the day I was so light headed i fainted so i was rushed to the E.R

    The doctor there told me it was water poisioning. I thought" how could this be water poisioning I am supposed to drink this much a day!"

    Well turns out if you push all that water on you after your body has been deprived of it, your body almost goes into shock and it starts to push it out of your system but because you drink so much your body cant keep up with it. So pretty much your body is full of water and cant get rid of it quick enough so it retains it and it absorbs everywhere. He described it almost like a person drinks to much alcohol they get drunk.

    And not to get to personal but if your urine is pure water, that is a good sign you are overdosing on water ( sounds weird to say that I know lol)

    SO the point of the story is work your way up to that much water. I found drinking it ice cold helps. and as far as the pepsi max addiction goes, try adding water to it everytime you add one. and then add a little more water the next time you have one. Eventually it will get to the point it is gross to you and you wont want it anymore.

    Im a southern girl here and I had to break myself from sweet tea lol. Hardest thing ever lol.

    I hope this helps? I know it sounds crazy but its true
  • burtonhl
    burtonhl Posts: 57
    I had to break a major coca cola habit. Water made me sick at first. I bought a water filter and I kept a 4 oz cup next to the kitchen sink and made myself drink one every hour. I graduated up to 8 oz, then to bottled water. After looking for a while, I found a reusable bottle that I liked aand I take it everywhere I go.

    I'm interested in how you quit drinking coke! I'm addicted to pepsi and want to stop drinking that - any tips?
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Try adding something to it...I like to keep a cold pitcher of water in the fridge, and mix different things into it. My faves are lemon slices, berries, sometimes just a few mint leaves...it makes it much more appealing. Also, you could try drinking some green tea in place of some of the water- I love green tea, so I tend to drink more of it. I also find that it's easier to get my 8 cups/day of water in if I drink a glass before every meal. Drink up! :drinker:

    Tea is a no go. No matter how much I try I cannot drink it, and I hate the taste. I thought "hey its good for me suck it up and drink it", nope didnt work. Thanks for that suggestion. I dont usually add anything to my water, just fill up a cup from my zero water pitcher and drink it down.

    I'm going to say that you probably have not found the right tea or tisane for you. Most people when they are told to drink tea immediately think of black or green variations with maybe one or two herbal tisanes. See if you can find a tea shop near you--Something like Teavana, but for the sake of your pocket book, DO NOT buy from Teavana unless there are really no other options (hint: with the Internet, there are always other options). In any event, the reason I suggest going to a tea shop is because you can often try a few different teas to see if you can find one that you like. My current obsession is with a Strawberry Cardamom that I picked up from a local place here called the Tea Grotto. Try some Rooibos (Also called Red Tea or Honeybush), I have also had a Citrus-Ginger-Ginseng Tisane that was amazing.

    On the side of adding things to your water, try lemon and cucumber slices--just make sure that you clean them VERY well before you cut them up, even if they are organic. A nice wash using water and vinegar work well or if you want to spend the $$, you can get a veggie/fruit wash from a lot of places. Just slice them thin, like 1/8-1/4" and toss them in the bottom of a pitcher, put Ice on top of that and then fill with your water.

    Another thing that helped DW and I a ton was to get a Brita filter. These can be obtained as pitchers or as a larger boxy thing with a spigot (which is the one we have.) They improve the taste of our tap water a hundred fold and really help us to get our water in.

    Hm is there like a tea variety pack I can get from somewhere? I may have to start searching! Thanks!! If I dont like it my husband will drink it. We do have a zero water filter, like a brita. I love that thing. And I have the brita water bottle :) Thanks for the suggestions!!


    This is a decent pack, but I really do suggest finding somewhere that sells loose leaf tea in your area. You are in the Denver area, right? I would check these guys out:


    or maybe these guys:

  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I had to break a major coca cola habit. Water made me sick at first. I bought a water filter and I kept a 4 oz cup next to the kitchen sink and made myself drink one every hour. I graduated up to 8 oz, then to bottled water. After looking for a while, I found a reusable bottle that I liked aand I take it everywhere I go.

    I'm interested in how you quit drinking coke! I'm addicted to pepsi and want to stop drinking that - any tips?

    My method was to replace the cola with S. Pellegrino or Perrier and herbal teas while steadily upping my water intake. The key is to make sure that you transition over, stay focused and it is easy. If it is an eating out thing, you can always ask them if they can serve you soda water. That helps me because I don't usually care for the taste of restaurant water.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I was somewhat like you. I would drink water and I would feel sick. I have never been a heavy drinker of anything else. So for past two years I've been faithful to my workouts and to maintaining a decent eating habit. I finally got fed up of feeling my muscles under this fat I have. So decided to cut out all alcohol and to concentrate on drinking a gallon of water a day. It's been a month that I started keeping track of my water intake, I've dropped at least 11 lbs, but didn't weigh myself until a week after starting workouts so I am sure I've lost plenty more than that.

    Water will improve your metabolism, will improve your workouts, and once you see those results, you won't care how sick it makes you feel.

    Good luck!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hm is there like a tea variety pack I can get from somewhere? I may have to start searching! Thanks!! If I dont like it my husband will drink it. We do have a zero water filter, like a brita. I love that thing. And I have the brita water bottle :) Thanks for the suggestions!!
    Probably in your local grocery store... check out where they have tea, even my local Krogers has about 5 different brand's variety packs. The Web is also a good source. If you have a sweet tooth, I recommend licorice tea. I don't like licorice candy, but the tea is naturally sweet without calories. Herbal fruit teas tend to make nice sun teas, which are good to drink at room temperature or cold.
    Glad you're considering some options.
    And DON'T chug... except after exercise it's not working for you, and it can cause serious health problems. I liked the suggestion of keeping a shot glass in the kitchen and drinking a shot of water everytime you pass through the kitchen (or other room you use often) or if you liked the straw idea, go for it!
  • BreanneMG
    BreanneMG Posts: 42
    Lol, yup so true.

    good luck.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions guys! By drinking about 4 ounces at a time, I have been able to get in 36 ounces without feeling icky at all!! I am hoping to get to 50 ounces by bed :)
  • Edith66
    Edith66 Posts: 1
    try squeezing a little bit of lemon , very refreshing but also good for the liver and cleansing the body
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions guys! By drinking about 4 ounces at a time, I have been able to get in 36 ounces without feeling icky at all!! I am hoping to get to 50 ounces by bed :)

    One more suggestion. Keep a cup of water by your bed. Have a little before you go to sleep and drink some when you first wake up... nice if you wake up with a dry mouth, throat or old taste in your mouth.
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