Looking for women who had C-Sections!



  • tikab89
    tikab89 Posts: 29
    My scar is only 3 inches long, I was in the Army and in really good shape before having my son. That's why I'm hoping I can get back to my old body! I'm only 22 so I don't want to have this pooch for forever :(. I've been doing Insanity, and I run 2 miles. I'm dedicated to getting it gone!
  • mjderby
    mjderby Posts: 13 Member
    I had 3, with my last being almost 10 years ago and still try to get rid of the saggy belly.
  • I had 2 c-sections and never got rid of the pouch. Good luck. My two beautiful kids are 21 and 25, so I've had a pouch forever it seems!
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 183 Member
    I had a c-section a year ago. I'm hoping with losing more weight it will decrease more and more.
  • Jewel1201
    Jewel1201 Posts: 68
    I had my C-Section 8 years ago. I was having twins they they were both breach.
  • hsandall
    hsandall Posts: 106 Member
    Had a c-section with my 2nd baby in December, he is now 6 months and I still have a pouch!
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Hi my name is Jodi and I have a front butt. It's VERY sexy!!!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    We've had 5 kids, and 3 were through C section,
    My wife took a year or so each time to work her way back to peak condition.
    I recall how she would never let me touch her belly - very self-conscience. It hurt me that she was so sensitive, but the best thing I could do was just shut up.
    I had to let her work through it.
    Good Luck to you!
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    had two c-sections.. even though most of my belly is gone.. there is a flap/fat/whatever that is over the insicion.. i dont think it will ever go away without surgery.. :(
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    2 c's I never had a problem until my wreck then gained weight there. It has went down some but I also have a hematoma in my abdominal wall or some such they don't want to operate until last resort. Hoping lower ab work will help. But it has went down some :)
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I had a C-Section in 2005 and was obese before/during/after my pregnancy. It seems like my boys grew so quickly that they pushed all my fat either upward into this flab shelf that keeps rainwater from getting in my bellybutton (very bad spare tire) or down to the mommy pouch area. In fact, as I've lost weight, he pouch has gotten smaller than the higher up spare tire. Both are equally annoying.

    I did find that since I had an epidural for my C-section that I have a lot of pain in my lower back while doing laying-down ab exercises. I have to do a lot of things standing or literally with a bed pillow beneath my tailbone. Also, my core is very weak and my lower abs are especially non functional. I can't even do the thing where you hold your legs up and do the bicycle exercise. I really want to work on my lower ab strength and overall core strength, but it seems like all the basic exercises are still too difficult. Do I push myself to do them even if I'm not doing them right or are there some C-section specific exercises that are even more simple than 'the basics'?
  • It must be the type of cut you get. I have the up-and-down C-section and no pooch, though it looks as though my butt crack spread up my stomach.

    I think you are correct in that. I haven't had a c section but I did have emergency oomphorectomy do to a forged ovary and she did the cut that goes side to side. And believe it or not I have a awful pooch that will not go away!
  • Julia5596
    Julia5596 Posts: 1
    I've had 4 c-sections, the last one just under 3 months ago was with twins so of course he had to make the incision a little bigger this time. But hoping to get it all off and to stay off once again! Although if I need to have a tummy tuck after having 5 kids I kind of think I deserve it :)
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Two c-sections and the lower pouch is ridiculous! I have some flab above my belly button too but it's like it's cut in half (and of course I naturally carry the majority of my weight right in my stomach area). I hope to get rid of it someday too!
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    I just got a c-section 7 weeks ago.... i want some advice too.
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    I am a new mom. I gave birth 6 months ago. I end up having a C section. I did hear its really hard to loose the belly fat after having a c section. I hired a fitness trainer in May to help me get rid of this pregnancy weight. I was trying to loose weight and get to my goal weight last year and found out I was pregnant. So I am here starting all over again to get to my goal weight.
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    i had my first in '06 naturally, second in '10 c-section, and third VBAC "11, and i think you're on the right track. my midwife recommended cardio and circuit training so I'm just doing JM shred right now cause I carely have enough time to sleep let alone work out but plan on switching to insanity once my scheduel shifts a little. good luck!!!
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    ha...will let you in on my secrets when mine is gone!! I have a lot way to go, but VERY determined to get there! I read that eating apples and oranges helps with skin elasticity...I love them anyway and have no prob eating them...plus the fiber is so good for me....
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    I have had 3 sections, first was 16 yrs ago, the last was 3 yrs ago....I have never been able to get rid completely, but that is because I have loose skin, no elasticity, this is a bit different then weak muscles and fat in that area with women who have had sections but have elasticity ....Depends on what your issue is. I have used some exercise to get rid, but mostly its food, certain foods help get rid of that fat...Mine is the smallest it's ever been, but I will never have a flat tummy unless I have surgery....but before I ever consider that, I am doing everything possible thru diet and exercise to get it as flat as possible..I will post my tummy on my profile pic, if u wanna see! Eat clean train smart! Good luck! I have it almost completely down to the point there was almost no fat, but just skin.
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    Excuse my ignorance, but how is a c-section pooch any different than the pooch after a vag. delivery? I mean, I understand that it may take longer for the abdominal muscles to heal, but once they are healed what would be different. I have had 4 vag. deliveries, and 2 c-sections and did not notice a difference. Then again, maybe it is genetic since I lose weight from my abs fairly easily.