how do i do only 1200 calories? freaking out!



  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    I'm with those who say if you want to speed up the weight loss a bit, add some cardio rather than go hungry all day. You'd be amazed how many calories you can burn with a 40 minute bike ride, and the best part is, it doesn't even feel like exercise!

    This is what people aren't understanding. If she increases her activity she will net lower calories(assuming she dosn't eat her calories back). If she does eat them back then she's right where she started... she will net the same.

    If a person eats 1,200 calories a day and burn 1000 in exercise, this is like eating 200 calories a day. More exercise isn't the answer. The fatigue will catch up to her, it will accumulate.

    I've been eating 1200-1400 calories a day for about 6 months, burning 500-700 calories 4 days a week and losing weight and feeling great. OP, stick with your plan.

    Consider farmers or people who work extremely physical jobs that are active all day lifting, loading, plowing, walking, and burning calories.. They are probably not logging that as exercise and logging what they eat into my fitness pal. They are probably burning in a 10-12 hour day well over 1500-1800 calories.. I doubt they are eating over 4000 calories everyday. Weight loss is calories in calories out. Eat at 1200 and create 1.5 lb loss in your weight each week. Add 1750 calories burned in exercise and you will lose 2 lbs a week. It is very simple science.

    Actually, most farmers, ranch hands, and the like I have known eat a MASSIVE amount of food through the day. They need it to keep their energy levels up and make it through their days. Big breakfast, big lunch, and big dinner with snacks during the day. I used to work with horses and now live in a farming area.

    Most people do not need to restrict themselves to 1200 calories. Many can eat more and still lose at quite a decent pace. I lose 1-2 lbs a week by eating at/close to my BMR and exercise calories.
  • Prettygeekz
    Prettygeekz Posts: 10 Member
    But when i first joined MFP and set up my weightless goal, the recommend calories for me was 1200 daily!. Why would the program give me an number that is not good. As mentioned all i did was put my info in and they told me how many calories, protein, carbs etc based on my info.

    Just trying to learn! ;-)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Just eat 1600 daily and dont log the workouts.
    Also burning 1000 cals a workout doesnt mean you are burning just fat.
    Also Working out every day doesnt mean youll just burn fat.
    Also eating way below your TDEE doesnt mean that hormones arent stopping you from losing fat...or LBM...In fact they are.

    Reassess your goals and understand that 2lb a week is for ppl who are very FAT!
    Chances are if you fall in this category you still are eating way too little.

    Post your:
    Body fat%
    How often you work out

    Someone will post what you should NET daily to lose fat.

    This is like watching someone say "I'm going spelunking for the first time and i've never done the research!"
    They grab a match and 20' rope and head off into the hills.

    This is bigger than just restricting cals...unless you are very FAT.

    PS: I'm not trying to be mean but there are stickies on each forum for a reason.
    If you took the time to read youll understand why eating back calories means you dont eat 1200 a day.
    Thats a base point.
    Go at this with the same approach you would at buying a house.
    You dont just pick at random the best and biggest house on the market without first researching what it takes to get it and where its located.
    Price etc...

    Dieting isnt easy but it can be simpler than you think!
  • Prettygeekz
    Prettygeekz Posts: 10 Member

    Just eat 1600 daily and dont log the workouts.
    Also burning 1000 cals a workout doesnt mean you are burning just fat.
    Also Working out every day doesnt mean youll just burn fat.
    Also eating way below your TDEE doesnt mean that hormones arent stopping you from losing fat...or LBM...In fact they are.

    Reassess your goals and understand that 2lb a week is for ppl who are very FAT!
    Chances are if you fall in this category you still are eating way too little.

    Post your:
    Body fat%
    How often you work out

    Someone will post what you should NET daily to lose fat.

    This is like watching someone say "I'm going spelunking for the first time and i've never done the research!"
    They grab a match and 20' rope and head off into the hills.

    This is bigger than just restricting cals...unless you are very FAT.

    PS: I'm not trying to be mean but there are stickies on each forum for a reason.
    If you took the time to read youll understand why eating back calories means you dont eat 1200 a day.
    Thats a base point.
    Go at this with the same approach you would at buying a house.
    You dont just pick at random the best and biggest house on the market without first researching what it takes to get it and where its located.
    Price etc...

    Dieting isnt easy but it can be simpler than you think!

    Soo what youre saying is go and change my goal? in this app? im 5,10 at 189, body fat is at 29 or 30%. according to the charts iam considered overweight with a 30% body fat
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i just refigured my calories from 1370 to 1200. i'd like to speed up my weight loss a bit. i was figuring 1 lb. a week now i'd like to try to lose 1.5 lbs. per week. the prospect of trying to stay at 1200 calories sounds so difficult. anyone have any advice? thanks

    I'm with you, I don't get these folks who say that have a hard time eating enough to get to 1200 calories!

    once you get used to it (took about 3 weeks for me) it became surprisingly easy and on some days where i didnt have my normal raging appetite i actually had a hard time getting to my 1280 goal i have. just requires lots of high fiber food, high protein lean foods, and i usually do 4 small meals and a snack if i need it throughout the day. and LOTS of water. good luck! you can do this!
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    Eating 1,200 calories is the worst thing to do for most people. You looking for quick weight loss? That's the secret to failure on any plan.

    Yes, yes, yes!!!!! We are getting ready to up my calories again, and I've lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. How? By exercising and eating lots of great, nutritious food. Eating more, not less, and revving your metabolism with exercise works. I never feel hungry.
    1200 Calories is simply not enough nutrition for anyone who is exercising. Your body needs fuel.

    If I am what I eat, I'm a sweet potato!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eating 1,200 calories is the worst thing to do for most people. You looking for quick weight loss? That's the secret to failure on any plan.

    Yes, yes, yes!!!!! We are getting ready to up my calories again, and I've lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks. How? By exercising and eating lots of great, nutritious food. Eating more, not less, and revving your metabolism with exercise works. I never feel hungry.
    1200 Calories is simply not enough nutrition for anyone who is exercising. Your body needs fuel.

    If I am what I eat, I'm a sweet potato!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    eating low carb (20 grams a day or so) usually has me between 800 to 1200 cals.
  • AnewMe2cor5seventeen
    AnewMe2cor5seventeen Posts: 16 Member
    Actually not as hard as it sounds..My calories are set at 1200 right now too..look for foods and snacks that are low calorie...Special K or just about any granola bar offers 100 Calorie bars..veggies are low calorie...also you can earn more calories by working out more and harder...dont eat back all your calories earned but remember If it says 1200 thats not in stone....the more cardio you do the more you will lose as well. God will be your strength when It seems to hard :smile:
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    1200 is easy if you're eating what is RIGHT for you.

    1200 is HARD if you go to china buffet or eat turkey subs every afternoon.

    Look at your fridge, and anything that can slip out of your fingers because it's greasy, toss it. If it is processed beyond being the actual product (Kraft cheese slices) toss them.


    When I indulge in a piece of pie or a chicken dinner... I KNOW ahead of time that there is a price. SO it's about weighing those prices out. LOVE YOUR BODY and stop treating it like a paper shredder tearing through things that aren't improving your life.

    P.S. not all good foods are boring either. I actually had two bite of a brownie tonight and put it down because I have trained myself in a short amount of time that GOOD FOODS TASTE BETTER AND MAKE YOU FEEL GREAT EMOTIONALLY AND PHYSICALLY!

    Have fun!
  • if you exercise you can eat more calories. 1200 is really hard without being hungry, but your body will get used to it soon if you stick to it.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I could never eat 1,200 calories. Find out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and eat a little above that. I eat between 1500-1800 calories a day and lose well.
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    Also, make water your best friend if 1200 is really your daily goal. I notice on days when I don't carry my water jug with me (about 64 oz) that I have the MUNCHIES and will eat anything in sight... whereas when I do have it, I can eat normal portions (I eat about 6 times a day) without even noticing hunger... You just pee ever 20 mins. haha
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Also, make water your best friend if 1200 is really your daily goal. I notice on days when I don't carry my water jug with me (about 64 oz) that I have the MUNCHIES and will eat anything in sight... whereas when I do have it, I can eat normal portions (I eat about 6 times a day) without even noticing hunger... You just pee ever 20 mins. haha

    How long have you been dieting?
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    ALL I KNOW IS: i was at 1200 calories, yeah it sucked at first, i felt like i was limited, and still felt tired, it made me crave surgar, which was wierd, and i felt hungry at times too, i also noticed my hair was falling out alot. i had a very hard time-even though i ate clean and bulked up on the veggies. it wasnt enough.:noway:

    The minute i went to 1500 calories, my food choices didnt seem so limited and i felt amazingly better, and the weight came off even quicker. and my hair stopped falling out! I strength train for an hour a day with 20 minutes of cardio x 4 a week i let my body rest every other day, and my body is lean and not all saggy and deflated, firm and tight and not hungry all the time. I DO NOT EAT MY CALORIES BACK FROM EXCERCISE.

    I do eat every two hours breakfast-snack, lunch-snack, dinner-snack, I eat clean, with some things very random here and there ( ALWAYS within my calorie range) water-water-water all day- and when/if i plateau for a while- i eat more protien, and up my calories 300 more for 2-4 days and then back down to 1500 and the lbs come off, and i do not gain weight. also i give my self 1 freeday a month to eat what ever i want and i do choose to log it. (although my eyes are bigger than my stomach now :sick: and i dont always use it :wink: ) my point is not to tell you what to do but let you know what my experience has been, and to let you know that you dont have to starve.:huh:
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    If you eat fast foods or processed foods won't get to eat much. Eat freash foods fruits , veggies, leans meats. Stay away from complex carbs, & refined sugars...and you will not be hunry & you will lose weight
  • amyram
    amyram Posts: 108 Member
    Lots of cardio. I'm at 1710 calories per day and feel hungry at the end of the day unless I burn 400 cal doing cardio, then I can eat that back guilt free and still lose 1 lb/week and not be hungry. Win/win. Fat ans happy as the saying goes. :wink:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    eating low carb (20 grams a day or so) usually has me between 800 to 1200 cals.

    What are you?
    4 foot tall?!
  • lala40217
    lala40217 Posts: 60 Member
    thanks--! cant wait to check out your food diary.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    First, exercise a couple hundred, then eat those back. Here's some 1500 calorie days for that. Drop the deserts and eat more food if you need to go lower or didn't exercise enough: