how do i do only 1200 calories? freaking out!



  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    Eat more protein! I eat between 1200 - 1500, usually at the lower end, while doing p90x and I rarely get hungry (if I do I eat closer to 1500) and have tons of energy and am getting stronger by the day. I am 48, 5' 3" and if I eat more I don't lose weight - now I'm losing about 1 lb. a week. Everyone's metabolism is different - it is not at all simple as many have posted.

    My diary is open.
  • D1m3b4g
    D1m3b4g Posts: 15 Member
    You're offering logical and intelligent help to people who lack the intelligence to appreciate or do anything with it. I'd give up, it's better for your soul.
  • PlumeriaToo
    PlumeriaToo Posts: 188 Member
    Your good question really elicited a great discussion. I learned a lot by reading all the replies. Thank you for sharing. :flowerforyou:
  • andeey
    andeey Posts: 709 Member
    In here its life or death.
    1200 cals doesnt work and ive helped 100s of ppl get set up for their goals.
    So you can take the advice or ignore it.
    I'm still losing fat along with many many others.
    We all eat healthy.
    1200 isnt healthy.
    Get a clue.
    You are doing it wrong if its 1200 cals and not eating back the calories burned.
    You are doing it wrong if you are working out every day without taking any rest.

    I'm one of the 100s of people who reached out to Dan and have been following his advice and have been successfully losing weight, inches, BF%. No need for me to try and convince the OP or anyone else here that this works if they don't want to hear it, but this is my story: I started following a doctor's plan, which was very low carb and netted me around 1200 calories/day (most days, it was closer to about 1000). I was freezing all the time (I live in Phoenix!), had headaches, was cranky and hungry and felt like I was obsessed about when I would get to eat my next portion of food. The meals were well-balanced and I was taking several vitamins and supplements and saw my doctor weekly.

    About a month of misery later, I found MFP to log my calories and exercise and started nosing around the forums and ran across some posts by Dan (and others who prescribe to eat more/weigh less) and threw caution to the wind and provided all of my highly embarrassing numbers. Dan ran some calculations for me, suggested I set MFP at 1700 calories with a 40/30/30 ratio and stick with it to let my body adjust.

    Three months later and I'm down 31 pounds, lost 10% BF, 4 inches off my waist and 6 inches off my hips, and two pants sizes, too. The best part of all of this? I feel "normal" ... I'm eating better, changing my lifestyle nice and slow and not being obsessed with food. I feel great, my confidence is growing and I've developed a nice little group of like-minded friends whom I appreciate and can throw ideas/questions out to all the time and who are super supportive and I know that *this* time, I will make a permanent change in my life.

    Honestly, what would it hurt you to provide Dan with your numbers and try it for a month? You, too, can come back and help others see how successful and happy they can be during this journey. Good luck!!
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    Eat a lot of produce - big salads, fresh fruit, etc. Eat healthy proteins like beans, chickpeas, lentils, quinoa. Don't drink your calories (choose unsweetened tea, water) and exercise every day. Cookies and refined carbs give you a lot of calories and don't fill you up. Real food will fill you! I also cook with water or veggie broth and I don't use oil or margarine/butter.
    1,200 is hard though, so I aim for 1200 - 1300 and then exercise which gives me about 1600 a day.
  • Hockey1990
    Hockey1990 Posts: 6 Member
    1200 calories is to will end up slowing your metabolism. We need to eat to lose weight. Exercise more as well but keep your calories up so your body doesn't think at one point your starving yourself and start storing the fat.
  • lala40217
    lala40217 Posts: 60 Member
    yup-- thats me for the most part. love chicken, fish, lean pork. rarely eat flour/wheat products. spinach, romaine salads with oil and vin. cook red beans in my crock pot on sunday (they smell delish right now) with a big onion and some cumin and 5 or 6 garlic cloves and i eat that for lunch during the week at work. i'm not in denial. i know i need to cut my portions a bit. i think evening is worst for me. when i get home from work i just want to snack and have a glass of wine. yes yes i know... crudite and some low fat ranch or hummus. i understand. it just doesnt happen. its usually peanuts in the shell. or a couple of rice crackers with a slice or two of 2 % cheddar. idk. its just all trial and error isnt it? i been trying for 40 yrs. tho. but i'll never stop trying to do better, eat better, exercise more.
  • lala40217
    lala40217 Posts: 60 Member
    i know! i'm so pleased also. i've loved reading them all day and i've learned something from everyone!
  • lala40217
    lala40217 Posts: 60 Member
    50 yrs old in october. 5'6" . 194 lbs. as of last friday. 30 or 31% bmi. i am in my 2nd week of chalean extreme. i walk 2 hard miles 4 days per week. also starting menopause. infrequent periods and hot flashes.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    In here its life or death.
    1200 cals doesnt work and ive helped 100s of ppl get set up for their goals.
    So you can take the advice or ignore it.
    I'm still losing fat along with many many others.
    We all eat healthy.
    1200 isnt healthy.
    Get a clue.
    You are doing it wrong if its 1200 cals and not eating back the calories burned.
    You are doing it wrong if you are working out every day without taking any rest.

    I'm one of the 100s of people who reached out to Dan and have been following his advice and have been successfully losing weight, inches, BF%. No need for me to try and convince the OP or anyone else here that this works if they don't want to hear it, but this is my story: I started following a doctor's plan, which was very low carb and netted me around 1200 calories/day (most days, it was closer to about 1000). I was freezing all the time (I live in Phoenix!), had headaches, was cranky and hungry and felt like I was obsessed about when I would get to eat my next portion of food. The meals were well-balanced and I was taking several vitamins and supplements and saw my doctor weekly.

    About a month of misery later, I found MFP to log my calories and exercise and started nosing around the forums and ran across some posts by Dan (and others who prescribe to eat more/weigh less) and threw caution to the wind and provided all of my highly embarrassing numbers. Dan ran some calculations for me, suggested I set MFP at 1700 calories with a 40/30/30 ratio and stick with it to let my body adjust.

    Three months later and I'm down 31 pounds, lost 10% BF, 4 inches off my waist and 6 inches off my hips, and two pants sizes, too. The best part of all of this? I feel "normal" ... I'm eating better, changing my lifestyle nice and slow and not being obsessed with food. I feel great, my confidence is growing and I've developed a nice little group of like-minded friends whom I appreciate and can throw ideas/questions out to all the time and who are super supportive and I know that *this* time, I will make a permanent change in my life.

    Honestly, what would it hurt you to provide Dan with your numbers and try it for a month? You, too, can come back and help others see how successful and happy they can be during this journey. Good luck!!

    That's a very encouraging post.

    I think most people do the same, to start. They think they need to go as low as possible to get results, and then it's a revelation when they realise it's not necessary to starve.

    You are an inspiration :)
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    Damn some people are so ignorant...or just so full of bullsh*t.
    FYI.... Helloitsdan is one of the best people to listen to on this site...if u dont you'll kick yourself in the butt later.
  • j2tyco
    j2tyco Posts: 42
    50 yrs old in october. 5'6" . 194 lbs. as of last friday. 30 or 31% bmi. i am in my 2nd week of chalean extreme. i walk 2 hard miles 4 days per week. also starting menopause. infrequent periods and hot flashes.

    A person sould rarely if NEVER eat below bodyweigt * 10. This is 1940 calories for you. This is a good starting point and work from there.

    so by that logic I am supposed to eat 2500 calories?? I may be crazy enough to one day jump on the eat more weigh less wagon when/if I plateau but eating THAT much I don't think so.

    Here's the deal- all of us have to figure out what works for us, individually. I am really happy that those that are so gung ho about the self titled "eat more weigh less" plan are having success and feeling great- wonderful FOR YOU . For some people the eat less move more plan works just as well and we also feel great and are having success. There needs to be a respect for that regardless of if you believe it to be true or not.

    All of us are at some point "freshmen" when it comes to weight loss/ exercise/ healthy choices.

    Some of the advice (great and bad) on these threads and from trainers and from doctors is GRADUATE level....some people need be able to be freshman and take the steps that THEY need to take to move towards a healthier life. Move more and be mindful of what you are fueling your body with are great beginner steps. It is SO easy to get trapped and buried under the anxiety of "are my NUMBERS RIGHT??" and burn out and quit.

    Start adding in fresh foods--veggies and fruits in high portions then you normally would. great next steps..Start looking at staples that you eat regularly and compare to other similar items on the shelf and see if there is a slightly better or all together way better option ( for example those tortillas you love---is there a different brand with less calories and high fiber on the bottom shelf that you never noticed before?)--great next step--be brave and at least TRY out some sort of exercise you have never tried before--hit up youtube for some videos or attend a class at the gym you have always watched and wondered about--starting looking to try new foods you have never eaten before (zucchini "lasgana" instead of noodles , tofu stir fry---and then replace those options with your regular and save the regulars for real special treats)--great next steps...go investigate the weights and figure out how to incorporate adding in some lifting into your weekly routines.

    I totally agree with the concept of doing research and what not similar to buying a home....what I disagree with is that said research is some how wrong if you are not coming to the same conclusions or paths taken as other very vehemently outspoken people in their own journey. I also think it is important to not get so wrapped up in researching that it holds you back from the basic concept of move and fuel your body with healthy choices.

    Best wishes
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Eating 1,200 calories is the worst thing to do for most people. You looking for quick weight loss? That's the secret to failure on any plan.

    ^^^^^ THIS . Exactly. There is no magic, no overnight "quick" fat loss. Yes , I said fat loss. FAT loss is what should be striving for, not WEIGHT loss. Low calorie diets ultimately aren't sustainable and result in too much loss of lean body mass. Lean mass/muscle is IMPORTANT to have. To me - an eating plan that WORKS is FAT loss that stays LOST. Diets don't work - especially low calorie ones.

    Someone else has suggested it, I will too. Please check out and educate yourself at the Eat More to Weigh Less group. That means eating more than your BMR, less than maintenance/TDEE.


    My Blog: This Isn't My First Rodeo

    Active member of the forum group EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS. Check it out ! Educate yourselves!

    Easy & Accurate TDEE calculator:
  • vikkip91
    vikkip91 Posts: 1
    Well my calorie intake is always under 1000 calories a day and I never seem to get hungry, I also do 40 mins on a cross trainer each day, I have 2 slimfast shakes a day which is 460calories which really does fill you up as long as you drink it slow then have a small dinner which is healthy, if you get hungry just drink diet fizzy drink as it makes you feel bloated :)
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Well my calorie intake is always under 1000 calories a day and I never seem to get hungry, I also do 40 mins on a cross trainer each day, I have 2 slimfast shakes a day which is 460calories which really does fill you up as long as you drink it slow then have a small dinner which is healthy, if you get hungry just drink diet fizzy drink as it makes you feel bloated :)

    OMG. That is all I can really say about "just drink diet fizzy drinks as it makes you feel bloated". Yes .. bloated. THAT is how I want to feel.

    Of course you don't feel hungry - your body has adapted to your not feeding it. 2 Slimfast shakes a day and diet fizzy drinks. WOW. Just wow. Or actually WHY? WHY? WHY put yourself through that. It's not necessary. Actualy, it's harmful and counterproductive to what I assume you want . To be leaner & healthier.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    If you have to do 1200, you have to make sure you get enough nutrition
    (note the comments below - someonw specifically mentions MFP and the 1200 calories)

    The nutritionist recommends not going below BMR.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Well my calorie intake is always under 1000 calories a day and I never seem to get hungry, I also do 40 mins on a cross trainer each day, I have 2 slimfast shakes a day which is 460calories which really does fill you up as long as you drink it slow then have a small dinner which is healthy, if you get hungry just drink diet fizzy drink as it makes you feel bloated :)

    This is gonna come off as mean, but PLEASE nobody listen to this person. This is NOT HEALTHY!!!!
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Well my calorie intake is always under 1000 calories a day and I never seem to get hungry, I also do 40 mins on a cross trainer each day, I have 2 slimfast shakes a day which is 460calories which really does fill you up as long as you drink it slow then have a small dinner which is healthy, if you get hungry just drink diet fizzy drink as it makes you feel bloated :)

    :noway: not good advice at all. and i really hope it was sarcasim :huh: and nothing else. starving is not the way to go at all. ever.:sick:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Well my calorie intake is always under 1000 calories a day and I never seem to get hungry, I also do 40 mins on a cross trainer each day, I have 2 slimfast shakes a day which is 460calories which really does fill you up as long as you drink it slow then have a small dinner which is healthy, if you get hungry just drink diet fizzy drink as it makes you feel bloated :)

    :noway: not good advice at all. and i really hope it was sarcasim :huh: and nothing else. starving is not the way to go at all. ever.:sick:

    Typical ghrelin/leptin imbalance.
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    exercise and eat back your calories.
    MFP is set up for us to maintain a net calorie intake every day to equal 1 lb of weight loss per week. Go back to 1 lb per week.
    1 pound equals 3500 calories.
    3500 divided by 7 days equals 500 calories per day.
    Our MFP daily number already has that 500 calories subtracted.
    When we exercise, that green number goes up, because MFP expects us to eat back your exercise calories to keep your net daily calorie intake steady; that's how MFP works. So, exercise, eat more - ENJOY!
    Read this to learn more.
    Follow the recommendations on this site for safe, steady and lasting results.
    You could lose weight faster, but what kind of weight would it be?
    Muscle! And that stifles metabolism.
    No, eat right, exercise - both cardio and resistance, lose weight in such a way that maintains health and preserves lean body mass which burns more calories at rest.
    Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:
    All Is Possible!

    Yup, don't want to lose muscle and metabolism. As long as you are exercising and eating the right amount of calories, you will continue to lose weight. I myself have a hard time getting a lot of calories but have been working on it. I do not think I would eat more just because I exercise though. But that is your choice.