5 random facts about yourself



  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member

    1. I know the lyrics to almost every song known to man. And I sing along whether you like it or not.
    2. I hate fish or anything that comes from any body of water. (Besides tuna fish).
    3. I have a phobia of retractable tape measures.
    4. I can touch my nose and chin with my tongue.
    5. I don't have a gag reflex.

    i can also do 4 and 5...had we listed out top 10...they would have made it...lol
  • DianeG213
    DianeG213 Posts: 253
    My name is Diane

    1. I hate the color pink, but I love red. (oops thats two things)
    2. I'm the youngest of six kids.
    3. I'm terrified of heights.
    4. I have night terrors.
    5. I LOVE garage sales.
  • SnarkyJo
    SnarkyJo Posts: 18 Member
    1. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. It is the strongest aphrodisiac that I have found. (Obviously I adore spring and summer!)

    2. I am completely tone deaf. I don't sing in public unless you count when the windows are down on my car.

    3. I've always wanted to be an exotic dancer. My boobs are lopsided so it has always been out of the question ;)

    4. I want to move to Asheville, N.C. I want to wear peasant skirts, let my hair grow super long, and open an antique store.

    5. I teach but I really don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Refer back to # 3.
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Name: Lesley
    Age: 26

    I am a country girl living in the city.
    I have a little 'stress duck' on my desk at work, when you squeeze it its eyes pop out and it starts quacking.
    I am the oldest of 3 with one sister and one brother.
    My fave colour is purple.
    One day I'm going to own my own farm and do my stockwork on horses.
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    Age 55

    1. I loved the Backstreet Boys. I spent $200 on tickets to see them and I could sing the words to every song! (at least I could ten years ago)

    2. I love to bird watch. I am always on the look out for Eagles, Hawks, Woodpeckers and any kind of birds. I know what they sound like. Ever hear a Black Bellied Whistling Duck? I buy wild bird feed and feed the black birds and doves at my office. They are waiting for me every morning to feed them!

    3. I sleep with the TV on. If its too quiet, I hear every little thing outside and it worries me.

    4. I love animals. I have a dog, a cat , three cockatiels, two lovebirds and one parakeet. I have to stop myself from picking up stray animals. I have had so many strays its not even funny. I even fed a baby mockingbird and kept it for about a year!

    5. I married a man who had 4 kids (ages 8, 6, 4, and 2) and everyone said it wouldn't last. Last week it was our 31st anniversary!
  • today6212
    today6212 Posts: 86 Member
    Michelle 28

    1. I am recovering from ed, 7 months now

    2. I have implants for 6 years and love them

    3. I hate any bug that buzzes in my ear, lol i spaz

    4. I lost my job one year ago this month, also convinced college was a waste of time, just sayin

    5. My husband is the most amazing person I have ever met
  • mrsleftybrown
    1. I have kept my CPR and first aid licence current for the past 18 years (since I was 15). I have only had to perform CPR once. However, I stop at every accident if I am the first on scene and have had to use the first aid quite a bit.

    2. My eyes change color according to my moods. Deep, deep green when I have extreme emotions and deep blue when I am calm.

    3. My husband and I started dating when he came into my dorm, in college, to ask out a different girl and she wasn't there. This past February we celebrated being together for 19 years.

    4. I love to cross stitch anything for friends and family.

    5. 5 years ago my husband and I started a video game review site and podcast to save our marriage. I am happy to say that 5 years later our marriage is stronger than it has ever been (sure we still have issues, what marriage doesn't) and the website is going strong. You can visit it at www.themarriedgamers.net
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member

    age 18

    1. nothing is sexier to me than a hot guy pushing up his glasses with two fingers
    2. I have an obsession with makeup and hair
    3. I can disarm someone holding a knife to my throat in seconds
    4. I am an artist and love drawing shirtless men
    5. I have one tattoo identical to my grandmothers. when we go out we pretend we are in a gang XD
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Bobby Clerici
    Random Facts:
    1. married 28 years, 5 kids - ALL BOYS!
    2. USMC - Honorable discharge - 1991
    3. Often charged, seldom convicted....
    4. semi-retired "business broker" :wink:
    5. Yes, in spite of my earlier denials, I am the one who set that fire
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm Laura :)

    1) I'm vegetarian, and have been for 7 years now.
    2) I'm going to University to study nursing.
    3) I'm a cat lover, and I currently own a little Tux cat named Ozzy!
    4) I'm left handed!
    5) I plan to move to Australia a few years after finishing University.
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh, don't we all love talking about ourselves! Heh!

    Name: Ellen
    Age: 24

    1. My favorite foods are Chinese take-out and goat cheese. Not together, of course.
    2. I have a Puggle. Her name is Grace and she is precious.
    3. I am basically terrified of doctors, and I don't know why.
    4. I absolutely love horror movies, but I close my eyes through half of them.
    5. I throw up if I accidentally swallow some of my tooth paste. No, for real.
  • Jkc9059
    Jkc9059 Posts: 151 Member
    42 years old

    1. I traveled 460 miles to vixit a friend on spring break. Got set up on a blind date on March 18, 1994 married him March 18, 1995.till together and best friends.

    2. Can tie my own fishing spinners, bait my own hooks, take off my own fish, clean fish, and cook an awesome fried fish!

    3. I am graduating with my second college degree in December a BSN in nursing.

    4. My husband, kids, and dogs all run and hide when I put my I-pod on and sing...apparently I don't sound great!

    5. My daughter-in-law looks more like me than my son does
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    1. I was born on the Fourth of July (my day always ends in fireworks)!
    2. My favorite animal is a koala bear
    3. I love to read and get lost in another world for just a little while
    4. I love to shoot a bow - at targets only, no animals
    5. I'm a blonde cleverly disguised as a brunette :)

    When you eventually visit Australia watch out for drop bears, maybe only visit them in zoos not in the wild.
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    I'm Laura :)

    1) I'm vegetarian, and have been for 7 years now.
    2) I'm going to University to study nursing.
    3) I'm a cat lover, and I currently own a little Tux cat named Ozzy!
    4) I'm left handed!
    5) I plan to move to Australia a few years after finishing University.

    Where in Australia?
  • ellie319
    ellie319 Posts: 139 Member
    1.I think my baby daughter is my greatest accomplishment
    2.i wont eat yellow bananas (they have to be mostly green)
    3.im very competitive with everyone
    4.id love to be a trained MMA fighter (just not fight)
    5. Im so in love with my husband,im just afraid im not
    Good enough (despite him telling me otherwise)
  • ninu13
    ninu13 Posts: 196 Member
    Age: 27

    1. I really hate bugs!
    2. Am a really good cooker, (but I hate to cook)..LOL
    3.I survived a carjaked, and I almost die, but that made me realize how blessed I am now.
    4. Love cold,frozen,ice etc..food! even if it's snowing outside.
    5. First lenguage is Spanish, but I speak english and portuguese as well.
  • Jenn_10
    Jenn_10 Posts: 83
    Name: Jenn
    Age: 20

    1. I love the outdoors and exploring different cultures
    2. I am a Psychology major.
    3. I have a major rat and anything that looks like one phobia
    4. I love country music
    5. I plan to travel the world : )
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    Name: Miranda
    Age: 28

    1. Though I'm a lawyer I make custom cakes and cupcakes a la the cake boss as a side job
    2. A friend and I are doing a running challenge of running the equivalent distance from Ottawa, Canada to Marathon, Greece (7779.84 km) and when done are running the Athens Marathon
    3. I'm allergic to peppers, grapes and avocadoes
    4. When I am thinking or concentrating I always stick my tongue out a little bit, but usually don't realize it
    5. I read the entire Harry Potter series every year, usually in September, last year I read it in french.
  • YokoJ
    YokoJ Posts: 253
    Yoko, 21

    1.) I'm Filipino and Black

    2.) I always play in the rain

    3.) In my free time I paint and go boating

    4.) Every summer I go to either Thailand or Romania to volunteer

    5.) My favorite color is orange
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Kendra, 24

    1. I am petrified of 3 things feet, clowns and birds

    2. I am left-handed

    3. I sing

    4. I love to watch baseball

    5. I have a huge crush on Alan Rickman