5 random facts about yourself



  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member

    1. I am a permanent make-up artist and think it is the best job EVER!
    2. My best friends live in Indiana, Texas, Michigan and Florida.
    3. I live in Florida and LOVE IT. (even though the economy still sucks here)
    4. I love Big Trucks
    5. I have a new mattress that I hate.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Deanna 25

    1. I am going to school to become a paralegal
    2. I am pretty stinking obsessed with heels/stilletos, an insane amout of endorphins are released every single time I buy a pair. It
    never get's old.
    3. I am a cooking nut!
    4. I LOVE to travel and camp. Being outdoors just makes me feel so good.
    5. I have three incredibly beautiful, smart, talented, outgoing kids
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Andrea, 32.

    1. I hardly ever watch tv - I can go 6 months without turning it on
    2. Nearly all the men I have ever been attracted to have blue eyes
    3. I have a phobia of needles
    4. I want a Labrador retriever but live in a rented flat so can't
    5. I used to be one of the top experts on Scottish electoral law, despite being neither Scottish or a lawyer
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Tina, age 27

    1. I am a germ phobe and cannot get into my bed without taking a shower
    2. I hate foods with certain textures, or things like yogurt with fruit in it
    3. I almost died when I was 15-16, I don't even remember my 16th birthday because I was so sick/hospitalized
    4. I have a crap load of freckles on my face
    5. I like to deliberately cross one of my eyes to make my husband mad :devil:
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Debi 46

    I have an online eBay jewelry store ( 10 yrs )
    I have beaten type 2 diabetes
    I have to have fresh sheets everyday (1000 ct Haitian cotton only )
    I have a huge addiction to junk magazines
    I once won $10,000.00 on a instant ticket and spent it all on gifts for needy family's it was Christmas week
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Name: Devin
    Age: almost 28

    1. I have my nose pierced and 3 piercings in each ear
    2. I met my husband when I was 18 online and after a few times meeting, basically lived with him since (we have only been apart 2 nights in almost 10 years when he went home for his brothers wedding)
    3. I love to cook and found out recently Im pretty damn good at it'
    4. I was born in Vermont but lived in New Hampshire, moved to Florida when I was 3 to wind up back 10 min from my birthplace when I was16 and now live in Tennessee.
    5. In 4 years of High School, I went to three different schools in three different states
  • littlewitch1973
    Simone... age 29 (for the tenth time... lol)

    1. I learned how to pick up snakes at age 3 - and have taught my kids this valuable skill!
    2. I used to own a motorcycle - but couldnt ride it.
    3. I LOVE the movie City of Angels
    4. I will NEVER marry again.
    5. I have a really wild side I hide from my family!!
  • stevecpo
    stevecpo Posts: 16 Member
    Steve 36

    1. I voluteer with the homeless in my very limited spare time.
    2. I have no fear
    3. Love extreme sports
    4. I'm quite a shy person really
    5. I get bored easily and have tried lots of different jobs
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Name: Jenny
    Age: 29

    1. My maiden name is Mccarthy , so everyone thinks its great I am Jenny McCarthy
    2. I am a navy wife to a husband who is on submarines.
    3. I only knew my husband for 5 months before we got married (going on 7 years)
    4. I have 2 tattoos and as soon as I save up enough I have 3 more planned.
    5. I am very good at picking things up with my toes and do it often everyone thinks its odd lmao
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    Name: Sarah
    Age: 27

    I've had such a blasty blast reading this thread!

    1. Random facts about other people fascinate me!
    2. Clowns are evil. I don't care how cute/friendly/cuddly they are...inherently, they are the devil.
    3. I'm one more nervous breakdown away from actually admitting I have anxiety and seeing a doctor about it.
    4. I am obsessed with calendars. I have one on each wall of my cubicle and I have my C25K schedule as my desktop background.
    5. I recently got a Creme Brulee torch and have become hooked on roasting marshmallows with it.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    1. I have a phobia of deer.
    2. I "air type" because I have typed so much since 9th grade that it's now a habit to type everything I hear or read by twitching my fingers on imaginary letters.
    3. I've broken my left ankle twice playing softball doing the exact same thing - sliding (9 years old on 3rd base and 19 years old on 2nd base). Needless to say, I don't slide anymore.
    4. I broke my right hand punching my brother in the face when I was 10. Great story.
    5. I want to be skinny/fit soooooooooooooooo baaaaaad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hollyjd1019
    Hollyjd1019 Posts: 148

    1. I'm a HUGE Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan (tv show). Almost freakishly, so love this show. I would watch it daily if I could!
    2. I'm one of the few women that hates the Twilight crap. Sorry, Twilight fans, but vampires should not sparkle!!
    3. My fav movie character is Hannibal Lector played by Anthony Hopkins
    4. I hate to drive (riding is ok) to places I haven't been before. It literally scares me like crazy. I'm sure there is a phobia for that! Lol!
    5. I'm an absolutely horrible housekeeper! Thank God, I can cook!
  • 44by44th
    44by44th Posts: 289 Member
    I think Abraham Lincoln is the best president ANY country has ever had. No one else even comes close.
    I own 2 tubas
    I regret ever getting a smartphone. I miss the simpler, slower pace of the life I used to have.
    I can't count
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Kim: 45
    1) I hate wet socks
    2) I only knew my hubs for 15 physical days before we married (going on 23 years)
    3) I was an Army wife for 10 years
    4) I am afraid of horses but own one
    5) I dance in the kitchen with the music on when I am cooking and think I am good

    I only knew my husband 6 months before we had a big church wedding and we are going on 25 years! I was in my mid 30s when I realized that I believe in Love at first site!! LOL.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Carol 43

    1. My dad ran me over when I was 5
    2. I have never been able to crack my knuckles (and it drives me crazy when other people do)
    3. I still sleep with a Teddy Bear (he even goes on vacation with me)
    4. I would rather get a ticket or pull over than to be next to or behind a semi carrying anything like pipes/logs etc.
    5. I’m afraid of heights but have skydiving
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    2) I am a major Rob Zombie fan ;-)
    3) I want to go to Iceland, whale watching and dog sledding.
    4) I could not live without my supply of peanut butter.
    5) I love dressing up as a scary clown anytime I get the chance and scaring people mwahahahaha!
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    1) I will not leave the house if the electricity is off (have to do my hair).
    2) I will not go to a funeral home with an open casket. The funeral itself is fine.
    3) I tend to hold a grudge if you do me wrong.
    4) I love the innocence of children
    5) Once any situation becomes depressing I will find humor in it.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Rachel, 28

    1) Since 2006 I have lived in 8 different places, including 7 months in Rome, Italy
    2) I'm still best friends with my ex boyfriend, and am currently helping him write a novel
    3) I have incredibly itchy feet and genuinely struggle when I can't travel (like now, since I'm broke)
    4) I triple majored in college - trombone, piano, intercultural studies - and minored in German. I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up...
    5) I have hardly any real life friends. Almost everyone I confide in, and talk to regularly, are online friends. I can think of 2 exceptions (one being the ex mentioned in #2!)

    Bonus: I'm a bit (ok, fine, a lot) of a geek and am a Lord of the Rings Online addict (the picture in my ticker is actually from LotRO)
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    2. I used to do a lot of knitting to relax. (Picture burly bearded trucker sitting at the truck stop coffee counter knitting a sweater)

    gpstrucker - Heh heh, this one made me laugh out loud.
  • Chauntane
    Chauntane Posts: 3 Member
    1) General Hospital is my favorite show. I've contemplated giving up this soap several times, but just can't seem to let it go! My husband acts like he doesn't like it.. but he knows all the characters and often asks me what is going on with "so and so." I currently have 58 episodes on my DVR that I need to get caught up on. Everyone tells me just to delete them because I could probably catch up on the happenings easily.. but I CAN'T!! I have to watch every episode!

    2) I have one biological child (a son) whom I LOVE more than anything on this Earth, but he also drives bonkers! He's 4 going on 12... LOL The boy has got some attitude!

    3) I wish I could quit my corporate America job, not worry about paying the bills and work with animals. I have a dog who we named Charlie Murphy... after Eddie's Murphy's brother! LOL He is my baby. He is in constant competition for my attention with the other child!

    4) I HATE the summer months, yet I moved to a town were the average summer temps are 90 degrees!! Real smart!

    5) When I was younger I wanted to be an astronaut. I had information sent to me on Space Camp.. but my parents wouldn't send me :(