5 random facts about yourself



  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Miquel, 30

    1) I had a spine reconstruction when I was 16. Surgery was 11.5 hours. I went in at 6 foot and came out 6 foot 3.
    2) I have two brothers, one sister, and five step sisters.
    3) I've never been married and have never had any kids.
    4) I have 30 first cousins on my mom's side of the family and 40 first cousins on my dad's side of the family.
    5) I'm afraid I'll never be satisified with who I am.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member

    2) I like to read naughty books before bed.
    4) I could live on ice cream, if it wouldn't make me enormous, and woozy from all the sugar.

    Me too!
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    4. I successfully executed a fake punt to basically clinch a BCS bowl victory.
    5. I'd choose a blizzard over the sunny beach every day of the week!

    4) Which bowl?
    5) I'm the complete opposite!
  • nomorewishing
    nomorewishing Posts: 250 Member
    Miquel, 30

    1) I had a spine reconstruction when I was 16. Surgery was 11.5 hours. I went in at 6 foot and came out 6 foot 3.
    2) I have two brothers, one sister, and five step sisters.
    3) I've never been married and have never had any kids.
    4) I have 30 first cousins on my mom's side of the family and 40 first cousins on my dad's side of the family.
    5) I'm afraid I'll never be satisified with who I am.
    70 cousins?! I have trouble with just 7!
  • Symphonic_Silence
    4 - I have social anxiety Lots of people and me do not mix. Grocery shopping is a NIGHTMARE :laugh:
    Me too!! I have to have someone with me when I go, I hate being surrounded by people I don't know. :tongue:

    I totally understand.
    I have to have someone with me when I'm out anyway (I tend to stumble and fall over a lot and need help walking) but especially if I'm going to be somewhere with a lot of people.
    You should've seen me over Christmas.....I think I hyperventilated my way around town :laugh:
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Hi I'm Mary and I'm 23 years old

    3. I am female, and I'm completely okay with being female, but I want to fulfill the societal role of a male. Does that make sense? I want to be strong and gain power and respect without having to be a b!tch. Hey, I can dream. :P

    4. The one thing I really want to do with my life is help people. I don't know where or how, but I want my life to coalesce into one big improvement on the world and the people in it. Or animals. Animals need help too. I like animals. :)

    If I may offer one piece of advice it would be this....
    ...release yourself of a desire to "gain power". By doing this respect, strength, and improvements in the world will come naturally.

    You're going to make a difference!
  • nomorewishing
    nomorewishing Posts: 250 Member
    4 - I have social anxiety Lots of people and me do not mix. Grocery shopping is a NIGHTMARE :laugh:
    Me too!! I have to have someone with me when I go, I hate being surrounded by people I don't know. :tongue:

    I totally understand.
    I have to have someone with me when I'm out anyway (I tend to stumble and fall over a lot and need help walking) but especially if I'm going to be somewhere with a lot of people.
    You should've seen me over Christmas.....I think I hyperventilated my way around town :laugh:
    I can believe it! I think my real problem is that I want someone with me in case I embarrass myself. I'm always doing something embarrassing. I can laugh it off if someone is with me, but if I'm by myself I feel like everyone is staring at me wondering what's wrong with me. :D
    "Don't follow in my footsteps, I run into walls!"
  • Stripple
    Stripple Posts: 62 Member
    Susie 53

    People never believe my age, my daughter is 31 & is always id'd for booze ( so its a family thing)( lucky me)
    I drive a train for a living (lucky me)
    I ride a triumph motorcycle (lucky me)
    I have been with my other half for 28 yrs & still love him madly (lucky me!!)
    I am going to I.O.M TT races for my holidays (lucky me again)
  • Amanda_4071
    Amanda_4071 Posts: 13 Member
    1. I graduated from an online school for college in 2004 at the age of 34
    2. I hate cantalope
    3. I broke my right ankle at age 10 when I jumped off a garage roof after getting a basketball that got stuck up there. Which happened to have fallen the Easter weekend. My mom had made a pretty spring green dress and then she covered my crutches with green ribbon and little daisies.
    4. I love and hate roller coasters I love the thrill but only after going over the largest hump which makes me so nervous I actually shake and almost faint.
    5. My husband and I are looking to adopt a child in the next 3-5 years. We have started the looking process now.
  • haleylehane
    haleylehane Posts: 15 Member
    my name is haley and im 30
    1. im irrationally petrified of clowns
    2. i get asked for i.d for anything age restricted i buy
    3. i laugh when im nervous
    4. im a full time carer for my husband who has paranoid Schizophrenia and bi-polar
    5. i cant sleep naked

  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member

    1. i have a 3 year old son named Rylan
    2. I am majoring in Human Services
    3. I am terrified of heights.
    4. My biggest and only regret is not starting college sooner.
    5. I am shy...
  • NSQuintana
    NSQuintana Posts: 207
    Name: Nicole
    Age: 26

    1. I love being a mommy
    2. I'm marrying my high school sweetheart.
    3. I am Completely and Totally terrified of bugs (spiders, roaches, EW!). Like, I literally cry. :cry:
    4. I love my career and am great at it
    5. I am taking my first trip to Nicaragua next spring for my honeymoon. (My fiance's homeland)
  • kristers03
    kristers03 Posts: 74 Member
    My name is Kristy and I am 26 years old.

    1. I met my husband in an AOL chat room in 2003
    2. I can make myself sneeze
    3. I sing really loud in the car when I drive alone
    4. I am very shy in person
    5. I was diagnose with Graves Disease and had to be radioactively treated to kill my over producing thyroid.
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168

    1. I love penguins and collect little figurines
    2. I have a cat who I like more than most people.
    3. I'm scared of clowns... absolutely terrified of them.
    4. My fight or flight response is fight then flight (on several occasions when my brothers have tried to scare me, I have hit them and then run away, causing them more pain than laughs)
    5. I still have the teddy bear that my grandmother gave me when I was born.
  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    My name is Elise and I'm 23.

    1.) I'm scared of snakes and E.T. (yes the Spielberg movie)
    2.) My favorite color is Electric Lime Green.
    3.) I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years on the 26th this month
    4.) The order of birthdays AND age in my family goes Boy (oldest, and birthday in Febuary), girl, boy, girl, boy, girl (youngest, birthday is in December).
    5.) The panda is my favorite animal.
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    Kristy - 44

    1. I'm afraid of lots of stuff, like the dark and bugs.
    2. I love to run.
    3. I love music so much!
    4. I'm crazy over animals.
    5. I'm from Texas but can hardly tolerate country music.
  • meldins0831
    Melissa, 32

    1. I'm terrified of roaches - even dead ones
    2. I can't swim
    3. I count stairs as I'm climbing them
    4. My eyes turn black when I'm angry or sad
    5. I am Southern to the core!
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Becca, 22

    1. I got engaged recently and I'm half of a smug lovey dovey couple that I would hate if it wasn't us.

    2. My last meal would crisps and sour cream dip with good white wine

    3. I have a hamster called Penny. She was going to be called Sheldon, but then we realised she was a girl.

    4. I was hit by a van when I was 10, didn't break a single bone but I've been left with a bump on my forehead that people only see when I'm angry or upset (my best friend says it's like Harry Potters scar, warning of impending doom lol)

    5. Sometimes, if I really really need a wee, my feet tingle.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    1 - Last night was the first time my husband and I EVER took a shower together. We've been together for almost 8 years. I just never wanted him to see my flab. D:

    2 - I love animals more than humans.

    3 - I'm a cellphone brat. Droid ftw.

    4 - Hunger Games made me appreciate food more.

    5 - I have a girl crush on Gina Carano.
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Age: 27

    1. I swear like a sailor
    2. I HATE baths I refuse to take them and only take showers
    3. Getting closer to 30 terrifies me
    4. I am probably going to get some heat for this one but honesty is the best policy......I don't believe in God or the story that goes along with it.
    5. I have never broken a bone