5 random facts about yourself



  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Sara, 30

    1. I used to be a radio morning show co-host in a small town in MN
    2. I have 7 tattoos and plan to get more
    3. I've been married once before and engaged now
    4. 99.9% of my best friends in high school were guys, now I'd say it's 60/40, more females than males
    5. Even though I have an AA for Broadcast Journalism, I'm now an accountant, with no technical training :)
  • Stylistntenn

    1. I feel naked without some kind of jewelry.
    2. I simply cannot stand it to have any kind of spot or stain on my clothes, no matter how small.
    3. I am freakishly paranoid that my daughter will be overweight because I have always struggled with my weight.
    4. I severly dislike my husband's family.
    5. My dad is a Baptist preacher.
  • legmotor
    legmotor Posts: 197 Member
    TJ - 45

    1. My right eye is half brown and half blue
    2. I spent 15 years in the Marines.
    3. I think more people should get on their bikes
    4. I played the trumpet from the 5th grade until graduation.
    5. I have 3 grown children.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member

    1. Still afraid of the dark
    2. Thought I was jewish until I was 11 (this was until I asked my parents "am I jewish?")
    3. Very southern girl living in London, hate everyone basically ;)
    4. Hate eyeshadow
    5. Am good at imitating cats, even though I hate cats.

    So i take it you aren't Jewish?!? ANd what made you think you were?

    I have no idea why I thought I was Jewish. At the time I was thinking the race, not really the religion.

    That's really funny. =] At least now you know!
  • jeffdoc
    jeffdoc Posts: 224 Member
    Jeff - 40

    1. I am originally from Boston, MA but now live on Prince Edward Island, Canada
    2. My best friend is a former WWF Superstar who beat Hulk Hogan in a World Championship match on NBC
    3. I have been a professional radio and club deejay for over 20 years.
    4. I still love Milli Vanilli (and I am friends with two girls who actually sang on the original album!)
    5. I am a karaoke champ!


    6. I sang in a boys choir when I was a young boy and we actually put out an album...so I guess that makes me a recording artist. *LOL* Still waiting for that elusive Grammy for my rec room!
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Mikole (like Nicole w/ a M)

    1. My favorite movie is office space.
    2. I met my husband when I was 12.
    3. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth.
    4. I prefer to drink all liquids with a straw.
    5. I am supposed to be working right now.

    Office Space is one of my all time favorites!
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    1) I am a crazy person, but mostly on the inside.
    2) I am deathly afraid of crickets.
    3) I am a little on the shy side.
    4) I have a pretty low self-esteem.
    5) I love puppy breath.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    Missy 30 (Today!) iii

    5.) I sing opera and was professionally trained for over 13 years.

    Opera?! I'm so intrigued!
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189

    1. I love my crazy life, and my little girl who makes it worth every minute.
    2. I think the smell of cars is sexier than the smell of cologne.
    3. I don't ever match my socks.
    4. I'm a Passion Parties consultant.... Best. Job. Ever.
    5. I hate needles, but I love tattoos and piercings.
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member

    1. I love Italy, it's my favourite country. I don't know why, just something about the culture, art, food and the language. I someday hope to have an adventure and travel the world - but right now I'm a secretary!
    2. I'm obsessed with Christmas! I am the reigning champion of Christmas pub quiz (3 years), I start buying gifts in September and I handmake all my decorations, cards, stocking etc. I just absolutely love it!!
    3. I've just moved out of my parents house for the first time - into a lovely little apartment :)
    4. My favourite animal is an owl :)
    5. I LOVE Hello Kitty. In a scary way - I just love love love her!! Too cute! x
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    Heather, Age 28

    -Have 8 tattoo's
    -Been to over 100 concerts
    -I have more clothes than closet space/dressers... (aka shopping addiction lol)
    -my fear is that I am going to fall through the floor (floor breaking)
    -I love to cuddle
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member

    1- I am VERY afraid of fish
    2-My eyes are Hazel but go bright Green when I cry
    3-I am a cheerleading coach
    4-I am getting married in 22 days
    5-I dated a now famous hockey player when I was 15
  • TrimThinTonedTight
    TrimThinTonedTight Posts: 69 Member
    Coolie! I'm Kayla and I'm still a teenager. (Legal teenager of course)

    1. I'm left handed as are both of my parents, three of my aunt's (3 out of 6; my mum's sisters), my maternal grandma, and a handful of cousins.

    2. I'm bad at math and chemistry, but good at physics and biology. (I'm also really good at history and English)

    3. I never sun burn, only tan.

    4. The sound of water (showers, baths, drawing a bath, rain, wet snow, river, ocean, etc) is very relaxing and peaceful for me.

    5. I I'm really clumsy on dry land, but I'm an excellent skater and swimmer.
  • laurieblair2012
    Laurie, 42, Texas

    1. I've never traveled east of the Mississippi River.
    2. I am a certified, Master's-degreed school counselor, but my Bachelor's degree is in Radio/Television production (random!).
    3. I have three teenaged sons (yes, please pray for me and my grocery bill).
    4. My favorite color is pink.
    5. I used to teach Theatre Arts at a junior high school.
  • jen88ve
    jen88ve Posts: 153

    1. I'm afraid of birds
    2. I hate cats
    3. I love the reality T.V (trashier, the better)
    4. I can't stand vegatables
    5. Sometime I have a hard time filtering what I say!
  • Jamie2007
    Jamie2007 Posts: 169

    1. I love warm weather
    2. Sometimes I am entirely too emotional
    3. I am a strong believer in morals
    4. I work hard to provide for my children
    5. I love life!
  • Tmarinari
    Tmarinari Posts: 28

    1. I am a bee keeper
    2. i belly dance
    3. I have to have my closet door closed to go to sleep
    4. I hate people who talk on their cell phones in resturants.
    5. I make jewlery
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member

    1. I met and fell for the love of my life 366 days ago.
    2. I wear a toe ring at all times.
    3. I'm a school psychologist.
    4. My favorite place in the entire world is McGregor Bay, Ontario
    5. I'm one of those people that puts two spaces between each sentence, and I will not change no matter what you tell me.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    Age: 26

    1. I love anything to do with Zombies.
    2. I love writing/singing/playing music.
    3. I took 3 semesters of belly dance in college and would love to get back into it.
    4. I was on a wildland firefighting crew for 2 summers in Western Montana.
    5. I am a gamer, but I've hardly had time to play lately due to work/life--> I LOVE Resident Evil (all of them but 4 is my fav) and most RPGs.

    ahhhhhhhhhh! I LOVE resident evil, too! :D
  • alimarieban
    alimarieban Posts: 141
    Age: 40

    1) I am completely creeped out by Wind Turbines
    2) I have worked in customer service for 25 years....
    3) I LOVE the NY Jets- but don't live in or have never been to New York.
    4) I can put a spoon on my nose and it stays there
    5) My husband and I met at work and still work together!