Help my petition? (Tattoos in the workplace).



  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    If a person knowingly puts something on his body,a tattoo or a body piercing, odd colored hair, to stand out, how is it discrimination? That person CHOSE to be different. They were not born that way. I can't have odd colored hair, visible tattoos or facial piercings for my job per dress code. I see no problem in just covering it up while on the job. I hope he gets the job of his dreams but it may have to be in a different county.

    So if they discriminate against someone that is perfectly able to do the job but they chose to eat too much, that's ok?

    What if the person was maori and it was part of their culture, is it ok to discriminate against them?

    Discrimination will always exist.
    You're more likely to get a job if you're in shape.
    Men have always been paid more.
    It's well known fact that men hold more high ranking positions than women.

    I think they're the problems that need to be dealt with before people get onto tattoos.

    Religion is different altogether, more often than not if it is a cultural thing then it is allowed. For me it is not a cultural thing, I'm willing to accept I may not get some jobs because of my artwork. It was a choice I made.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    If a person knowingly puts something on his body,a tattoo or a body piercing, odd colored hair, to stand out, how is it discrimination? That person CHOSE to be different. They were not born that way. I can't have odd colored hair, visible tattoos or facial piercings for my job per dress code. I see no problem in just covering it up while on the job. I hope he gets the job of his dreams but it may have to be in a different county.

    So if they discriminate against someone that is perfectly able to do the job but they chose to eat too much, that's ok?

    What if the person was maori and it was part of their culture, is it ok to discriminate against them?

    Discrimination will always exist.
    You're more likely to get a job if you're in shape.
    Men have always been paid more.
    It's well known fact that men hold more high ranking positions than women.

    I think they're the problems that need to be dealt with before people get onto tattoos.

    Religion is different altogether, more often than not if it is a cultural thing then it is allowed. For me it is not a cultural thing, I'm willing to accept I may not get some jobs because of my artwork. It was a choice I made.

    There are jobs that women will never be as skilled at as men because of physical prowess, you can pretend all you want that women are equal to men in the workplace, and yes, they are in the majority of the work field, but not every job. Is it really discrimination or just common sense?
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support, and thanks for your consideration anyway if you haven't. Even though I don't really see a reason not to support it, I would never ask anyone to fake support for something they're against, so it's fine. =). I do want to address a few issues though.
    Please don't take this the wrong way, but why isn't your boyfriend sitting down with the Chief to discuss the issue? I understand what you are trying to do, but it doesn't give a good impression when a family member/friend interferes in work situations. It's no different than when someone's mom shows up at school...
    No, I totally understand your concern, so don't worry about it being taken the wrong way. My boyfriend's story is just a matter of personal experience, but the petition is not "Get Gary a job with VBPD". The petition is about all people who have been discriminated against this way -- the story is just to demonstrate how such a policy is costing them some good people. Also, the reason you mentioned is why he is not mentioned in the petition -- I know exactly how it would look if I was doing this just for him, and I think it would ruin any future chance he might have at any other local department. Truthfully, organizing a petition was his idea -- I just set it up for him when he was at work one night. I may even see if I can add him as an admin or something so that he can get properly behind this too.
    If your boyfriend wanted to be a cop his "entire life" then he should have known better than to get all tatted up. I'm pretty sure he knew the consequences of getting those tats, right or wrong.
    I have this weird feeling you're probably just a troll, judging by some of your other comments, but I'll bite.

    - Not all tatted up. One completely inoffensive tattoo of a star.
    - There are cops who are currently employed with the police department who do have tattoos, as they have hired cops with tattoos. Denying them jobs now is a very new thing.
    - I know people do this all the time, but people should never have to change their appearance for a job, short of being hygienic and wearing proper work attire.
    Can't go in on this one. You have to take in consideration of the general public perception when you work in or for the public. That is why a person's LOOKs are very important in some very visible occupations. I am not comfortable with a Cop who has a Neck or Face tatt...even if he/she is great...and remember, you can not discriminate, if visible tatts are acceptable, then they can be any place. Everybody has their comfort zones.
    I totally disagree with you, but again, I would never ask you to sign in support of something you don't actually support, so thank you for your consideration anyway.
    What country is it that still allows discrimination?
    America. Where else? x_x.
    If a person knowingly puts something on his body,a tattoo or a body piercing, odd colored hair, to stand out, how is it discrimination? That person CHOSE to be different. They were not born that way. I can't have odd colored hair, visible tattoos or facial piercings for my job per dress code. I see no problem in just covering it up while on the job. I hope he gets the job of his dreams but it may have to be in a different county.
    You know who else chooses to modify their body in an unnatural way? People who get gender reassignment surgery. Should these people also be discriminated for altering their bodies in a way that a lot of people don't like?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    What happens when you get all the signatures? Chief of police is going to cave because of disapproval from people from the internet who don't even live in his county?
    What happens is I print off the list of signatures to show him whenever I meet with him to discuss the issue. As each person signs, an email is sent to him and some of his staff to put some pressure on some other people as well (and some who I know for a fact regret the tattoo policy, so they will be encouraged by the emails). Even if some of the people don't live in his county, the matter is that people know this discrimination is wrong.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but why isn't your boyfriend sitting down with the Chief to discuss the issue? I understand what you are trying to do, but it doesn't give a good impression when a family member/friend interferes in work situations. It's no different than when someone's mom shows up at school...

    Yeah, gotta agree with this.

    I dislike tattoos but I don't think they have anything to do with your job and how well you perform it. However, like others have said police officers may fall into a special category because of what job they do, but if that is the only reason he is not getting the job that is probably not fair.

    Where is the tattoo?

    This is something that your BF needs to discuss with the potential boss, and then if he still discriminates take it to a lawyer or the county.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    no offense but I really dont want to see police officers all tatted up.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    no offense but I really dont want to see police officers all tatted up.
    We're talking one tattoo, man. A small tattoo on the forearm. There are officers here who have tattoos on their necks.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    no offense but I really dont want to see police officers all tatted up.
    We're talking one tattoo, man. A small tattoo on the forearm. There are officers here who have tattoos on their necks.

    ok thats not the issue though...if you allow tats you got to allow them all...this is not one has the "right" to be a police officer...they can choose how they want to be represented

    this does not apply to religion or sex but they could prevent wearing religous clothing or high heels
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    no offense but I really dont want to see police officers all tatted up.
    We're talking one tattoo, man. A small tattoo on the forearm. There are officers here who have tattoos on their necks.

    ok thats not the issue though...if you allow tats you got to allow them all...this is not one has the "right" to be a police officer...they can choose how they want to be represented

    this does not apply to religion or sex but they could prevent wearing religous clothing or high heels
    No, not really. You shouldn't allow racist tattoos or, as was mentioned earlier, something like tattoos of vaginas. And you're right, for the most part, that all tatted folk would have to have a shot, and that's how it should be. People have the right to express themselves in a non-offensive, non-threatening way, and still get a job. That is the issue at hand. Denying someone who has tattoos is not at all the same as saying you have to wear certain clothing.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    You know who else chooses to modify their body in an unnatural way? People who get gender reassignment surgery. Should these people also be discriminated for altering their bodies in a way that a lot of people don't like?

  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    You know who else chooses to modify their body in an unnatural way? People who get gender reassignment surgery. Should these people also be discriminated for altering their bodies in a way that a lot of people don't like?

    Yeah. Troll.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    no offense but I really dont want to see police officers all tatted up.
    We're talking one tattoo, man. A small tattoo on the forearm. There are officers here who have tattoos on their necks.

    ok thats not the issue though...if you allow tats you got to allow them all...this is not one has the "right" to be a police officer...they can choose how they want to be represented

    this does not apply to religion or sex but they could prevent wearing religous clothing or high heels
    No, not really. You shouldn't allow racist tattoos or, as was mentioned earlier, something like tattoos of vaginas. And you're right, for the most part, that all tatted folk would have to have a shot, and that's how it should be. People have the right to express themselves in a non-offensive, non-threatening way, and still get a job. That is the issue at hand. Denying someone who has tattoos is not at all the same as saying you have to wear certain clothing.

    many people find tattos scary and offensive and assoicate tats wih convicts. that is changing slowly as more women get ink but for now, police are still mainly condservative and they want a conservative image
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    no offense but I really dont want to see police officers all tatted up.
    We're talking one tattoo, man. A small tattoo on the forearm. There are officers here who have tattoos on their necks.

    ok thats not the issue though...if you allow tats you got to allow them all...this is not one has the "right" to be a police officer...they can choose how they want to be represented

    this does not apply to religion or sex but they could prevent wearing religous clothing or high heels
    No, not really. You shouldn't allow racist tattoos or, as was mentioned earlier, something like tattoos of vaginas. And you're right, for the most part, that all tatted folk would have to have a shot, and that's how it should be. People have the right to express themselves in a non-offensive, non-threatening way, and still get a job. That is the issue at hand. Denying someone who has tattoos is not at all the same as saying you have to wear certain clothing.

    many people find tattos scary and offensive and assoicate tats wih convicts. that is changing slowly as more women get ink but for now, police are still mainly condservative and they want a conservative image
    But what better way to challenge that negative stigma? Again, again, again -- there are already cops who have tattoos here *in that police department*. If they're so concerned about their image, it's already less-than-conservative, in that case.
  • solearybrown
    solearybrown Posts: 14 Member
    my husband & i both work for 2 separate law enforcement agencies. neither allow visible tattoos. don't see any problem with that. show off your tattoos on your own time, keep it professional at work.
  • solearybrown
    solearybrown Posts: 14 Member
    and regarding the cops who already have tats.. new chief,new regime.. happens all the time
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    and regarding the cops who already have tats.. new chief,new regime.. happens all the time
    No, the current chief of police has been the chief of police for several years.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Interesting situation! I'm a teacher in SC and in my district, teachers are not allowed to have visible tattoos. They can't be seen at all, so that means covering them with a bandaid, makeup, etc. Student teachers at the nearby universities are told not to get them or get them so they can be covered up because they won't be hired with them. I don't see it as discrimination.

    In my situation, since I work with impressionable youth I can completely understand my district's position. In your spouse/bf's situation, he is working with the public as well. While he isn't working necessarily only with you tattoos do present a certain impression whether people want to believe that or not. Unfortunately, sometimes when rules are changed within an organization the previous employees are grandfathered in, meaning the new rules, don't apply to them b/c they are already employed. This is not discrimination- it's a procedural change. My suggestion to you and your bf is to either cover it with makeup, remove it, or find employment somewhere else. Good luck!
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    You know who else chooses to modify their body in an unnatural way? People who get gender reassignment surgery. Should these people also be discriminated for altering their bodies in a way that a lot of people don't like?

    Yeah. Troll.

    I'm actually a gnome, but whatever.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    no offense but I really dont want to see police officers all tatted up.
    We're talking one tattoo, man. A small tattoo on the forearm. There are officers here who have tattoos on their necks.

    ok thats not the issue though...if you allow tats you got to allow them all...this is not one has the "right" to be a police officer...they can choose how they want to be represented

    this does not apply to religion or sex but they could prevent wearing religous clothing or high heels
    No, not really. You shouldn't allow racist tattoos or, as was mentioned earlier, something like tattoos of vaginas. And you're right, for the most part, that all tatted folk would have to have a shot, and that's how it should be. People have the right to express themselves in a non-offensive, non-threatening way, and still get a job. That is the issue at hand. Denying someone who has tattoos is not at all the same as saying you have to wear certain clothing.

    many people find tattos scary and offensive and assoicate tats wih convicts. that is changing slowly as more women get ink but for now, police are still mainly condservative and they want a conservative image
    But what better way to challenge that negative stigma? Again, again, again -- there are already cops who have tattoos here *in that police department*. If they're so concerned about their image, it's already less-than-conservative, in that case.

    Yes!! I def'ly signed...and to the dude you are talking to...tattoos aren't scary. No scarier than a faux hawk, or cuffed sleeves on the muscles...who cares. I've seen plenty of cops with tats. Cops should be tough...why not get tats. Tattoos are becoming increasingly acceptable. I love mine & can't wait to get another. Tattoos deserve stigma just as much a people who take antidepressants....neither one should!!