Chicks on the Boys side of the Gym....



  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    I would consider lifting weights at the Y IF I had another woman with me who knows what she is doing then I would not be so terrified. Then again my son and his litte family just moved out and left me a pretty nice weight bench with over three hundred pounds of barbel weights. I am now reading the New Rules Of Lifting for Women and am planning to start lifting at home on Tuesday. Maybe when I have done it at home a few times I will feel a bit more comfortable with going to "that side" of the room.
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    I lift, it's fine, I don't care about anyone else. I'm often the only girl over there, but not always. I am at a gym that isn't too flash and has mostly older people, which is better I think because they are just there to do their thing and not to pick up girls or whatever so I don't mind them and they don't mind me.

    One thing that helps is watching videos online from your phone when you aren't sure of form ( database is great), because unless I'm with someone I know I don't want to ask "how do I do this one?".

    Over time you get stronger and better at what you're doing, but I think it's also kind of frustrating at first because as a girl who is just starting you are going to be weaker than the men in the gym who are regulars. You just have to focus on form and do your best. Remember that with lifting, reaching failure is a good thing.. Just keep positive, only think about your workout and don't compare yourself to others. Then, one day, peek out and realise you can lift more than one of the guys in the gym, and then you can happy dance all week.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    Well, I'm a guy who takes aerobics classes, so I'm at the opposite end. Sometimes, I do get looks (I suspect that it is from women who are just new to the gym and are still intimidated) and I can't always shrug it off when the instructors says something like "Let's go, ladies!" but generally, it's okay.

    In terms of segregation, I am a member of a local chain of fitness centres that allows me to go to any gym I want. So, when I am in the city, I notice more men in the aerobics classes. In the suburbs, I notice more women in the weights area.

    However, I have never seen the cardio machines just dominated by one gender. Both men and women will do the treadmills, elipticals, stairmasters, etc.
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Cardio in my gym is a 50/50 split. Ditto the weight machines.

    BUT, you cross over into that free weights section and there's very few girls in there. Aside from me, I've counted 2 other ladies in there in the 6 months I've been at that gym.

    You know what? YES, I'm still very much overweight, and fat. YES, I need to do cardio to address this.

    YES, I lift, and I lift heavy now, compared to 6 months ago when I was rocking the 5lb dumbbells, I now have:

    45lb squat (thinking of adding some plates to the bar today woohoo!)
    30lb bench (working up to using the bar instead of the pre loaded barbells)
    I'm just starting deadlifts, but think they'll be around 30lbs to start, too.
    20lb shoulder press
    30lb bicep curl

    Yeah, I feel intimidated when I see guys with a ton of plates on the bar, benching like it weighs nothing, but I just remember, they all had to start where I am.

    Because I'm now a fairly regular free weights user, the guys are starting to talk to me - just offering me a hand unloading the last guy's plates from the squat rack, or apologizing if they have to cross between me and the mirror during my set, little things. So I think they accept me.

    Now, if I could just be brave enough to ask for a spot, it'd be grand - but then very few people use a spot in my gym...
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    My gym isnt to bad you see a few women on the weights machines, the only ones you would maybe only see one or two girls a month at are the free weights but the boys just ignor you and do their thing lol
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    When I first started lifting (and yes, there's a huge gender divide in my gym!), there were definitely shifty looks from the men in the strength training section. I'm not particularly small as such, but some of them were looking at me as if I was trying to bench-press a mammoth.

    Now they recognise my face, there's much more support - dare I say it, even the odd "hello" or smile! The odd one will stare give me a 'Yo, Ovaries, you don't belong here' glance but largely the men see that I do my own thing and haven't got my funbags hanging out. It's all good now :)
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Deleted: Double Post
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Your thoughts? I started lifting several months ago, at first at home with a few free weights..and realized quickly that I would have to break down and start going to a gym to lift since I was no longer challeged by what I had at home...

    I am not gonna lie...the segregation in the gym is intimidating as all get out sometimes...there is a girl's side ( elliptical machines, treadmills and bikes) and theres a boy's side...( all the strength machines, cables-which happen to be my favorite!, free weights and bars). So my question to woman that you feel intimidated or uncomfortable by being the only female in the stregth section of the gym? And it annoying when a woman crosses over to your side?

    Just wanting some perspectives...from both sides. I am not going to stop lifting...I love it! But wonder why the gym is so segregated by gender.

    Just smile and wave!! I started lifting recently and always get looks of admiration whenever I cross the invisible gender barrier. I even got a few compliments as well!
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    I used to feel intimidated when i wasnt confident with using weights but my boyfriend is one of the guys who weight lifts there all the time so i now am welcomed into that
  • MissKTMc
    MissKTMc Posts: 49
    Just make sure your form is perfect!! Not only for safety (which is obviously of the utmost importance) but it just fends off any jibes from guys who think like Tarzan and will use any excuse to further the segregation! I lift and I lift more than a few of the guys at my gym! Proper form and impressive weights leads to dates as I have found out! Most guys admire girls who lift once they do it properly!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I was intimidated the first two workouts. Part of it was the macho man territory but most of it was that I didn't know what the heck I was doing and unlike women classes, I didn't want to look like a fool here. That wasn't gonna stop me. I went in with a plan and my book. It was obvious I was new.

    Yeah, 2 things happened that were slightly embarassing. I realized I had to do WALL push ups in front of everyone. The second is I didn't yet know about the power cage so my first time out I decided to just try squatting with a barbell by itself. It wasn't challenging on my legs but I cringed when I realized I couldn't lift the 45lb weight off my shoulders to get it back to the squat rack. Luckily I figured out that I could turn it sideways and lift it back into position that way. Crisis adverted. I should have asked for help. I kinda did. I mentioned it to someone on MFP and he alerted me about the power cage. MUCH BETTER!

    By the end of my second workout, I started to feel comfortable and knew what to do. I relaxed.

    Every B workout day, I actually talk to the big manly guys. Why? I'm too short to put back the swiss ball. I can bump it out to get it down but when I throw it up, it bounces all over the room.

    Even though I was very intimidated at first, that didn't stop me from asking if I could watch someone because he just happened to be showing someone else how to perform the move I was going to do next. (I cross checked it with my book too). Thank goodness I did because I found out there are clamps that you can put at the end of the weights to keep them on the bar! Who knew!

    Now I'm actually enjoying being in the room. Today I picked up a good tip too!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I walk over there like a boss and lift like one. I dont get embarassed because though I currently may not be bench pressing or squatting half of what someone else is, Im making awesome progress, and doing it with good form.

    Generally though the weights area is full of nice guys, there are some idiots, but I just ignore them. Some guy double raised his eyebrows at me last week, after doing benches, on the smith. Like, yeah, you may have just benched heavier than me, but you used a smith, and the safety wires. Instantly delaod like 10kg. Dont give me the come on. Likewise for those eyeballing me whilst bicep curling, take your isolations and f*** off,lol.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    For the guy who goes to aerobics classes, I do admit I watch the guys when they come. It's cute. (Don't hate me for that word). I'm secretly impressed they are doing it. Classes like Zumba where everyone modifies and has looked like a fool at one point or another, I'm doubly impressed. I like having guys in there. By the way, it's not about what you look like, it is about your confidence and even better if you seem to be enjoying yourself.

    One guy came to yoga one day and was a bit lost so I went and got a mat for him. Just last Friday I ran into him again. He saw me searching for equipment and without me asking, he returned the favor. :)
  • Jordant107
    Jordant107 Posts: 218 Member
    Just make sure you're serious about it and you have routine to follow- if you aimlessly throw weights around and have no definite structure you'll be appear to not be serious about lifting. If you're focused, though, and follow a plan, you'll be accepted as an equal.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    My whole gym is a boys side. It's a powerlifters/bodybuilders gym and I think in 2 years I've seen a woman there about 10 times, only 1 looked regular/serious (I think she's somewhere else now) the rest were just there just to tag along with their bf's/husbands by the look of it.

    I guess I felt a bit shy at first, but I went with my bf and that helped a lot. By myself I probably would've chosen a different gym. After a bit though I started going by myself, especially when my bf's work schedule would always clash with mine, I've HAVE to go myself or not at all.

    They all know me there now, say hi to me and some I speak to quite regularly about training and stuff. One guy asked me to spot him the other day on bench (which made me happy to be asked, for the first time) and I've asked random guys to spot me loads of time, they all have no problem with it.

    Basically it's all good, as long as your serious about it they won't care, and you may make some new gym buddies :) From my experience in other gyms too, the guys are always nicer and easier to talk to anyway.
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    At first it was intimidating, but I have learned over time that most of the guys are respectful and fairly nice, without being patronizing. The guys who act like d*cks? (For example, one 'roid monkey who was a jerk to me for daring to ask to cut in somewhere in his 30 minute repetitive use of the tricep pulldown rope attachment) Yeah, those ones are d*cks to everyone, male or female.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I don't believe that there is a "Boys" side to a gym.
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    my gym is so quiet if there is ever more than 10 people in there i'm surprised, that's weights and cardio.

    In all honesty its kind of a buzz when a lady is hauling some iron, not in a creepy i'm gong to follow you home root through your bins and make a hat out of your old lasagna tray way, but in a welcome over from the dark side way :D

    plus if it is really busy i go tractor tyre flipping in the carpark
  • PinkAndSparkle
    My gym is gigantic so there are a few different areas, including a women's weight area. However, I refuse to use that part. I LOVE lifting with the boys. It definitely took some getting used to, and was super intimidating, but I really frustrated using the smaller training area as it didn't have all the stuff I needed. Just hold your head up tall and rock it out!
  • nicoleglazer
    I don't feel awkward anymore, I just do my thing!! It does help that many of the men at my gym are gay. But, honestly, what I've found is that if you take yourself seriously, others will too.
    I love the "boys" side of the gym!!!