I'm scared of the 4th of July!!!



  • encourageurself
    encourageurself Posts: 11 Member
    Aww don't be scared this is just a part of life. I celebrated the 4th on Saturday and I enjoyed it, I just substitued some things and ate smaller portions of things that I wanted to try like 1/2 rib and sugar free ice cream (both in small portions) and I drank lots of water. I also had my turkey burger with grilled veggies. I enjoyed the fellowship and family time.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i'm scared, as well. scared that idiots in my neighborhood will defy the burn ban and set off fireworks, burning down the entire state. the grass everywhere is deader than dead.
  • sarah2334
    sarah2334 Posts: 2 Member
    I have found that having "just one" can be a slippery slope. You aren't scared without cause. Heed that voice and just walk away from the food table. If it's making you a little nuts to sit there while others are chowing down, excuse yourself and go for a walk, refill your ice water, whatever it takes to avoid that first bite. But, if you don't succeed in avoiding it altogether, aim for moderation. If that's not possible, then forgive yourself and start anew the next day. It's not a sin to wander off the path, but you sound like it might make you feel very guilty so don't punish yourself emotionally or physically with a day of deprivation.

    A recent experience of mine: Just this past weekend, I went to a fundraiser dinner for a great guy who has ALS. The combination of this sad turn of events and a nice buffet, bar, etc. and I had a couple glasses of wine, followed by a nice plate of skinless chicken breast, green beans, red skin potatoes with gravy, a dinner roll with butter, a salad with dressing and Bailey's rocks for dessert. The next morning, I woke up two plus pounds heavier than the morning before. And while I returned to the regime I'd been following, the pounds lingered until this morning. Besides a return to a very carefully managed nutrition plan, I played two hours of tennis each day. This morning I was within 0.1 of the lowest I'd been since starting on this quest again. I knew I'd messed up with the first glass of wine and the moment I picked up the spoon in the mashed redskins, but while I'm disappointed with the set-back, I am shaking it off and back on plan.

    I, too, am sadly "there again" after having lost 80 pounds in 1989 and keeping it off for the most part for a couple decades. Now I find myself with 47 pounds to lose (4 down, 47 to go)! I'm near the start, but determined to avoid temptation until I'm no longer concerned about it. For those slender decades, I enjoyed myself at picnics and parties in moderation, but my triggers were under control and I knew that letting myself eat too much of a good thing wasn't a good thing for me. I let that healthy eating/healthy living resolve fade and the result was going from an amazing size 4 to an unattractive size 16! Plus my thyroid failed so it was hard to get my metabolism to rebound, even with synthetic hormore and I'm 57 now so everything is slowing down.

    It's a struggle, but I'm determined to stay the course. What worked for me in the past isn't all possible now because my body has changed and my life has changed. I don't have a lot of free time for exercise or healthy cooking. I reworked my schedule to match my new priorities. Tennis was a love when I was young and I convinced my SO to learn the game. He likes it a lot. We play almost every day and I feel much better, much more in control of my fate. His birthday is July 4 and a big family picnic is planned. I'll enjoy my fat free hot dog and try to avoid the rest. Hang in there this 4th! :smile:
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Have small portion sizes. Have one small piece of brownie, not one large or 2 pieces.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have mastered the art of just taking a taste of what i want to try and I will only let myself get seconds of the healthier options if I'm still hungry. My downfall will be the booze!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    The problem here is that it's not just the 4th of July. Every month there is something. And, if you are like anyone else, on top of all the holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Valentines Day, and whatever other days you celebrate), there are also birthdays, deaths, graduation ceremonies, divorce parties, odd-ball weekends, someone inviting you to a house warming or baby shower, etc. It goes on and on and on. But, you have to learn how to deal with these things or your success is going to be short-lived. It's not about one day, it's about all the days.

    The problem for me is alcohol. I will be awesome, until I start drinking. A couple beers in, and I'm eating dip and hot wings, and shoveling chips into my mouth, and chicken, and hotdogs, and a hamburger...I go crazy, all because the alcohol lowers my inhibitions. So, the key for me is not keep drinking in check. i've been learning how to drink more slowly...almost sip my drinks. It worked well this weekend for me. People think I'm drinking, but I'm kinda not, and then I still have control of my eating.

    Also, anymore, I'll eat a healthy snack before I go to a thing so that I'm not hungry. I don't fill myself up, because I don't want to be rude. I'll eat something when I'm there, but I don't want to go into it hungry. So, I'll have a good snack, and then just eat something small while there, keep my drinking in check, and I'm good to go.

    It's almost liek a game for me...to see if I can do it.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    I just spent a weekend at a golf outing for my company. I knew I wouldn't be logging as I would be eating out constantly. I even ate a buffet!!! I just made healthier choices, chicken, salad, turkey... but I drank A LOT!!! But I got on the scale this morning and I was still down a pound!! I suppose that could have been the 18+ holes we golfed for 3 days straight, but I'll take it.
    Just don't fear food. If you find yourself going back to the goodie table over and over, start asking yourself, "Am I really hungry?" Most of the time you will say, no, not really. So control yourself and stay away unless your body is asking you for food. You will be all good girl! Just have a good time, don't worry about that brownie!!

    Happy 4th everyone!!
  • Losingweightforgood2019
    Since I am on the Atkins program, 4th of July will be a breeze. We are BBQ tons of meat and there will be no desserts/chips etc. I planned it this way so I won't go off plan. And protein seems to fill me up quickly and will help with overeating
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    I am not a fan of the “its one day do what you want”. For me that is a very slippery slope that leads to more bad decisions. Weight goes on a lot faster than it comes off.

    I say don’t worry about it just plan for it. If you know you are going to want one brownie plan for ONE brownie. Earn it by getting in a little extra exercise in BEFORE the cook out, none of this “I can work it off later “stuff. If you did not earn it you do not eat it. Bring foods you know you will be good to eat Veggie platter, grilled Veggie kabobs, salad and fruit. Fill up on these foods first before touching higher empty calorie foods. No one ever got fat making 2, 3 or 4 trips to the salad bowl. You will be more likely to eat less if you are full of healthy low calorie foods. Also stay away from empty calories like soda, salad dressing and dips.

    Use this as an opportunity to show yourself how STRONG you are. You will thank your self on the 5th /9th for it.
    Good luck and Have fun.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    The problem here is that it's not just the 4th of July. Every month there is something. And, if you are like anyone else, on top of all the holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Valentines Day, and whatever other days you celebrate), there are also birthdays, deaths, graduation ceremonies, divorce parties, odd-ball weekends, someone inviting you to a house warming or baby shower, etc. It goes on and on and on. But, you have to learn how to deal with these things or your success is going to be short-lived. It's not about one day, it's about all the days.

    The problem for me is alcohol. I will be awesome, until I start drinking. A couple beers in, and I'm eating dip and hot wings, and shoveling chips into my mouth, and chicken, and hotdogs, and a hamburger...I go crazy, all because the alcohol lowers my inhibitions. So, the key for me is not keep drinking in check. i've been learning how to drink more slowly...almost sip my drinks. It worked well this weekend for me. People think I'm drinking, but I'm kinda not, and then I still have control of my eating.

    Also, anymore, I'll eat a healthy snack before I go to a thing so that I'm not hungry. I don't fill myself up, because I don't want to be rude. I'll eat something when I'm there, but I don't want to go into it hungry. So, I'll have a good snack, and then just eat something small while there, keep my drinking in check, and I'm good to go.

    It's almost liek a game for me...to see if I can do it.

    the key is filling up on healthy drinks. like vodka. then you're just too full to indulge in Baileys and other bad drinks.
