5'1-5'2 girls



  • sheryllamb72
    sheryllamb72 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 5ft 3in (actually, im 5ft 2.5in.........but saying 5ft 3in makes me feel taller...lol)......I started on 1st january 2012 at 152lb size 12/14 UK, and got down to 124lb size 8/10 UK in early May, and feel just right. I'm just trying to tone now, so that what's left (which isn't alot) is perfectly rounded where is needs to be. =0) :flowerforyou:
  • mumx5
    mumx5 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm 5ft 3in (actually, im 5ft 2.5in.........but saying 5ft 3in makes me feel taller...lol)......I started on 1st january 2012 at 152lb, and got down to 124lb in early May, and feel just right. I'm just trying to tone now, so that what's left (which isn't alot) is perfectly rounded where is needs to be. =0) :flowerforyou:

    I'm exactly the same height!!! My starting weight was spookily near enough the same too!!!

    I'm 138 at present and have a goal weight of a nice toned 130, but I'll wait till i get there to see if I look ok or need to lose more:)
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 5'1" almost and I am at 116. I still have so much belly fat from having my kids, so I want to lose a bit more. I am having a hard time toning my tummy. I think it might be extra skin. Other than my tummy I am very happy at this weight :)
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Age: 47
    Height: 5'2" - 1/2 -I say 5 3"
    Heaviest Weight: 153
    Current Weight: 115 Maintained since July2011 goes from115-117
    Goal Weight: 115-120
    Calories: day 1800-2000+ and 1 spike day
    Exercise: Weights(heavy)and strength training 2-3 days,Cardio,plyometrics etc 3-4-total 4 days week and rest walk,bike etc.
    My main focus is Muscle and definition as well as maintain weight. And eat clean-80-20 :-) I cracked a few ribs so my lifting and ex is off routine now, and i am lowering cals for awhile. otherwise thats how I roll;-)
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    The doctor claims I'm 5'2.5" but I have been saying 5'3" for years...still round up to that sometimes. ;)

    I am 30 yo, a pear shape, currently at 140, and would like to be 125 and toned.

    125 is the magic number for me before I start to lose all of my "womanly curves." (I do want to keep a few of them...just not as many as I have now!)

    At 115, four years ago, I was too bony. 115 might be just right, tho, for someone at 5'2" exactly or 5'1".
  • reegordon
    reegordon Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 5'2" (5'1.5'' but I round up too, lol), 123lbs and I have muscle and curves, which is how I like it. I fluctuate between 122-125lbs. I'm happy at my current weight and so is my boo, but I'm working on toning up more.
  • burtonhl
    burtonhl Posts: 57
    Well, I found my peeps!

    I'm 5'2" and 43 years old. At my heaviest, I was 158. Currently I'm 149.5. My goal is about 135. I have never been in the 120's. But reading your posts has motivated me even more.

    Keep up the great work everyone. Any advice you want to pass on my way I would appreciate!
  • third_time_lucky
    third_time_lucky Posts: 103 Member
    im 5'1, just started again on my diet (after a naughty morning lol)
    im 26 and 165lb aiming for 130lb

    not got any friends yet :( so would love some support from people with simular goals! :)
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Love this thread -- I'm 5'2 1/2" -- so glad to see I'm not the only one that feels the need to round up!

    Currently 127 -- aiming for 118 -- but have been lifting and that is stalling weight loss but inches are going. So if I stay where I am and continue to tone and become less flabby, then I won't be too concerned about the number on the scale.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Am 5'1", 55 yrs and weight about 132. Have a tiny frame and terrible joints, so goal is around 110 with some toning. Highest ever was 185 6 years ago, did Atkins and dropped down to 150, went through a divorce and dropped into my 130's. Now working on systematic, slow weight loss.

    Great to meet ya'll (as we say here in Texas!)
  • monikariney
    monikariney Posts: 5 Member
    This IS helpful! I'm 5'1 and 3/4, age 48. I am currently 166, which is down from 172, where I started about 6 weeks ago. I'm aiming for 130-136.
    I look a lot younger than my age, and don't think of myself as heavy, though when I look at pictures, I realize I am!
    I haven't been in the 130s since college. I have really high self-confidence and self-love, and haven't made weight loss a priority. I feel like, I look cute. I'm super friendly and outgoing. I'm reasonably fit. I just did a 5K last month. I feel good--I must have skinny mirrors in my house because when I look in the mirror, I think I look great, but then when I see myself in photos, I say--What?

    I certainly do like feeling lighter and more energetic.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I'm also between 5'2'' and 5'3''- and I'm currently 214lbs. YUCK!

    Working on it. :)

    You have to consider your build when you consider your ideal weight. You MUST take muscle weight into account, and count is seperately than fat weight. That's why they give a healthy weight range for a person's height, and not a specific #.

    My example:

    As a child and through HS I stayed active- I had some fat for sure, but I had a lot of muscle on me too from the different things I did.

    When I was 118lbs I thought I looked great- but now when I look at pictures from that size, I realize I looked sick. Literally. I looked ill, and looked like I had a "bobble head".

    I was actually my healthiest at around 130lbs. I had good definition and was trim enough to be in ONE size clothing, and my head didn't look too big for my body.

    I talked to a Dr about it recently, and told me point blank, that if I get under 135lbs at my current build, I'm going to loose muscle mass, because I have about 115lbs of muscle on me right now. That's not counting the weight of organs and everything else in there. The average human head weighs around 10lbs right there!

    So it's not a BAD thing to focus on a target weight, but please- take into account your build.
    Someone our height with a slim build who isn't muscular would be perfectly healthy at 115lbs- but that isn't my build, I'd look skeletal.

    So figure out where you should be within the healthy weight range, based on your build, BEFORE you set the target #.
  • busyb86
    busyb86 Posts: 1
    Try hula hooping- honestly, it's the best core toning exercise I've ever done and it's fun too =]
  • sarita446
    sarita446 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'2 and currently weight 144, down from 185! Just had a baby 6 months ago and lost all of the baby weight but now I'm working on my getting back to my HS weight, which was between 130-135. I'm naturally curvy and would like to keep my shape and just add muscle. So my goal weight right now is 135. We'll see how I feel once I get there!
  • Sbernardo7711
    I'm 5'1 and very muscular (at least I think so). My current weight is 137 but my ideal weight would be 125-130. I have been at 125 before while doing P90X and I did feel great but I had a really hard time maintaining that weight.
  • momX3kane
    momX3kane Posts: 11
    I am 5' 2.5" and I am starting at 225. I am down 4 lbs in the last week, but I am just starting. My goal is 135... I do not know if I can physically be that small, but we shall see. Any ideas that could help are welcomed!!!
  • jonirobbins
    Hi! I am 5' 1.5". My current weight is around 158. I want to be 125-130, which is where I was when I was my most fit. Ugh... its a long road! Feel free to add me!!!
  • beaniesmalls1
    I'm about 5'0 (really 4'11" but i don't always claim it) and i have the same end goal in mind. right now, i'd like to get to 200, which is alot of pounds away and sometimes i seriously feel like it is a lifetime away. but i'll get there! don't give up! good luck :)
  • dferby
    dferby Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'1" and I'm about 173lbs my goal is to get to between 110-120. I started teaching dance again so its important for me to be a role model for the children that I teach and mentor.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi . I'm 45, 5'1 1/2" and I think I must be the only one who has always "rounded down" - lol - I always say I'm 5'1"! I started at 206 in October after being as low as 127 in 2007 & 2008, gradually gaining as I went through a lot of stress with my husband, my life, quit smoking, diagnosed with fibromyalgia, arthritis in my right foot & ankle, etc. I began MFP at 198 in January, currently 161 and my long term goal is 104 just because it's the lowest I've ever been. 118 is my "realistic goal" and 132 would be what I can probably maintain. I don't have a lot of MFP friends - I don't go searching, but am happy to have them & support the ones I do have so feel free to add me if you like! Even at my current weight, I am ecstatic to be wearing size 10's again and out of "plus size" anything!! I love zumba and running now that it's nice out, but looking forward to my Jillian Michael's and Bob Harper DVDs in the fall and winter (I don't have central air and it is just too hot inside for now).
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