Body By Vi



  • BrownEyedJerseyGirl
    BrownEyedJerseyGirl Posts: 97 Member
    I've recently heard about the shakes but am confused. If the shakes are about 250-300 calories with the add-ins then couldn't I just eat a 250-300 calorie breakfast and achieve the same weight loss goals? Or, is there something else about the shakes? I just don't want spend all that $$ and then be like "oh, I could have had a bowl of Special K" or whatever. Please explain . . Thank you. :smile:

    I guess one of my concerns is that the person I know that is drinking them pushs me to buy them because then they get their shakes free/discounted so whenever I see something like that I'm always a bit leery. I haven't been able to get a clear answer on how they work other than restricting calories. Thank you.
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    I was very skeptical of Body by Vi. I've tried every diet under the sun and the majority of shakes taste nasty. I am glad I decided to give it a shot. I'm still in the beginning stages but can tell you the shakes really fill you up. They recommend 2 shakes a day (one for breakfasts and one for lunch), smart snacks and a sensible dinner. I can't wait for my first weigh in so I can share my results with family & friends. I personally do not like the taste of the powder by itself but have access to a list of over 100 recipes so I will never get bored. My distributer is actually pretty thin but just wanted to tone up and she looks amazing. She is a RN in the ER and decided to promote the product since she saw and felt so many healthy benefits. Many will claim it's a pyramid scheme. Her reply: 'If by "pyramid scheme", you mean supplementing your income helping those around you get healthier, improve their energy and nutrition, and give you the chance to do all of that for FREE, not sure what the negative is!! Just sayin.....'. Feel free to add me if you have questions or just need a motivater in your corner.
  • renee317
    renee317 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started the shakes on Sat and have lost 4 pounds. I have already reached my weight loss goal. I lost 110 pounds so I'm going to use them more for maintenance. I like them bc I know I'm getting a lot of nutrients that I may not otherwise get during the day. . I became a distributor bc I wanted my boyfriend to try them. I figured if we were going to be buying them than I might as well try to sell them. It's a great product that has helped many people but just like anything else it is just one part of the process. You still need to exercise and eat right. The shakes are not going to work if you eat more then your daily calorie allotment.
  • Connie1979
    Connie1979 Posts: 77 Member
    Today is my first day on the Body By Vi challenge. I was little skeptical about the shakes because I've had some tell me how horrible they taste...but today I mixed my shake with 2 scoops of the shake mix, vanilla almond milk, some cocoa powder, and a smidge of coconut flavoring, and I am pleasantly surprised. It reminds me of an almond joy. I'm so relieved that its not gross because I would have hated to waste the entire bag of shake mix. Because if its gross and I can't drink it I wouldn't be able to go through with the program....I'm excited to see where this goes!!!
  • I don't use the Body by VI line, however, I do know and appreciate that they give great weight loss results, especially for those who have a lot of weight to lose. Here's my issue though: I have 19 friends on Facebook who sell it and they are posting DAILY (sometimes two and three times per day) pictures of befores and afters of those on the 90 day challenge. ALL of these people whose photos are posted went from a very thick middle to HARD, SCULPTED abs and muscles all over. When asked, all of my friends claim that these results are solely from drinking the shakes. Like I said, I realize this product helps to lose weight, but we all know you can't get that kind of muscle definition JUST by what you eat. There has to be some exercise thrown in there too. Just saying...because those photos are very misleading and give people false hope.
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    I started Body by Vi on Tues and weighed in Fri (3 days later) and had lost 5 lbs! I have had really bad migraines this week and only made one shake a day. Can't wait to see the results when I am doing 2 a day.
  • Becky1027
    Becky1027 Posts: 6 Member
    My thoughts exactly
  • Becky1027
    Becky1027 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't use the Body by VI line, however, I do know and appreciate that they give great weight loss results, especially for those who have a lot of weight to lose. Here's my issue though: I have 19 friends on Facebook who sell it and they are posting DAILY (sometimes two and three times per day) pictures of befores and afters of those on the 90 day challenge. ALL of these people whose photos are posted went from a very thick middle to HARD, SCULPTED abs and muscles all over. When asked, all of my friends claim that these results are solely from drinking the shakes. Like I said, I realize this product helps to lose weight, but we all know you can't get that kind of muscle definition JUST by what you eat. There has to be some exercise thrown in there too. Just saying...because those photos are very misleading and give people false hope.
  • Woozie80
    Woozie80 Posts: 3
    I started my first challenge Oct 2011 with no intentions of sticking with it, I have 5 days left on my 3rd challenge and became a promoter is April 2012. I weighed in before leaving for Vitality in Miami and have lost 100.1 lbs in 9 months, I did not workout at all during my first 90 days, I did my second, and I haven't on this challenge (other then taking slow walks with my son every now and then). I love the Vi-life :drinker:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Just getting a protein powder is not necessarily the best for you. The Body by Vi shakes are formulated with a tri-sorb protein blend.
    Can you explain exactly what a "tri-sorb" protein blend is, and why it's so much more beneficial than other types of protein? What types of protein are used in the blend, and in what ratios? What is the bio-availability of each of the protein types? If this "tri-sorb" blend is so magical and so much better than every other protein powder on the market, why have others not begun using this magical blend?
    Sadly many protein shakes may have 24g of protein in them, but it is not a healthy protein.
    What specific types of protein are considered "not a healthy protein"? Why are they considered "not healthy"? How do you distinguish a "healthy" protein from a "not healthy" protein?
    Not to mention the fact that the BBV shakes are packed with more nutrition than we ever consume in one sitting and our bodies need it.
    From looking at the nutritional information, I'm not sure how you (or the company) can make that claim with a straight face. Is BBV saying that it's impossible to obtain the same nutrients and macronutrients from an actual meal of real food?
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