Couch to 5K? Anyone wanna try it too?

I recently started a couch to 5K plan. There are several out there but the one I'm trying I found on pinterest and has combinations of walking and running and you get out and walk/run 3 to 4 times a week. It starts out with 5 minutes walking, 2 minutes jogging, and then 5 minutes walking. Over the course of 10 weeks you work yourself up to jogging 30 minutes straight, enough to hopefully make it through a 5k. I'm looking at running a 5k in early October. It's always been a goal of mine to be able to get out and just steadily jog/run without the motivation of someone with a chainsaw behind me (because that's usually the only way you could get me to move, but boy could I go if you did). I want to enjoy running/jogging but I know I need to work my body up to the point and build that stamina so that it is enjoyable and doable and so that I don't give up. I will run a 5k in October if all goes well. I've set that goal for myself and just wondering if anyone wanted to join me!


  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    If anyone is interested, here is the website I am using:

    But do the research. There are tons of plans out there, some more aggressive than others. Pick something that works for you. Just hoping someone will take this challenge with me!
  • megan24209
    megan24209 Posts: 23
    That's a great goal! How has your experience been so far with the program?

    I've always wanted to take up running and have been thinking about setting a similar goal for myself. I love cardio but despise running! I really want to try the couch to 5K but just haven't gotten started yet. I guess the beginning of July is the perfect time to start. Maybe it can be possible for non runners to start loving and looking forward to running. I never thought I'd love cardio so I'd say it is definitely possible :)

    Will you be doing your running inside or outside? I'd like to do mine outside but it's sooo hot here. Maybe I'll shoot for an evening run.
  • TessaHysell
    TessaHysell Posts: 3 Member
    I started couch to 5k four days ago. I really like it and I normally hate running. I found a pod cast that had music I like so that helps. Mine is a little different, I am on week 1 supposed to run 3 days a week but I am shooting for 5-6 days a week. It is 5 minutes of brisk walking, 60 seconds running/jogging, 90 seconds of recovery walking, repeated over 20 minutes then ending with a 5 minute cool down.
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    Megan - I have actually enjoyed it so far, I think because it steps you up slowly so, even though I am not a runner and have never run in my life, I feel like I can actually complete circuits. I do have to push myself some but it's certainly not out of reach. I have just always had friends who run and seem to really enjoy it but to me it something horrible I had to do. But I really did want to accomplish a 5k so these couch to 5k plans seemed great because they are meant for people who aren't runners and aren't used to running. And you can always repeat weeks if you feel like it's getting a little too hard or moving a little too fast. That way your body gradually works up to that stamina. I live in NC and so it is hot here, don't know if it's hotter where you are. With this heat wave I've been getting up early (which I hate because I am on summer vacation) but it's worth it. I walked/ran this morning at nine and it was about 80 degrees which wasn't bad at all. Early evening would be good too, once it cools down. I don't have a treadmill, so I must run outside, so maybe June/July/August wasn't the greatest time to start this but I'm going to stick with it. Hope you find a plan that works for you and have fun running! Let me know how it goes!

    Tessa - I saw the plan that you are using. Do you like it so far? Today I did 5 minutes walking, 6 minutes jogging, and then 5 minutes walking. Next time it will be 4 minutes jogging, 5 minutes walking, 4 min jogging, and then 5 min walking again. The plan I'm using has me walking/jogging 3 to 4 days a week. I try to at least get out and walk the other days, even if I'm not running so that I'm still getting outside (at least when it's not 100 degrees and over) and moving. Let me know how it goes!

    It seems crazy that at some point I will be running 30 minutes, when I only ran for 6 minutes today. I'm thinking a new pair of fancy running shoes as a present for myself when I hit my goal. Right now I'm using some old sneaks.
  • TessaHysell
    TessaHysell Posts: 3 Member
    I like it alot. I am only on week 1 so I am sure as I go it will get tougher. I know what you mean about the heat! I live in Florida so I wait until the evening to run. I just bought new running shoes and ran in them 2 days straight and I have an awful blister on my right heal :( I am sure I just need to break them in. I didn't run for 2 days to let my heal get better but I am running tonight for sure! I bought these blister band aids so hopefully I can make it the whole 30 minutes without dying in pain. My old shoes I had were 5 years old and very worn out my new shoes make me feel like I am a serious runner now haha. That's awesome you ran 6 minutes straight! I feel the same way it's crazy to think at the end of this we will be running 30 minutes straight.
  • ashbomm
    ashbomm Posts: 4 Member
    Im doing the c25k program also! on week 2 day 3 but I'm using a different app than you. the one I'm using is :

    So far i love it. Ive been getting up at 430 to run bc its too hot/muggy/humid otherwise but thats my only complaint lol.

    Feel free to add me as a friend & we can encourage each other! :D
  • lillianelise
    lillianelise Posts: 49 Member
    I just started a c25k program Sunday night. I am using a different App - mine is an 8 week program. It was free on my iPhone. Anyway, I have only done the first 2 days. It says to do it every other day - I'm not sure about that. I did day 1 Sunday and day 2 yesterday. Today I will take a break and do day 3 tomorrow. I am hoping to stick w it. I have never been a runner but am jealous of those that love it!! So, I'm trying! I definitely need to do more stretching afterwards and watch my form and breathing- there is more to running than I thought, that's for sure! I took my measurements today - I am ready to see some change!! Good luck everyone!
  • lillianelise
    lillianelise Posts: 49 Member
    Tessa---- I am doing the same one as you it looks like.
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    I just downloaded the app on my iPhone today. I have done it before about a year ago for about 2 weeks but then stopped going to the gym. I loved it though. Im hoping to stick to it this time. Wish me luck:happy:
  • suffy7
    suffy7 Posts: 11
    I have NEVER been a runner! But I have been walking 2 miles a day for the last 2 weeks. This past week I have thrown in jogging part of the way. I am not following any program, just walking and jogging alternately. I can't run for long periods of time yet ... I think my longest was 2 minutes!! EEK! But it's a start right? I have a stop watch app on my Droid that I use to time how long I walk and then run.

    I am going to check out some other apps and see what I can find.

    Keep going ladies you are all doing GREAT!!!
  • canadakim17
    canadakim17 Posts: 24 Member
    My husband and I are doing the program also! Feel free to connect with me if you want to keep up with my updates throughout the training program :) Good luck to you!!!!
  • McCoolMama
    McCoolMama Posts: 33 Member
    I'm doing it with a free app on my phone too. I started a few months ago but stopped due to a knee injury, trying too fast too soon. My problem is I don't know what speed to do!! I know everyone is different, but can someone tell me what speeds you are using for walking & jogging?
  • tberend
    tberend Posts: 91 Member
    I've done it before and LOVED it! I hated running, so this was a really big deal. It's doable for anyone.
  • tberend
    tberend Posts: 91 Member
    @dookie 382 -Just do whatever feels comfortable for you. The point is to build endurance, not speed. Walk at a brisk pace for you, run/jog at a comfortable pace for you. That's the genius of it!
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    just started it ;)

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    I think it's great that all of you are trying this as well! I have always wanted to be a person who ran and LIKED to run as a opposed to someone who saw it as a chore. That's why when I joined MFP to get my diet kickstarted I decided to start the couch to 5k as well. I am on week 3 at the moment. I got up this morning, a little later than I meant so it was hot, but I got out there anyway. I ran 4 minutes, walked 5, ran 4, walked 5. Now that I'm running a little farther I'm getting to see parts of the neighborhood I never have before! For those of you running outside in places where it's hot, hat's off to you! Wish I had a place to run inside, but I am enjoying the outside as well. I just have to get up early or wait til evening. I'm finding I prefer the morning. Let me know about your progress! It helps to know that others are doing it and not giving in, because as you progress the harder it's going to get so you just need to push through!
  • wvwinner
    wvwinner Posts: 61 Member
    I started the Couch to 5K yesterday and it went very well (other than my darn shoes killing my feet) ! I have never been a runner. I have tried numerous times but always seemed to give up when it got tough.

    I have the Couch to 5K app on my iphone and I love it! I always hated having to check to see how much longer and trying to keep track in my head how long left until the switch between walking and running. Having the app and my music cranked up, it sure does help to pass the time. Now let's hope I can power through the 8 weeks! I can't wait to see the results in my cardio when I finish. :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    bumping...I am hoping to get to a treadmill so that I can restart...running outside is brutal with the heat right now, but better than shoveling snow
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    How is everyone doing? Today is an off running day for me. Yesterday I ran 4, walked 5, ran 4, walked 5. Tomorrow I will be walking 5 minutes, running 7, walking 5. That will be the most that I have run at one time. I added an app to my phone for running that tells you your distance. I am curious to see how far I am going when I am running. I am technically jogging because I'm not going that fast, but it would be nice to know. My miles will have to be ten minutes miles at the least to be able to run the 5k all at once in thirty minutes. I don't want to have to stop and walk. My goal is to get out there, run it, and enjoy it. I'm aiming for a local 5k at the beginning of October. Hope to meet my goal by then!
  • TessaHysell
    TessaHysell Posts: 3 Member
    Frustrated! I am actually enjoying this program but this darn blister is taking forever to go away! Probably because I have been going out and walking and jogging and making it so much worse. I am trying to be patient and wait for it to heal but I just doing want to lose my drive to keep doing the program. Anyone know how to break my new running shoes in?