Guys ... your thoughts on women & abs?



  • My boyfriend doesn't want me to have abs because he thinks/says "girls should be soft."

    I plan on developing said abs, and he can take them or leave them. :laugh:

    Good for you - abs on a woman rock.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    I love ABs on a female......... nice and atheltic looking
  • owl92
    owl92 Posts: 74
    that's it. im practically have a man brain.

    Definition in that area is really nice.
    Not too muscley because girls are supposed to look pretty and have a cute shape.
    Too muscley where the abs start to make the curves disappear- not very cool
  • I don't like women with properly defined abs (like kierstin's, sorry haha!). Don't get me wrong, I'm no chubby chaser, but I prefer smooth stomachs rather than ripped stomachs. I just think they look... wrong. But that's just me and my personal tastes.

    To be honest, I don't think a real washboard stomach looks good on guys either (I'm a straight male). I would never wan't to be down at like 6-8% bodyfat with a ripped stomach.
  • beandawgy
    beandawgy Posts: 92
    Love women with well defined abs!
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    It is indeed a personal taste thing. I think it might be an age thing too. For me (mid 40s), I think anyone who has abs should be commended for their hard work and fitness.

    But if we are talking strictly physical attraction, I prefer women who are fit and active, but a bit smooth with some curves. A modern example that comes quickly to mind is Scarlett Johanson and how she looked in "Lost in Translation".

    Although cut, chiseled muscles are a sure sign of fitness, athleticism and health, I personally find them too masculine on women - I think women can be healthy, fit athletic and strong without sacrificing the natural beauty of their body curves and lines.

    I love Scarlett Johanson! Good example :)
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    If having well-defined abs makes you feel beautiful inside and out, go for it. If not, then that works too. I like them both.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm a girl but I have to say...having had abs visible most of my life (aside from pregnancy) I think a softer look is beautiful. Fortunately we don't walk around with our abs exposed all the time! I think visible abs on women are one of those things that women want for themselves even if it is not a universal sign of attractiveness to men.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    It is indeed a personal taste thing. I think it might be an age thing too. For me (mid 40s), I think anyone who has abs should be commended for their hard work and fitness.

    But if we are talking strictly physical attraction, I prefer women who are fit and active, but a bit smooth with some curves. A modern example that comes quickly to mind is Scarlett Johanson and how she looked in "Lost in Translation".

    Although cut, chiseled muscles are a sure sign of fitness, athleticism and health, I personally find them too masculine on women - I think women can be healthy, fit athletic and strong without sacrificing the natural beauty of their body curves and lines.

    I love Scarlett Johanson! Good example :)

    Yeah, don't get me wrong - I think it's just a different sort of beauty. Fit, defined abs are definitely beautiful, just not my personal cup of tea!

    This is what I consider the perfect female tummy:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I have just two words for women with abs.

    Smoking. Hot.
  • Akious
    Akious Posts: 71
    I have just two words for women with abs.

    Smoking. Hot.

    Sums it up pretty well.
  • dluechtefeld
    dluechtefeld Posts: 8 Member
    I am turned off by defined abs in women. I find feminine bodies to be most attractive when they are fleshy, voluptuous in appearance, but athletic in performance. Strength and endurance sheathed in a slight layer of baby fat.