PCOS Anyone?

I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and am interested in finding out if anyone else around here does.

If so, would anyone like to become friends and support each other?

If a group such as this already exists, someone please point me in the right direction!!


  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello dancinlesh, just wanted to say hello. Sorry I don't knowof any group, but I'm sure by tommorow you will have your answer. I actually never heard of it before, not asking you to explain or anything just saying. :smile: God Bless.
  • paigenicole_tusie
    I don't know of any forums on here or anyone on here that has PCOS, but I have a best friend that has it, actually, so I felt compelled to reply to this bulletin, seeing as to I know much about it.

    I hope you're doing well! I know the syndrome is rather annoying to cope with and often hard at times, but you can get through it! Good luck with your goal, I hope you reach it!

    <3 Paige
  • dancinlesh
    Thanks for the replies!

    PCOS is hard to cope with. Losing weight is really hard with this disease. I've struggled with it my whole life.

    I hope to find support and success here!
  • BetterVersion
    I have PCOS.

    I don't know if there are any forums here for the subject, but I can recommend a great site which has a dedicated community specifically for the condition: soulcysters.net

    I would definitely encourage you to check it out! They deal with everything- infertility, hair growth, weight loss, hormonal imbalances, acne... I've seen it all discussed there. However, I must say MFP is the best website I've ever used for weight loss assistance. It's wonderful!
  • dancinlesh
    I used to belong to soulcysters.net along time ago. I should probably get back over there and check it out again.

    Have you had a hard time losing the weight?

    I'm on Met but not a very high dosage. I don't have insurance and my family doc won't do anything else for me other than put me on the met.
  • hetipt01
    My best friend, and my sister both have PCOS. I've seen them struggle with the various symptoms over the years and it just breaks my heart. But they are both strong women and they have both came a long way! My best friend lost 40 pounds when she started running! I know that you are strong and that you too can reach your goals!
    Good luck with everything!:flowerforyou:
  • dancinlesh
    Thanks so much for the encouraging words.

    I know I can do it. I just need that push to get there.
  • BetterVersion
    Actually, one of the few areas I got lucky in is that I can actually lose weight fairly easily. However, I gain amazingly fast as well. I was on Met all last year and for the beginning of this year. I noticed that it did help me drop weight without even dieting (not dramatically, but enough to count! lol) However, I was only on Met to assist the fertility medications I was on. Once I was told I'm never going to be able to have another child, I quit taking the Met... and I might have sunk into an itsy bitsy depression that helped me to pack on 60 pounds in six months... so, here I am, trying to work it all off again.

    It's a frustrating, and at times devastating, condition. It definitely helps to talk to people who are dealing with it, as well.
  • Hiya! I have PCOS and I would love to be a support to you! I have battled with my weight as a consequence. I have sadly learned that the only way I can lose weight is if I cut out the carbs; so I am on a low-moderate carb diet now as prescribed by my doctor. Im always here anytime you need to chat! I am a newbie too. :)
  • Mommamccoy,

    I can totally relate! I had lost 38 pounds and allowed myself one cheat day and it was down hill from there! Sugar is "toxic" in a sense to those with PCOS, usually you have insulin resistance with the condition. The sugar that you digest has no where to go because your cells are full of the glucose that's already been stored, so it turns into fat. The only real way to lose the weight and keep it off is to eat something similar to a diabetic diet. Insulin is a huge determiner in your weight loss/weight gain.
  • dancinlesh
    I know that's what I have to do. The diet part, it's just really hard getting there. My partner is diabetic and you'd think that would help me. But neither one of us keep with it.

    Thanks for the support! Hopefully it'll help!!
  • calvarado
    Yep- a more mild form, thank goodness, but getting pregnant, and staying pregnant was quite an ordeal..... I have 2 adorable little blessings ( on our own- no drugs!!), and I'm working really hard on a complete lifestyle change.... so far so good with the excercise and eating habits. My mantra is slow and steady wins the race. I've found that even losing a little bit of weight has really helped with the pain. So has yoga and pilates. I had a hard time buying into it at first, but certain poses and stretches really help.
  • calvarado
    Also forgot to mention.... working between my OBGYN, nutritionist, and trainer... trying to stick to my diet of mainly fruits and veggies, lean meats, very little carbs ( in moderation) and a little dairy. I get most of the carbs from fruits and veggies, and my rule is if it has too many ingredients, especially ones I can't pronounce- I don't put it in my body. Same for my family. I guess it's considered a "clean foods" diet... very little procesed or refined foods. I won't lie- I can kill a bowl of brown rice... but only occassionally! Everything reasonable in moderation. That mind set has really helped.
  • aobrien82
    I also have PCOS. I have been dieting on and off for a few years. My weight has creeped up since college and it has definitely made the PCOS worse. My boyfriend and I have been trying to get pregnant for a few years now, we have done a couple rounds of fertility drugs but they didn't work. I want to lose about 30lbs before I try again. It is a very stressful process and I know that the extra weight is just making it harder. Hopefully if I loose the weight the fertility drugs will work, or I may even get pregnant on my own. So my weight loss journey begins.

    Wish me luck :)
  • Belle84
    heya i have pcos as well...used to be on soulcysters...in fact made my way back over there this week :D

    i have great difficulty...at 17 weighed 120lbs 20months ago weighed in at 206!!! :( now im 189 and its disheartening knowning how hard it is for me to loose weight xx
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 20 years ago, when I was 17 and started complaining about facial hair growth. I went through hormone testing, ovarian ultrsounds, etc. With no regular menstrual cycles, my 'treatment' was to take birth control pills. I was told at the time that I may have difficulty getting pregnant, however I was lucky enough to have 2 beautiful girls, without any issues.

    I've been taking an acne medication / birth control pill called Diane-35 for several years now (way longer than is normally recommended), as I find it really helps with my cystic acne and facial hair growth.

    I seemed to always be 20-30 pounds overweight, until I started running in 2003 to lose weight before my wedding. I also followed a Zone-type diet (cutting back on a lot of carbs). I lost about 20 pounds, but then post-marriage plus 2 pregnancies, I gained it all back and then some. Now that my youngest is 15 months old, I've decided it's high time that I start paying attention to my health again.

    I've decided to start running again, since it helped me be successful the last time.

    What are your goals? Have you made plans as to how you're going to reach them? That's what I've been psyching myself up for these last few days. Lots of research and planning.

    Best of luck on your journey!
  • wannabe
    im new and i do have pcos. went to the hospital when i was 16 because of the pain. they said my right ovary was about 3 times its normal size. been on yasmin ever since. lucky i havent had a heart attack its so bad for you! my heart rate sometimes gets to 181 when i work out. planning to get off of it i just havent gone to see my dr to get it changed yet. as long as im on birth control and exercising like crazy the weight has always falled off of me. i can pretty much eat whatever i want although i dont most of the time.
  • AmberMcDowell
    I am back on here after over a year off the wagon. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January of this year (2009). I would love to meet other girls with this condition so we can support each other! Weight loss is 10 times more difficult when you have PCOS so I think we need all the help we can get !! :)
  • Belle84
    Belle84 Posts: 36
    your right it is harder but i have done it once - took its time though :D xxx im always here if u wanna talk bout pcos was diagnosed 10yrs ago xxx
  • Angwie
    Angwie Posts: 14
    I got diagnosed with PCOS when I was 10 years old. On average over the years of the testing i was gaining 15 lbs. a year even when i was dieting. Joined the Healthy Weigh in high school and lost 25 lbs. only to gain 50 when i went into the transition phase. Now, at 22 peaked at over 315 lbs. and hit rock bottom. Started medifast the day after thanksgiving and have been pretty successful so far. PCOS is just making everything a little more difficult that it needs to be.

    Been on different birth control pills, and now taking glucophage/metformin to try and regulate some things. Any suggestions for any aspect of pcos would be amazing.