exercises at home

i'm trying to figure out what exercises are good for me to be doing at home i ride my bike to work which is 2 miles i also have been doing squats leg lifts jumping jax and running in place could someone give me some pointers or advice


  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    Get the Insanity dvds. They are very intense but work great!
  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    Dips, burpees, push ups, planks, anything on a stability ball, yoga, belly dancing.
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    I did the dvd thing one day but did not like it. But I do exercise at home
    Jump rope 5 minutes
    Hula Hoop 5 minutes
    5-10 Pull ups
    35-50 Pushups
    2x10 Squats with dumbbells
    10 dips
    Lunges with dumbbell curls
  • AllieBug25
    AllieBug25 Posts: 61
    Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" (LOVE IT)
    And get some active games for a ps3, wii, etc. Those are actually really fun!
    I'm also doing "Mean Ab June" even though it's July.
  • mathews58
    mathews58 Posts: 16 Member
    I really like my resistance bands and step. I do an Isodynamic excerise routine developed my Ron Williams from his Faith and Fat Loss Program. Bascially is consist of a combination of cardo and strenght trainig.

    I do the Isodynamic routine three days a week like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I do something simple like walking, hike, or dance.
  • JD2000
    JD2000 Posts: 16 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels DVD's. I have completed 30 Day Shred and am currently working on 6 week 6 pack. My husband has done p90, p90x and is starting Insanity. We also both just started Couch to 5K which you can do at home if you have a treadmill.
  • supergr33n
    supergr33n Posts: 69 Member

    exercise vids on netflix
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I lpve to get out and jog. Weights been dropping off since I started! Might be worth a try! X
  • Karen5732
    Karen5732 Posts: 64 Member
    Have a look at www.fitnessblender.com Lots of workouts on there!
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    i'm trying to figure out what exercises are good for me to be doing at home i ride my bike to work which is 2 miles i also have been doing squats leg lifts jumping jax and running in place could someone give me some pointers or advice

    you can never do enough lunges, every chance i get, i lunge all over my yard sometimes in stores i will lunge down the isles to mix up the shopping a bit, love the looks i get, when i lunge past someone. the wife thinks i am a weirdo. plus the heat rate sky rockets after about 15 lunges.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Look up 'plyometrics' on the internet, but choose a beginners workout, it's quite intense
  • Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" (LOVE IT)
    And get some active games for a ps3, wii, etc. Those are actually really fun!
    I'm also doing "Mean Ab June" even though it's July.

    I would definitely recommend this ;)
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I love butt bible a lot. You can find them on ypoutube to, so you don't have to spend your money on DVDs.:)
  • Lucianna_D
    Lucianna_D Posts: 84 Member
    If you don't have any DVD's me and my girlfriend would do the 100 workout..
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Body Rock TV

    Check out some free workout videos and sites that can be found online:

  • heatherheather45
    heatherheather45 Posts: 7 Member
    if you have kids then invest in hula hoops, they are great fun trying to use them but when you do get the hand off them you use so many muscles that they work good luck
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    DVDs are great for working out at home. If you're not sure you want to buy any just yet, see if your local library will let you borrow some. It's nice to try them out and see what you like first. While you're there, the library probably has several books on exercise that you can get ideas from.

    I also recommend jump rope if you can get outside or in a garage. I wouldn't do it indoors, but it is perfect for staying at home.
  • 50anita
    50anita Posts: 7 Member
    i'm trying to figure out what exercises are good for me to be doing at home i ride my bike to work which is 2 miles i also have been doing squats leg lifts jumping jax and running in place could someone give me some pointers or advice

    nikkijean1124, I noticed the weight you're at and your goal weight is very close to mine.
    I loved the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. They are easy to follow, offer at least 2-3 workouts per DVD and are affordable.
    I got them inexpensively at Walmart. I like how she offers three workouts of different lengths to fit your time constraints. She has low and high impact. Try them out! and good luck to you.