What do you do for a living?



  • certified nursing assistant (CNA)
  • Heating engineer, I repair and maintain peoples boilers and heating systems. Not very exciting but I'm never short of friends in the winter!
  • sono6cat
    sono6cat Posts: 3
    Sonographer (Ultrasound Tech) at an OB/GYN office now and used to be a funeral director/embalmer.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    I manually *kitten* caged animals for artificial insemination.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm a drug dealer..for REAL...

    and my 'paid' hobby is professional photographer. look out for me at wimbledon and the olympics.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I design clothing... no its not as exciting as you think.

    I think it's a neat job, though. I watched Project Runway for several seasons even though I can't even sew a button onto a shirt. I guess I just like the artistry of it.

    Ya, its basically nothing like that at all...lol. School was like that, in the industry they plop u infront of a computer and u get to "sketch" there. I like my job, I just don't love the industry anymore.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I manually *kitten* caged animals for artificial insemination.


    You know, I'd take that job over flipping burgers or working a cash register anyday, but I wonder how I'd answer if the subject of my career came up on a first date?
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I actually read every single one of everyone's jobs - very interesting and diverse group on here!

    I am an office manager/accounts payable manager for a Construction and Property management company and I absolutely adore my job :love:
  • carrie3479
    carrie3479 Posts: 41 Member
    Retirement Housing manager for two lovely housing schemes age range of 55+ (oldest resident has just turned 100 and still does everything for herself) fab job, I did home care for a few years but gave up due to health and lack of hours!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I design clothing... no its not as exciting as you think.

    I think it's a neat job, though. I watched Project Runway for several seasons even though I can't even sew a button onto a shirt. I guess I just like the artistry of it.

    Ya, its basically nothing like that at all...lol. School was like that, in the industry they plop u infront of a computer and u get to "sketch" there. I like my job, I just don't love the industry anymore.

    Hm, trying to figure out if I'd enjoy sketching out designs all day, but I shouldn't bother, because I can't do that anymore than I can sew! So you sketch a new idea, and show it to someone, and they tell you whether they want something like that or not? Or do they tell you what they want, too?
  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    RN, work 2 12's...awesome
  • gypsydreaming
    gypsydreaming Posts: 8 Member
    Manage twin 5 year olds by day, Passion Parties Gypsy by night...
  • third_time_lucky
    third_time_lucky Posts: 103 Member
    finally pleased to be able to say that i draw for a living :)
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    I am a professional classical and jazz musician. But my path here has been "interesting". Started out as a musician, got a PhD in Psych, became a Psychiatric Social Worker. Hated it. Went into I.T. Was an I.T. manager/director for almost 30 years. Got VERY tired of it. Retired from than and returned to music.
  • soleilxo
    soleilxo Posts: 202
    im a student and I also bartend and serve at a pub and restaurant :) right now since its summer I have a full time job with the canadian government and on weekends i still bartend lol :D
  • cadillacfrank
    cadillacfrank Posts: 68 Member
    I waste genius for a living
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    Sonographer (Ultrasound Tech) at an OB/GYN office now and used to be a funeral director/embalmer.

    My wife is an MFM (high risk OB). A good sonographer is worth their weight in gold!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I waste genius for a living

    :laugh: You're not the only one.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I design clothing... no its not as exciting as you think.

    I think it's a neat job, though. I watched Project Runway for several seasons even though I can't even sew a button onto a shirt. I guess I just like the artistry of it.

    Ya, its basically nothing like that at all...lol. School was like that, in the industry they plop u infront of a computer and u get to "sketch" there. I like my job, I just don't love the industry anymore.

    Hm, trying to figure out if I'd enjoy sketching out designs all day, but I shouldn't bother, because I can't do that anymore than I can sew! So you sketch a new idea, and show it to someone, and they tell you whether they want something like that or not? Or do they tell you what they want, too?

    They say what they are looking for, I research it, sketch it by hand, gets approved by my boss, sketch on computer, approved again, put onto a layout, approved again, then I do a tech pack, make changes, etc etc.
    It's sportswear so it's not incredibly exciting, but its a good work environment, a great company and closer to home. I should stop being such a whiner. lol.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Marine Infantry officer