Gamers Unite



  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    Currently playing Skyrim under cover of darkness while the children are asleep. I'm always looking for new gamer friends, so feel free to add.

    Don't like my jiggly parts shaking in front of strangers at the gym, so I shake them at home with Zumba for the kinect and Wii Fit.

    Off to try and get my little girl to yell "fus ro dah."

    Ive heard and read amazing things about this game! Getting it ASAP
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member

    looking forward to the Game of Thrones RPG, even though I'm hearing that it sucks

    I am a huge AGOT fan and agree the RPG may not be the best but there is a great board game and card game though! (If you like the theme)

    heard its not worth the money from several friends and even on the radio
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of xbox gamers here, not many PS3 folk like myself it would seem. Just finished Skyrim which was awesome and am looking for my next game. Any suggestions? Haven't played much this year as Skyrim had taken over my life.

    Please feel free to add me.

    <<~~PS3-girlie right here ;-)
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    QUESTION: Ive heard A LOT of wonderful things about Fitocracy but can I get it on my smartphone? I dont have an IPhone...
  • Sneakypeek1972
    Im a used to be wow addict (4 years playing)hence why ive put so much damned weight on lol, i still play MMO's just not as often i came to realise that it will always be there, so i got a life and im loving my daily exercises etc now, i play Tera online at the mo maybe 3 days a week maybe less :)
  • Thaelvyn
    Thaelvyn Posts: 67
    I'm a gamer as well=) I play LOL and runescape mainly. Feel free to add me.

    I'm am currently looking at yoga balls, resistance bands, and hulahooping. :P

    Haha! You play on one game I used to work on, and the other one I am currently working on it :)

    Good luck with your exercises!

    You used to work for jagex? lol. And thank you, I'm hoping switching to low resistance exercises will help me prevent fractures.
    Do you play them or just work on them? And what do you plan on doing to lose weight?

    No, I used to work for Goa, before Riot took over (or ,ore exactly, took back) League of Legends. I was mainly focusing on Warhammer Online at the time. I am now at Jagex.

    I played Everquest 1 for over 9 years, with short stops to try other MMOs ;). I am not really playing MMOs anymore though, or computer games in general, mostly because I realised that once I sit in front of the computer and launch a game, my day/evening is over and I won't do anything else.

    My current plan to lose weight is mostly: "eat less and exercise more". I always cook my food from basic ingredients (make my own bread and sometimes cheese...) so I don't have many "burger king" cravings :)
    I have removed all cheese from my daily intake, and watch closely the calories, but I am kind of always hungry ;). Trying to compensate with tea / water.

    Exercise wise, I do roughly 5 hours of hiking every week-end and 3 times a week about 60 minutes on the exercise bike. I will try and fit in some strength exercises (lifting weigh) in-between the cardio ones, to see how it works.

    Game wise, for all the Skyrim lovers, you should try "Mount & Blade: Warband". RPG, open world, and you set your own goals, you want to be king of the realm, you do it, or you become trader, mercenary, merchant, spy,... anything :) It's a bit old but very good. (PC game)
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Maaaaan, all this WoW talk is driving me crazy. Haven't logged in for about a week and right now the icon is sat on my desktop and I can see it right there luring me... MUST. RESIST. :(
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of xbox gamers here, not many PS3 folk like myself it would seem. Just finished Skyrim which was awesome and am looking for my next game. Any suggestions? Haven't played much this year as Skyrim had taken over my life.

    Please feel free to add me.

    Yea I'm a ps3 person. I "finished" skyrim as well but still doing the quests and all that stuff....waiting for the dlc :-)

    I pre ordered the new hitman and it comes with the code for the sniper challenge which is super fun!!! Anyone else try it?
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    I'm a gamer too, feel free to add! I mostly play MMO's! Dying for GW2 OMG!!!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Oh wow, someone who worked on developing League is on MFP?

    Awesome :happy: You did some great work!
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    Maaaaan, all this WoW talk is driving me crazy. Haven't logged in for about a week and right now the icon is sat on my desktop and I can see it right there luring me... MUST. RESIST. :(

    LOL, as I log in right now >.< I've been playing off an on since Vanilla....but this xpac has to be the worst! Did you play the beta for MoP? I'm still in the air as to whether or not I'm going to bother....but we all know I will....I mean Pandas so cute! The monk was a bad *kitten* class I enjoyed messing on beta with it....but overall the game just seems to be getting worse. I HATE the new talent tree they are implementing! I was like WTF....Bring back the old trees...sometimes playing a hybrid is just way more fun! LOL!
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member

    Game wise, for all the Skyrim lovers, you should try "Mount & Blade: Warband". RPG, open world, and you set your own goals, you want to be king of the realm, you do it, or you become trader, mercenary, merchant, spy,... anything :) It's a bit old but very good. (PC game)

    This absolutely sounds promising. Thx for the tip :-)

    I can't play mmos anymore either. Ffxi was mine....the day was gone before you knew it. Didn't seem right lol
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Classic SArcade games..Defender, Robotron, Dig-Dug, asteroids. No modern game comes even close to 'defender'; for sheer skill and dexterity...and defender made it's entry in 1978.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Used to play a lot of Final Fantasy and other ps2 games. Still enjoy games, but mainly do Second Life now, which is not so much a game as a virtual reality, with games and roleplay within.
  • Dree3
    Dree3 Posts: 54 Member
    Long-time PC gamer, started with BBS doors, moved onto Ultima Online, a bunch of MMOs in between, and now WoW. Also loved the hell out of Skyrim, Silent Hill 1 & 2, the Mass Effect series (until.. you know...), pretty much every Valve game ever, and occasionally some Killing Floor. Looking forward to trying out GW2. I play tabletop RPGs as well! Add me if you like.
  • archadtz
    archadtz Posts: 33 Member
    I am a geek (computer programmer) and gamer!

    I refuse to get into WOW... my husband is currently lost in there somewhere. He has been missing for a year. If anyone sees him, can you please let me know???

    I do enjoy xbox 360 COD - Black Ops - zombies and multiplayer - if anyone wants to join me from time to time? I usually play 2-3 times a week... My tag is Archadtz
  • Lam75
    Lam75 Posts: 72
    Anyone play Lord of the Rings online? Lotro addict here, add me if you like :o) If any of you haven't tried it I would highly recommend a look, especially if you are a Tolkien nut like me!
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    I am a geek (computer programmer) and gamer!

    I refuse to get into WOW... my husband is currently lost in there somewhere. He has been missing for a year. If anyone sees him, can you please let me know???

    I do enjoy xbox 360 COD - Black Ops - zombies and multiplayer - if anyone wants to join me from time to time? I usually play 2-3 times a week... My tag is Archadtz

    If you know what server, which side he's on, and what his character name is, we could send out search parties. ;)
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    WoW for 6 years, quit for 7 months now.

    SWTOR for a while but quit and thinking about playing again.

    Thinking about GW2 when it's released.