Muscle weight???



  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Please don't get mad because I don't understand. I am just confused by some of the posts on here. I am set at a deficit. I have lost 21 pounds while doing a mix of cardio and weight lifting. If I can't build muscle at a deficit then how come I can see the muscles in my arm that were not there before? I use to flex and it felt like marshmallow. I can see the muscle now and feel it.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    OP you really need to log everything you eat and drink, to be really sure that you are on a deficit.

    Log absolutely everything, ensure you are at a deficit and if nothing shifts after two weeks, you need to recap.
    Yeah, I also noticed a lot of blanks in your food diary.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Please don't get mad because I don't understand. I am just confused by some of the posts on here. I am set at a deficit. I have lost 21 pounds while doing a mix of cardio and weight lifting. If I can't build muscle at a deficit then how come I can see the muscles in my arm that were not there before? I use to flex and it felt like marshmallow. I can see the muscle now and feel it.

    You see the muscle due to lowering of body fat.

    You also got rid of the fat, and now have primarily muscle.. instead of fat and muscle.

    If you were building new muscle tissue, then you would be gaining fat along with the muscle.. but since you have lost 21 pounds, there is no way you are building new muscle tissue.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Please don't get mad because I don't understand. I am just confused by some of the posts on here. I am set at a deficit. I have lost 21 pounds while doing a mix of cardio and weight lifting. If I can't build muscle at a deficit then how come I can see the muscles in my arm that were not there before? I use to flex and it felt like marshmallow. I can see the muscle now and feel it.

    You see the muscle due to lowering of body fat.

    You also got rid of the fat, and now have primarily muscle.. instead of fat and muscle.

    If you were building new muscle tissue, then you would be gaining fat along with the muscle.. but since you have lost 21 pounds, there is no way you are building new muscle tissue.

    Thanks! Although there are a ton of articles all over the web saying this is incorrect and some saying it is correct. So who knows. Guess I will ask my doctor on my next visit and see what he says.
  • biggerpix
    biggerpix Posts: 96
    OP you really need to log everything you eat and drink, to be really sure that you are on a deficit.

    Log absolutely everything, ensure you are at a deficit and if nothing shifts after two weeks, you need to recap.
    Yeah, I also noticed a lot of blanks in your food diary.

    I don't eat. If I take in less than 500 calories and work out a lot, I loose weight. If I eat normally, I gain. If I eart normally, I will gain 5 pounds a day and be 200 pounds by the end of the month. I won't do it. It's driving me crazy and the first thought I have every morning is "I shoud have thrown up last night". No one hears me saying this is driving me crazy. I'm so afraid of getting fat again that I will and can and have given serious thought to becoming anorexic...hence I'm begging for help. I'm sick of the morning torture of trying on things that fit 3 days ago and feeling how tight they've gotten so quickly.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    OP you really need to log everything you eat and drink, to be really sure that you are on a deficit.

    Log absolutely everything, ensure you are at a deficit and if nothing shifts after two weeks, you need to recap.
    Yeah, I also noticed a lot of blanks in your food diary.

    I don't eat. If I take in less than 500 calories and work out a lot, I loose weight. If I eat normally, I gain. If I eart normally, I will gain 5 pounds a day and be 200 pounds by the end of the month. I won't do it. It's driving me crazy and the first thought I have every morning is "I shoud have thrown up last night". No one hears me saying this is driving me crazy. I'm so afraid of getting fat again that I will and can and have given serious thought to becoming anorexic...hence I'm begging for help. I'm sick of the morning torture of trying on things that fit 3 days ago and feeling how tight they've gotten so quickly.

    Sounds like you need some professional help if you are thinking about becoming anorexic and throwing up food.

    There is no way in hell though that you can gain 5 pounds a day. A pound equates to 3500 calories.. so unless you eat 17,500 calories extra in food and drink every day, you will not gain 5 pounds a day.

    Weight fluctuates.. and what you are doing to your body is not healthy.

    Get help.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    You need to see a physician and not seek advice from an Internet forum. If you are at the point considering anorexia you have crossed a threshold that no one here is qualified enough to help you with. Good luck to you and I hope you do seek professional help.
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I know that everyone is different but I have been eating very clean around 2,000 calories and lifting, limited cardio lately. I just want to put on muscle weight and maybe have put on a pound of it in the past few weeks. Muscle weight is very hard to put on and it takes a long time.

    I looked at your diary and it's bad. You aren't logging everything.
  • morgan9
    morgan9 Posts: 22
    You need to see a physician and not seek advice from an Internet forum. If you are at the point considering anorexia you have crossed a threshold that no one here is qualified enough to help you with. Good luck to you and I hope you do seek professional help.


    Also, there are groups for eating disorders from people who have/had them on this site. Used in conjunction with therapy, community is helpful.

    Please seek help. Your self worth is not tied to your weight.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Cardio doesn't build muscle, it builds endurance.

    In fact, Cardio will usually burn muscle along with the fat


    Easy just to say rubbish without backing up your claim

    Here's why cadio can often burn muscle...

    Your body transfers into a state of mass catabolism just to maintain energy output levels. It has burnt through the energy assigned for standard exercise and now needs an external outlet to keep the ball rolling. The body begins to feed off its own muscle cells as a key source of energy.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    OP you really need to log everything you eat and drink, to be really sure that you are on a deficit.

    Log absolutely everything, ensure you are at a deficit and if nothing shifts after two weeks, you need to recap.
    Yeah, I also noticed a lot of blanks in your food diary.

    I don't eat. If I take in less than 500 calories and work out a lot, I loose weight. If I eat normally, I gain. If I eart normally, I will gain 5 pounds a day and be 200 pounds by the end of the month. I won't do it. It's driving me crazy and the first thought I have every morning is "I shoud have thrown up last night". No one hears me saying this is driving me crazy. I'm so afraid of getting fat again that I will and can and have given serious thought to becoming anorexic...hence I'm begging for help. I'm sick of the morning torture of trying on things that fit 3 days ago and feeling how tight they've gotten so quickly.

    Everyone needs to eat.

    You are not a biological freak, we are all roughly the same, and what works for other people will work for you. No one, absolutely no one gains 5lbs of fat in one day. You are water retaining because your body is messed up from being starved. You need to eat, proper food, in proper quantities, or you are going to be ill, and you will never achieve the body you want. Eat vegetables, healthy fats (olive and flax oils), salads, fruit, protein.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Cardio doesn't build muscle, it builds endurance.

    In fact, Cardio will usually burn muscle along with the fat


    Easy just to say rubbish without backing up your claim

    Here's why cadio can often burn muscle...

    Your body transfers into a state of mass catabolism just to maintain energy output levels. It has burnt through the energy assigned for standard exercise and now needs an external outlet to keep the ball rolling. The body begins to feed off its own muscle cells as a key source of energy.

    Your body wants to burn fat. It doesn't start burning muscle until you are very very low on fat reserves. The "energy assigned to standard exercise" is glycogen, you burn through that in about half an hour, then you start on fat. Unless you are running 4 hours a day, and not eating enough, you aren't going to start burning muscle. I have grown a huge amount of leg muscle by running in the past 2 years. I run about 20 miles a week, off road. I don't do any other leg exercise, so it is definitely from the running. Sure, olympic marathon runners don't have much muscle, but they do it on purpose to be as light as possible. Normal runners have pretty muscly legs.
  • Madelinew22
    Madelinew22 Posts: 289
    Cardio doesn't build muscle, it builds endurance.

    In fact, Cardio will usually burn muscle along with the fat


    Actually that's true that's why I never do more then 40 mins a day of cardio and right after I weight train to help out the muscles.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Cardio doesn't build muscle, it builds endurance.

    In fact, Cardio will usually burn muscle along with the fat


    Actually that's true that's why I never do more then 40 mins a day of cardio and right after I weight train to help out the muscles.

    It just isn't true, sorry. You don't really start burning fat properly until you have been exercising 30 minutes. Of course it depends on your definition of cardio. If you are pottering along on an elliptical trainer you aren't doing anything to your muscles, but as an off road runner, I assure you my muscles get a very good work out. I am going to have to post a photo of my legs, I think, to prove my point. I don't weight train my legs at all (I do circuits which help arm strength, but not legs so much), and I have properly defined, very visibly distinct calf and thigh muscles.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    bump for later
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I don't weight train my legs at all (I do circuits which help arm strength, but not legs so much), and I have properly defined, very visibly distinct calf and thigh muscles.

    This just means that you are at a low BF%. Definition in itself means nothing.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Please don't get mad because I don't understand. I am just confused by some of the posts on here. I am set at a deficit. I have lost 21 pounds while doing a mix of cardio and weight lifting. If I can't build muscle at a deficit then how come I can see the muscles in my arm that were not there before? I use to flex and it felt like marshmallow. I can see the muscle now and feel it.

    You can build a small amount of muscle when in a deficit. This is because even in a deficit you are not always in a deficit, there are periods where you are actually in a surplus. Leangains and other calorie cycling diets are based on this priciple. However this is a horribly inefficient process and gains are tiny.

    But you can increase the energy supply to muscles even in a deficit without actually building any new muscle, which will make muscles appear bigger and feel solid. But this is a transient condition, quit lifting for a while and it will go away. Lifting and an elevated protein intake will cause your C-P system to increase its capacity (the exact same thing that taking Creatine causes), mostly just pumping your muscles full of water, the same is true with glycogen, your muscles will store more glycogen for use. Again this is pretty much just pumping your muscles full of water. This is lean weight and it will cause your muscles to increase in size, but this is limited, it will only occur over a short time (few months) before it is maxed out, and it will go away of you quit lifting for a while.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    To the OP, how tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    (To gain 5lbs a day you would have to eat a surplus of 17,500 cal daily - I suspect most sumo wrestlers don't eat that much......please see a doctor)
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Cardio doesn't build muscle, it builds endurance.

    In fact, Cardio will usually burn muscle along with the fat


    Easy just to say rubbish without backing up your claim

    Here's why cadio can often burn muscle...

    Your body transfers into a state of mass catabolism just to maintain energy output levels. It has burnt through the energy assigned for standard exercise and now needs an external outlet to keep the ball rolling. The body begins to feed off its own muscle cells as a key source of energy.

    Your body wants to burn fat. It doesn't start burning muscle until you are very very low on fat reserves. The "energy assigned to standard exercise" is glycogen, you burn through that in about half an hour, then you start on fat. Unless you are running 4 hours a day, and not eating enough, you aren't going to start burning muscle. I have grown a huge amount of leg muscle by running in the past 2 years. I run about 20 miles a week, off road. I don't do any other leg exercise, so it is definitely from the running. Sure, olympic marathon runners don't have much muscle, but they do it on purpose to be as light as possible. Normal runners have pretty muscly legs.

    Sorry but that's completely not true. To build bigger and bigger muscles you must continue to increase the resistance - i.e add heavier weights. If you could build muscle purely by running then 20 year old olympic marathon runner Haile Gebrselassie with strong muscley legs would now as a 40 year old marathon runner after decades of running have legs the size of tree trunks! He hasn't - they are the same! Show me any top olympic marathon runners with huge legs, they won't have, they'll have slim defined legs with no fat coverage, showing off their relatively small leg muscles

    You simply can not build muscle on a calorie deficit, or without ever increasing resistance. Your cardio is most probably reducing your total fat percentage allowing you to see your nice defined leg muscles underneath
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    You can build a small amount of muscle when in a deficit. This is because even in a deficit you are not always in a deficit, there are periods where you are actually in a surplus.

    Very rare. Usually only newcomers can do that. It's the holy grail and even bodybuilders have to do it in cycles of bulking and cutting