

  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Well think about it....what do people do when they get together? Go to dinner, go to lunch, have coffee, make time for each other and stop making time for exercise. Relationships, at least in the US focus around FOOD. Celebrations focus around FOOD. Holidays focus around FOOD.

    Until people stop seeing food as some sort of reward or reason to spend time together, weight will be an issue.
    HUNGRYHIPPO68 Posts: 22 Member
    lol i like how you all blame your boyfriends. Did they force feed you crap? NO. Its just down to you all not being able to say no to junk and sitting around on your lazy arses all day not working out! :laugh:

    Hmmm yes and no lol my now hubby did not force me to eat crap I ate crap purely of my own doing as for lazy arses I was always active till my bike accident then I really started pileing on the weight
    But I am getting more active again its hard but I will get there
    We are what we eat simples really I am a Jam Rolly Poll with nuts in middle lol or should I was as now I wont have crap in house the only thing that will be allowed when hubby gets home on leave is his full fat coke which is still in fridge from when he left....
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    One hard and fast deal breaker rule I have now if I meet someone new is that they MUST be fit, active and eat really, really healthy and have a healthy lifestyle - not compromising on that the 2nd time around - it's way to important to me now.

    Would rather spend my time with someone hiking a beautiful trail, kayaking somewhere or exploring museums in the city than waiting in line to stuff our faces at the nearest Cheesecake Factory... food is just fuel to me now - no different than stopping the car to get gas on the way to the Grand Canyon...
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I would have to say that it is my own fault that I gained weight when we moved in together. I got out of the habit of eatting vegies, fruit and whole grain products. He won't eat any fruit, will only eat corn ON the cob and potatoes as far as vegies go, and his main food group is carbs featuring white bagels, kaiser rolls, hogie rolls, white rice and pasta. He only drinks ultra sweet tea (8-12 glasses per day), coffee (2 cups per day) with 4t sugar and Irish Cream flavored creamer, and orange gatoraid (24oz per day)....never just water. He might weigh 175. I got out of the habit of buying or cooking fresh vegies because I was gearing the meals towards him. He constantly snacks....pretzels, cookies, candy and sunflower seeds. He still won't eat fruits and vegies, but has accepted the whole grain instead of the white stuff. He has no interest in changing any of his eatting habits.

    I just got lazy about proper nutrition and ate the same as what was prepared for him. I gained 50 pounds and started having bad heartburn and acid reflux. Once I realized what was going on I got back into the fruits, vegies and whole grain. Once I lost 20 pounds and cleaned up my diet the heartburn and acid reflux went away. I felt even better when I started cutting back on the grain products and eatting more protein.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I just take care of myself. My wife will cook stuff that is good for me, and she likes too. She enjoys carbs which are a killer for me - so I just pass them on at the dinner table. All the other meals I control, so I am good. You might want to cook and freeze your own meals for pizza night.
    This. I worry about myself. Hubby is a great cook. I try to eat "right" for me within that. It's not always easy!
  • back2danni
    I know exactly what you mean! After moving in with my boyfriend I packed on an extra 20 pounds! Of course wanting to be a good woman, I was cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for him and when I wasn't cooking we were ordering things, like pizza, subs, chinese and all that stuff thats not good for you! another thing was my boyfriend loves pop which i can go with out drinking but for some reason I would drink some with him, on top of eating late! Needless to say I am unhappy with the weight gain while he has gained nothing! I think its so much easier to pack on those pounds with your mate because of comfortability and not remaining aware of the things we are consuming. Like you, my everyday life is so busy that I would tend to forget to eat somedays or end up eating one meal for the entire day while drinking lots of water (although that still isn't healthy) but that was my lifestyle before love Any who, It's weird how your lifestyle can be influenced in a such a way by something so simple. but I think if u and your boyfriend start working out together and make better choices in the food your consuming together, you will be just fine!!
    This is exactly what happened to me, even the 20 lbs! My boyfriend always comes home with chocolate and sweets. I just tell him if he wants me to stay super fit that he won't bring me anymore junk. That doesn't mean I dont treat myself every once in a while though. :)

    Yup I had to tell my boyfriend too like babe ur on ur own I can't gain another pound and fortunately he understands and is all for me getting fit as well, neither of us had actually stopped to realize the weight I had gained but once we did we both said its time to get back on the good foot! especially since we'll be planning our wedding soon :)
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    OH...FOR SURE.

    This happens to me all the time-especially when it comes to drinking. He'll make up something for me...or he'll say he wants desserts...

    On the other hand-I'm more prone to making desserts when he's around because I want to give him things he enjoys. He's got a football player build. Big, tall and muscular.

    I on the other hand put on a lot of weight when I first moved out here. It's come down a little but it's sure frustrating.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    My fiance is the worst influence ever. He can eat as much junk food as he wants and not gain a pound. The last 10 years of our relationship has been a test of my willpower...up until 6months ago he was winning...but now I have a good handle on saying no.
  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    I was on Zoloft too, it has having nasty effects on me, and I read about the weight gain issue and decided to stop it. That was it for me with that med, with any anti-depressant really. Medication is the reason I gained weight to begin with, I went from 140 to 204 in just a couple of months about 4 years ago. I went from 204-174 of hard work and diet, and the day I weighed in for 174, I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter. I think too, that my now husband attributes to my weight, he's always wanting to go out to eat, or order food from this place or that, and of course I agree because it sounds good! I have no support, and that's been my downfall. I've been off Zoloft now for 4-5 months, and on my hypothyroid medication for 7 months, I've lost 3 lbs so far since the medication change and all that. Yuck..
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    I'd like to rephrase that the "MY BF MAKES ME FAT" was more of an attention getter to the entire subject of how relationships bind people together and break themselves of a lot of habits (GOOD AND BAD)
    My guy has gained about 20 lbs, but he wasn't on meds. I LOVE cooking for other people. I don't really like cooking for just myself. I'm like a Mama Bear in that way :wink:

    I love the plate size recommendation. Our plates are pretty hefty and I think when my S.O. gets a hold of serving my plate, he tends to over do it without knowing. He has NO CLUE what portion sizes are. However, he looks like a starving pup when I give him an appropriate sized meal on our plates. (the white space illusion). So, THANKS EVERYONE FOR GREAT ADVICE.
    NOOOO I don't blame him, I just thought it was kinda funny how a lot of us change to mold with our love bugs. Haha, he blames me too for his love handles. I'm going to try and see if he will join MFP!
  • SaraBelle0312
    SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
    I forget to eat. I love to cook for us, but when he is gone (Navy Sailor) I just wanna eat stuff that requires no cooking at all or just not eat. He is also my workout buddy so I don't workout when he is gone.

    So in essence, I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOU :)
  • kaylarachellee
    kaylarachellee Posts: 201 Member
    I've been dating my boyfriend for 4 1/2 years. I was 142 when I started dating him... got up to 162... and now back down to 152.... 10 more pounds to go baby!

    Just eating together made me gain... He is ALWAYS hungry. :)
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    I totally agree! My boyfriend must eat 3500 calories to maintain his weight. He's 6'6 and very active. My diet is supposed to be 1600. While we mostly eat healthy, he eats frequently and pretty big quantities. I think my mind sees him eating so much and thinks that I can eat that much.
    I am kind of excited to see if I lose weight when I move 2 hours away from him. Like you, I noticed I eat way less when I am not around him. I've been trying to diet for 6 months and will do well for a few weeks and lose 10 lbs and then we go on vacation and I eat poorly and take a week or so to gain back motivation. I am very scared of when we move in together.
  • jennnnn2u
    jennnnn2u Posts: 133
    OMG, my boyfriend and I are terrible for each other! We both LOVE to eat and eating out is even better! When I decided to lose weight I had to get him on board. Luckily, he is diabetic so the benefits will help him even more than me and he was glad to diet as well.

    That being said...he still isn't very well and I often have to just stifle the temptation to eat what he is eating.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I love cooking too, and healthy food is actually more interesting/fun to make. I LOVE to make a big pot of healthy soup with lots of vegetables and protein. I am usually cooking for myself because we don't eat at the same time. Also, it's summer, start grilling! Eating out too often is the biggest offense for couples, IMHO!
  • starringmelissa
    My boyfriend has the biggest sweet tooth ever. Maybe I should just call it sweet teeth because if that man could just eat sugary stuff for breakfast lunch and dinner, he would ( and he could too because his job is very physical ). Its extremely difficult to have the sugary food around all the time so i tried to hide it from myself by making a "Candy Shoe Box". What seemed like a good idea has turned into a disaster because now all the sugary stuff is in one easy to locate spot.

    While I do not hold my boyfriend responsible for my weight in any way, i think the best course of action at least in my case will be to ask him to not have the candy box out and around. In fact, put that thing on a shelf out of my 5 foot 7 reach zone.

    The other issue is he LOVES hot pockets, burritos, chicken nuggets, chips.....anything my calorie counter would crack over. I've evaded his hot pockets by deaming them "Butt Pockets" (because they just smell off...I can't put my finger on what it is but whatever it is makes my microwave smell ick-tastic).

    I'm not sure how to handle the frozen excitement in my freezer yet. I'm thinking maybe reorganizing his stuff behind my healthy stuff? I don't want to make food consumption inconvenient for him, but maybe it would deter him from eating crap as well.
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    I do blame my ex for a gain of about 15kg of the 28kg that I've gained (and lost 21) in the last 12 years. The reason was that she ate junk food (chocolates, chips, sweets etc) e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e.d.a.y. She would offer me these foods. Initially it was nice living in a candy store. Sweets and stuff that I normally wouldn't eat. Then of course the weight gain. It took me a while to train myself to say no every time she offered. Sadly it was the reason why we broke up, I decided that I didn't want to see her die an early death, I'd been through that with someone else that I dated and it had an enduring effect on my mood.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    i tend to forget to eat when my husband is not around, and also eat less, he likes to have a full meal, with a variety of sides, but i'm fine with just eating something small when i am alone
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    I don't actually eat any differently whether my husband is around or not. That being said, I did gain about 40 lbs gradually when we first started dating. That was 13 years ago though... I think when people are happy and not paying attention that the pounds do sneak in.